A guided missile struck the WTC moments after the air strike on the South Tower, however false evidence presented by Jack White and Christopher Bollyn, a gif animation titled the Japanese Object, and the lack of smoke or any plume of dust on the NY skyline at the appropriate time muddied the waters!
As the second jet rammed its target “that was an explosion,” says Stephen McArdle a tax consultant from inside the Marriot Hotel, he was taping as part of an FBI sting operation, then comes a longer and much louder explosion, the second explosion was the detonation of the missile’s warhead. Greg Smith 2002.
As the second jet rammed its target “that was an explosion,” says Stephen McArdle a tax consultant from inside the Marriot Hotel, he was taping as part of an FBI sting operation, then comes a longer and much louder explosion, the second explosion was the detonation of the missile’s warhead. Greg Smith 2002.
At left the Japanese Object gif - Right the WTC Floor Plan.
The side on view above, says the Japanese Object would need to be on an entirely different flight path were it going to impact anywhere near the towers!
Jack White’s 911 Studies.
The demolition wave visible in profile in the frames at left in Jack White's montage above, means the images were taken at the start of the collapse of the South Tower at 10:00 am not at 9:04 as stated.
Christopher Bollyn @ American Free Press: A massive explosion devastated World Trade Center 6 the eight story US Customs Building immediately after United Airlines Flight 175 smashed into the South Tower at about 9:03 am, the flame in the photos of the mysterious burning object passing through the South Tower, is almost pure white and leaves a dark trail, is this the burning remnant of a DU penetrator.
Reply: The flaming wreckage Bollyn says might be a DU penetrator, is thought to be an engine and a brightly burning magnesium wheel rim, part of the landing gear of the plane that struck the ST, which had a different trajectory than the missile, as well the shot above shows WTC 6 was still undamaged after the collapse of the South Tower!
The gif animation compiled from Evan Fairbanks video taken in NY on the morning of the attacks, is cropped before the missile, which is on the correct trajectory to cause the gash pictured at ground level east of the North Tower, streaks into view.
That there was minimal smoke and dust attests to the nature of modern armaments.