No announcement yet.
Voat - July 12, 2024..
This is a sticky topic.
Directed Energy Weapons Burning Homes to Ash - Forensic Arborist Robert Brame shows his evidence .. that you see burn patterns at right angles and unexplained changes from burned to unburned areas are also a clue
MartinTimothy 19 January 2025
Pay NO attention to the MSM shaming...the CIA pays them to browbeat you and censor you. Believe your own eyes.Evolutionists ADMITTED Christians Were Right, But There’s Still One Big Problem
MartinTimothy 19 January 2025
The Martian King - A carved bust photographed in Gusev Crater on Mars by NASA's Spirit Rover in 2008, shows a robed figure wearing a crown.
That he could pass for a modern man turns Charles Darwin's Descent of Man pdf on its head, as well it refutes Adam and Eve and the notion men evolved from Ethiopian ape brutes.A.I.D.S Was Man Made!
MartinTimothy 19 January 2025
"William Cooper was killed on November 5th 2001 by "law" enforcement."
William Cooper Was Killed in a Confrontation with Police.
Apache County Deputy Sheriff Robert Marinez Sues.
Wanted Arizona Militia Figure William Cooper Shot.
Bill Cooper was not murdered, a former naval intelligence op and radio host he was shot dead by Sheriff's Deputies in Eagar, Arizona Nov. 6, 2001, after he had fired first critically wounding one of their number, while they were in the process of serving a late nite warrant, in response to his having pulled a gun in a supermarket parking lot, and having acted in a threatening manner toward a local doctor.
The bottom line is if you are gonna fire at police or in this case Sheriff's Deputies you should know what to expect, he went off of the rails and was shot down. Jews did 9/11.bad deal
MartinTimothy 18 January 2025
Commercials on YouTube in particular have reached critical level.. the recent rocket launch disaster was a case in point with commercial breaks every fifty or so seconds, the commercials themselves are just as bad .. some wog stuffing a hamburger into his face or some Jew sounding dame shrieking in yr ear .. which has basically priced the whole thing out of the market.
Fraud Gamer Musk has Total Meltdown, Leaks DMs and Takes Blue Check in Response to Being Called Out
MartinTimothy 18 January 2025
I am beginning to wonder whether the entire Musk file is illusion .. like how does he find time to be an accomplished gamer as the op suggests, as well as bombarding X with commentary 24/7, running the Starlink project, the electric car factory and acting as an adviser to Donald Trump .. is it all AI imagery, and if so is Elon just a front man for whom??The weaponisation of anti-Semitism in Australia
RoxannaHardbutt 17 January 2025
Jews incensed by the license granted in the Talmud, perpetrated the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks upon the United States, there were no hijackers the planes that struck the WTC Towers were piloted by remote control, using hardware developed by Rabbi Dov Zakheim, who with Zionists Jerome Hauer and Michael Chertoff engineered the whole project.
WTC Second Plane.
Cruise Missile at the Pentagon on 911.
Thousands of Jews were absent from the WTC Towers on the day after warnings were distributed via telephone messages, by the Odigo Hebrew language messaging service, and from the pulpit of New York synagogues the Friday before, who watched the immolation of their co workers on live television .. that is a good enough reason to hate Jews.
Whoever owing allegiance to the United States levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death. US Code § 2381 - Treason.
Since Jews attacked the US on 911 AntiSemitism is a patriotic duty and a moral responsibility, see the current conflict as a struggle between US and Talmudic Law, thus true patriots will continue to demand millions of Jews with every member of the political, law enforcement and media lobbies - that means Donald Trump - that support the deception, be brought to arrest, trial and execution as 911 traitors under US Law, while they will carry on doing what they will under the aegis of the Talmud .. we are gonna see who wins out.
In superb irony the Queensland and Australian Governments have provided safe haven in Brisbane, to TerrorGrüppe Kurzberg the Celebrating Jews of 911 and the Mossad cell that spawned them since the day of the outrage .. hang the lot. Link.
MartinTimothy 17 January 2025
It feels as though every instance of graffiti being spray-painted somewhere in the country triggers an entire day of solemn reflection, accompanied by a steady stream of interviews from politicians and representatives of Jewish lobby groups painting a picture of a nation where, apparently, Jews are in constant danger. NoticerNews.
Kristallnacht Was a Jewish False Flag.
Jew Arrested After Posting Swastikas.
Jew Caught Spray Painting Swastikas.
Israeli Indicted for Hate Crimes Against Jews.
Jew Spray Paints Swastikas on his Own Home.
Jew Behind New York's Rash of Swastika Graffiti.
Jews Arrested Over Swastika Graffiti on Synagogues.
Jews Commit AntiSemitic Hate Crimes on Themselves.
Winnipeg Jews Stage "Brazen" AntiSemitic Hate Crime.
Jewish Woman Busted Scrawling Swastikas in Brooklyn.
Jews Arrested for Painting Swastikas on Israel Consulate.
Bogus Hate Crimes & Politically Charged Fictitious Horrors.
Jew Admits He Lied About Being Stabbed in an AntiSemitic Attack.
Jew Painted Swastikas on Her Own Door then Cried AntiSemitism.
Israeli Teenager Who Threatened Jewish Community Centers Indicted.
Jews stage False Flag hate crimes against themselves and blame inherent AntiSemitism, it has been going on for a long time. Darkmoon: Fake AntiSemitism Manufactured by Jews.Calls for Aussies to pay voluntary reparations ahead of 'Invasion Day'
MartinTimothy 17 January 2025
"The country's Indigenous population" should send a bill to the Brits, they are the ones who turned up on these shores and started planting flags and cutting down trees ..
The Khazars & the Jews - Prior to the Hebrew conversion the Ashkenazi worshiped Arion the Horse God, offspring of the violent and incestuous union between Poseidon and his beautiful sister Demeter ..
MartinTimothy 17 January 2025
Long had he lusted after her for her beauty, and aware she would change form and gallop across the Earth as a wonderful mare he sent spies to watch her, when they reported she was in that form he changed himself into a stallion and raped her, the fierce eye of the Quarter Horse is the inheritance of Arion.
Eisenhower's Rhine Meadows Death Camps.
11 Million Germans Were Murdered After WWII.
9-15 Million Germans Killed Post WW2 1945 – 1953.
Post WW2 Jews Murdered Poles & Took Power in Poland.
The Real Holocaust of WW2 – 15 Million Germans Slaughtered.
Genocide of the Ethnic Germans in Jugoslavia 1944 – 1948 pdf.
Other Losses - The Genocide of 7m Germans, by James Bacque.
The Masses of Corpses at Dachau & Buchenwald Were Dead German Soldiers.
Video: 1945, The Savage Peace by Peter Molloy - 12 Million Ethnic Germans Murdered Post WW2.
The Forgotten Soldier by Guy Sajer - Genocide of German POWs at the Rheinwiesenlager Camps pdf, Unz Review.
Jews perpetrated genocide upon the German ppl not the other way around.
Understand this, the so called Jews who wielded the power in Germany under Nazism and in the Soviet Union under Communism are not even Jews, they were horse breeders from Kazakhstan who became Jews when their King embraced Judaism in the 8th Century.
Who were a mob of poltroons anyway, who fled west rather than face Genghis Khan in battle in 1220 or so AD, thereafter to establish the Askenazi presence in Western Europe. Edit.
If you want to look more closely at it you will see the explosion of equine statuary world wide, indicates the Ashkenazi sham conversion to Judah is to be abandoned as they return to the religion of their forbears.MartinTimothy 17 January 2025
Not at all, you've got it all wrong .. true Jews are guided by the Pentateuch being the first five books of the Bible, which at no time grant license to do as these fake Jews do under the aegis of the Talmud. That the Jews themselves rejected it out of hand from the very beginning is well referenced in the Bible, while for the most part at least they continue to hold it in contempt to this day.
Despite I acknowledge that JC was a well meaning individual, I reject the notion that Jews are "God's Chosen Ppl," and care not for Jewish history nor the Jewish Pantheon, comprising as it does the long list of Jew heroes and prophets. Edit.
So I say the legends accompanying those figures found their way onto the human record thru revelation from God, no less than did the afore mentioned Pentateuch and Koran. Edit.Thomas Sheridan Psychology Lecture Art & Consciousness - Sheridan says just what a psychopath is and that they routinely morph into serial killers, he says most psychos you meet will be in the family home that the condition is incurable & that the only defense is to get as far from them as possible
MartinTimothy 15 January 2025
Thomas Sheridan is a Satanist with links to the Process Church of The Final Judgement, that is believed to carry out human sacrifice.From the Medical Marijuana Clinic - "Under Australian regulations our doctors require a GP referral to continue providing plant based medication care .. yeah but before I give any doctor the time of day I want to know if h or s has ever murdered anyone either as an abortion or euthanasia provider
MartinTimothy 15 January 2025
I have been on the record all of my life that since statute law is unworkable in relation to abortion and euthanasia killing, the offenders should be brought to trial under Islamic Law which absolutely provides the death penalty for both crimes.MartinTimothy 16 January 2025
You are right about waiting months .. I had a valid prescription for medical marijuana whereas since November last year, when I took it into the pharmacy they refused to honor the prescription saying "you are over yr monthly limit come back in December."
Then in December they told me "yes you have a prescription but it is out of date so you don't get any," so I said ok I'll make another appointment.. they said the next available time was 16 January which is today .. thus they texted me late yesterday afternoon that I need a referral
If I knew where to find a dealer I would definitely see him .. I am a 74 yo cancer patient the cancers and the treatments are very painful, I do not take pharmaceutical drugs of any kind and the mara is the only stuff that keeps me upright.. thanx for the reply HAND .
Coles to stop selling kitchen knives in supermarkets across Australia after Ipswich worker stabbed
MartinTimothy 15 January 2025
Yeah .. hitherto kitchen knives were not permitted to have sharp points, they had to have an angled point that was not suitable as a weapon .. when that law was repealed there was a great deal of yuk-yuks and stuff about "stupid laws" in the Zionist press, as well we know most domestic stabbing murders are by kitchen knives.Vale Simon Townsend Jan. 14, 2025 at age 79 yrs From Cancer - As well as his commitment to children's television, he is remembered for in 1967 refusing to be conscripted at the height of Australia's involvement in the Vietnam War for which he spent 28 days in Sydney's Long Bay Jail .. RIP
MartinTimothy 15 January 2025
Simon Townsend was one of the good guysMore evidence LBJ had JFK killed at the behest of the kike.
MartinTimothy 15 January 2025
The Warren Commission was a vehicle for obfuscation ..
Jean Hill saw what happened but when she tried to bring up the subject of a gun being fired in the car at the the Warren Commission, Senator Arlen Spector would change the subject or say "it's time for a cup of coffee." Link.
Ohhhhh Coretta March 22, 2009.
The MLK's & Warhol on the Grassy Knoll.
Lyndon Baines Johnson despite his wretched treason was a "bit player" although there was indeed Jewish involvement, witness the Hertz Rentacar Banner that was placed in a conspicuous position a short time prior, the actual US treason began with the CIA and the FBI, not to mention the Dallas Police and Kennedy's own family.
GW & GHW Bush in Dallas, Nov. 22, 1963.
And continued under the tutelage of George HW Bush who was at the scene of the crime in company with his son George W Bush, both of whom we say fired on the President from the Grassy Knoll .. as well GHW Bush is said to have engineered the March 30, 1981, assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan. Edit.
The Assassination of John F Kennedy.Cons claim ID verification will end porn on web. Obviously they don't want to just make all porn illegal and keep internet free
MartinTimothy 15 January 2025
At one time twenty or more yrs ago some of the material was fairly benign, lezzo porn in particular was by beautiful well made up actresses, while CP consisted of young Ukrainian girls who were nude certainly but there was no sex.
Hentai porn that was all CGI in any case and was mostly good humored, has been shut down and replaced by pure filth - here we mean fat assed broads taking it up the rectum, torture and violence.
While the same upwards of thirty yr old images of LS babes on the CP sites, of which there is only one anyway, are recycled endlessly .. sure there were some good babes among them, but there haven't been any new entries for just as long .. close it down.So many books written by "death camp Holocaust survivors". Not many written by Dresden Death City survivors because they ACTUALLY died.
MartinTimothy 15 January 2025
The most credible singular account of the gassings was penned by George Soros .. read on.
The Holocaust was a Zionist plot to eliminate those Jews who remained true to the Divine Covenant, by which Allah assures Jews the Messiah will appear, whose purpose will be to restore the fortunes of the Jewish people and to establish the nation state of Israel, it exhorts them to patience until that time comes.
In the video Danger Zone for Trucks in Czech Republic, driver Harry Stam takes us thru deserted towns and villages we say the former inhabitants of which were the Sudetenland Germans, whose ancestors had been sent there by usurper Catherine the Great in the 18th Century, who were with the Volga Germans, other pockets of relocated Germans in Poland and the Gypsy ppl the principle victims of the H'caust.
This model does not deny Jews were gassed .. it relies on the testimony of former WW2 RAAF Bomber Pilot Moshe Dyan Kaplan who claims to be a Pharisee, who says his Amsterdam family emerged unscathed and that the Jews who were gassed were called "Cheesies," as well he gave to understand that as far as he was concerned they were neither missed nor mourned.
And that of Katherine Schweitzer the only survivor of a Jewish family of fourteen, arrested in Budapest in 1944 by a Jew member of Horsha the Hungarian thug police and deported to Auschwitz, who said in an interview with Australian 60 Minutes reporter Richard Carleton in the 1990's, the Jew who arrested her family was living a few doors up on the same street in Sydney.
Her murdered body was discovered in a wheely bin inside her high security Sydney apartment building December 28, 2006, four weeks after we put her story onto an email that went to every member of both houses of the Australian Federal Parliament and the Israeli Knesset, as well as to thousands of other e addresses world wide.
According to Alex Jones George Soros then in his teen years "cataloged" the possessions of Jews deported from Budapest at that time, we say he was "hands on" in her case.
Q: So why did so many Jews die at Auschwitz?
We say there weren't that many, the ones who went in because they refused to toe the Zionist line a la Katherine Schweitzer's family were gassed as soon as they got off the train. The others were Jewish criminals who had been legally arrested, tried and convicted who became the camp elite and did the "dirty work," who dressed in jackboots and prison cloth replicas of the SS Guard's uniforms.
The source is a book penned by Hungarian Jew George Soros that turned up in paperback form in the early 1970's, it had a man in a concentration camp setting in striped prison dress armed with a Luger pistol on the cover.
It started with a youngish man well connected and from a "good" family who was completely taken in by the propaganda of the day, he was a Talmudist Jew and was aware Jews posing as Russians and Germans had all of Europe in their thrall .. he participated in the arrest of Jews and their relocation to Auschwitz, as well he accompanied the deportees to their destination where he knew they were to be gassed.
Understand this the so called Jews who wielded the power and that means the author who we say was indeed Soros are not even Jews, they were horse breeders from Kazakhstan who became Jews when their King embraced Judaism in the 8th Century.
So the impetus to the slaughter of real Jews came from their direction and was to forward their own genocidal agenda, all under the aegis of the Talmud which was penned by a master Zionist who claimed to have prevailed in a debate with Allah.
And related anyone making a fuss was executed on the spot out of the line of sight by an SS Officer with an air pistol, he said the old and infirm went into reefer vans which were sealed before the exhaust was fed in killing the lot, that the others were paraded between two close ranks of similar Jewish guards into the gas chamber.
Gas Chamber Entrance.
His description of the sloping concrete ramp leading to the entrance exactly tallies with the footage in the Fred Leuchter video. He went on to say he made numerous trips from Hungary to Poland, and said on one occasion he was nearly gassed himself when he tarried in the wrong place, and only escaped the cordon when an acquaintance let him thru.
Jews infiltrated German politics then perped the Holocaust in the name of the German ppl, like they infiltrated US politics perped 911 then established the bogus War on Terror, like they infiltrated Turkish politics then perpetrated the Armenian Genocide.
As for Dresden read Slaughterhouse 5, by American author Kurt Vonnegut.
"Slaughterhouse Five centers on the infamous World War II firebombing of Dresden, which the author had witnessed as an American prisoner of war." Good Reads.@Nosferatjew claims a blue spider is impossible, so to trash on his poor knowledge of nature, here is a repost of the bright yellow spider i found in the wild
RoxannaHardbutt 14 January 2025
When I was in the Australian Army in training for the Vietnam War I was camped in dense rainforest in the Tweed Ranges, which is one of the the highest points on the Australian East Coast .. it was pitch black however just next to my bivvy there was an abundance of bioluminescent fungi, which truly looked like castles with multi colored towers and ramparts .. within which was a bioluminescent spider maybe eight inches on its longitudinal axis and six inches across .. it looked like the king of the castle .. bye and bye I went to sleep, when I woke hours later the luminescence had faded to nothing nor was the spider to be seen .. trooooo story .One poll finds majority of Greenland respondents support joining US
MartinTimothy 14 January 2025
Yeah .. believe it or not the claim that the inhabitants of Mexico wanted to be citizens of the United States, became the popular impetus for the Mexican / American War, which started in 1846 and ended with the signing and ratification of the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo in 1848.
The lead up to which was that both the United States and Mexico claimed Texas, which had recently won independence from Mexico during the 1835-1836 Texas Revolution, that was another "put up" job .. while there had been nothing but trouble even before that.
The Greenland situ is a replay, just like Pearl Harbor was a replay of the False Flag 1898 USS Maine bombing in Havana Harbor, whereby the US obtained dominion over the Philippines, there after to inflict unimaginable horrors on the host population, and annexed Hawaii, Cuba, Guam & Puerto Rico. Edit.I swear time is moving faster
MartinTimothy 13 January 2025
Lunar Motion.
Ok when the Moon is moving fast in orbit around the Earth at perigee time will appear to be going faster, conversely when the Moon appears to be going slower at apogee so will time pass more slowly .. I have tested this hypothesis a few times and it does seem to have some basis in fact.Cars Abandoned by Residents Fleeing the Palisades Fire Left in the Middle of Sunset Boulevard & Destroyed, With Windows Gone & Wheels Melted - Problem is "normal" forest fires do not burn hot enough to melt car windshields nor is there any evidence of fire damage to adjacent properties .. says DEW
TankTinker 13 January 2025
Image - Lahaina, Hawaii, burnt out cars line the sea wall Aug. 11, 2023. Link.
Image - Destroyed Cars at Malibu Lake in Malibu, California, Nov. 9, 2018. Link.
Exactly the same scenario was observed in the August 2023 Maui firestorm in Hawaii, as well as in previous episodes of DEW strikes on the US West Coast.200 Years Together, by Alexander Solzhenitsyn - (PDF, 796 pages)
RoxannaHardbutt 13 January 2025
"Jews Engineered the 1917 Russian Revolution, they killed 66 million Christians burnt their churches & built synagogues, at no other time in the history of the world has a country been so saturated with Jewish influence as the Soviet Union 1917 to 1953.
You must understand the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians they hated Russians, they hated Christians, driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse.
It cannot be overstated, Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time, the fact that the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators." Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, 200 Years Together.7 MILLION Rounds Of Ammo Headed For TEXAS, STOLEN By MEXICAN CARTEL@!
MartinTimothy 13 January 2025
Resonates with Humvees & Other Equipment Stolen From Army Reserve Center Amid California Wildfires.
We say both alleged thefts were not thefts at all, that the weaponry and ammunition is to be turned over to Soros sponsored Antifa / Reconquista / Drug Carlel / Somali Militia type units, who will be reacted and turned against the American ppl.Helicopter View of Fire Damage in Malibu CA - See bare hillsides one side of the Ocean Highway with houses between the highway and the ocean burnt to ash, the road would act as a firebreak in any case while the gaps in the burning must be where the laser operator took h or h finger off the trigger
MartinTimothy 13 January 2025
Could be the air - robot?? - laser attack was mapped by AI to spare the habitations of the "chosen ones," and that the homes of ordinary Americans were deliberately targeted for burning ..MartinTimothy 13 January 2025
So you are saying "an actual firefighter" went along setting selected houses alight the full length of the Ocean Road at his own discretion, without anyone apprehending him or filming his activities .. no way.MartinTimothy 13 January 2025
The wash up to all of this will mean the deniers and downvoaters, who appear to be "moles" in the vernacular of John le Carré - that's Jews, and wogs who intuitively get onside with the J's to gain their favor, who have been infiltrated into places like Voat to await their orders - will be hauled in for trial and execution, along with the movers and shakers who set the laser drones onto the American ppl in the first place.Citizens in LA subdue sand nigger for starting fires
MartinTimothy 13 January 2025
Airborne Laser Cannon.
Unless he has a combat drone equipped with a laser cannon they've got the wrong man..Biden pardons pajeeta doctor who killed patients
MartinTimothy 12 January 2025
I don't think anyone denies Presidential pardons are for sale, whereas in this case it probly cost this creature a couple million that Sleepy Joe will use as a hedge against inflation and creeping poverty .. nor is Trump without sin, Giuliani Offers Trump Pardons For $2 Million.Mandy Moore at Altadena - Instagram images show conclusive evidence that although houses were burned to ash adjacent vegetation remained totally untouched by fire
MartinTimothy 12 January 2025
Image 1.
Image 2.MartinTimothy 12 January 2025
You're a real know it all aren't ya, just like The Harley Shirt Guy on 911 who said, "I witnessed both towers collapse first one then the other, mostly due to structural failure because the fire was just too intense," he was identified as Canadian actor Mark Walsh .. nor did fires bring the Twin Towers down they were nuked.MartinTimothy 12 January 2025
Blackened" r'soles .. the trees in image 2 look like cottonwoods which burn like crazy in genuine wildfires, they have no fire damage at all.@Joe_McCarthy is out there made good on his threats
RoxannaHardbutt 11 January 2025
Total bs .. the fires have been started by DEW laser strikes .. - SoCal January 8, 2025.One Jew pilled President Nixon talks about another Jew pilled President Carter
RoxannaHardbutt 11 January 2025
It has been fashionable for quite some time to lambast President Richard Nixon, and whatever anyone says he was and still is, the only elected US official ever to attempt to bring the JFK assassination conspiracy to prosecution.
In 1972 Richard Nixon asked former Justice Dept. lawyer John Dean, who he had brought into the White House in 1970, to "clean up the mess" of the Watergate burglary - as it pertained to his Presidency in any case - of which he knew nothing .. Dean's disloyalty toward Nixon identified him as the most vile actor in the entire drama.
He was to go thru the available evidence, identify the White House ppl responsible and recommend their sacking thence prosecution .. instead of doing that he hopped onto the play dumb bandwagon and left Nixon to stew in his own juices .. had John Dean fulfilled his obligation toward Richard Nixon, the entire Kennedy assassination conspiracy which Nixon called the "Bay of Pigs," would inevitably have come tumbling down.
Moorman Large.
Insofar as lead Watergate burglar E Howard Hunt also took part in the assassination .. see the hatted figure in the Moorman Photograph firing on the President in company with Martin Luther & Coretta King, black Secret Serviceman Abraham Bolden and Andy Warhol.
It seems RN was "under the gun" of his Chief of Staff HR "Bob" Haldeman, who is alleged to have in company with Watergate conspirator G Gordon Liddy, murdered Police Officer JD Tippit in Dallas at around 1:08 pm Nov. 22, 1963, in a crime blamed on Lee Harvey Oswald.
LHO in the Doorway.
Despite photographs and film show LHO standing in the doorway of the TSBD when the shots were fired at President Kennedy at 12:30pm the same day, and show him still in the doorway when the Three Tramps were marched by hours later, similarly exculpating him for the murder of Officer Tippit.
The Three Tramps.MartinTimothy 12 January 2025
Spiro Agnew pleaded "no contest" to charges of tax evasion in exchange for the dropping of charges of political corruption, and resigned the Vice Presidency of his own volition. Link.Houston TX 1965, The Ice Box Murders - The dismembered bodies of both Charles Frederick Rogers' parents turned up in his refrigerator, he was with E Howard Hunt of Watergate fame, and Charles Harrelson father of television actor Woody Harrelson one of the "Three Tramps" of JFK assassination lore
MartinTimothy 11 January 2025
The Three Tramps.
The Assassination of John F Kennedy.The Manhattan Transfer - Chanson D'Amour
MartinTimothy 10 January 2025
I thought Alan Paul in his sailor suit really made this clip .Cronkite was the last honorable journalist with a brain and I'm not even sure about him!
RoxannaHardbutt 10 January 2025
I am not so sure Walter Cronkite was "honorable" in any way ..
XYZ: Israel Did 9/11.
FSTDT - Mossad Did 9/11.
Wikispooks: Israel Did 911. 9/11 Was an Israeli Job.
9/11 Inside Out - The Jews Did It.
How 9/11 was done - Mossad/Israel.
Israel Did 9/11, All the Proof in the World. Israel Did 9/11, Not Moslems.
Mossad and the US Govt. Masterminded 911.
LostScribeMedia: 9/11, Israel’s Masterpiece.
Israel Did 9/11 - 35 Years Documented Proof.
Laurent Guyénot - 9/11 Was by the CIA & Mossad.
The Neocon Zionist Report, 9/11 Israel’s Masterpiece.
Victor Thorn, Israel’s Central Role in the Sept. 11 Attacks.
800 Pound Gorilla: Israel Did 9/11, All the Proof You Need. Israel did 9/11, Islam Was Framed by Zionist Jews.
ChristopherBollyn: The 911 Attacks Were by the CIA & Mossad pdf.
Francesco Cossiga - "The CIA & Israel Planed and Executed the 9/11 Attacks.
GoonSquad: 9/11 Was by Israel & Traitors in the WH, Pentagon, CIA, FBI & NSA.
There were no hijackers the planes that struck the WTC Towers were piloted by remote control, using hardware developed by Rabbi Dov Zakheim, who with Zionists Jerome Hauer and Michael Chertoff engineered the whole project.How Does One Refresh the Page on SpewTube .. there's no refresh function if you want to refresh the page you have to travel back to where you made the first link, and then it's a different page altogether .. never mentioning being bombarded with advertising from all angles ..
MartinTimothy 10 January 2025
There is no back button either the whole thing is satanic.MartinTimothy 10 January 2025
Yeah I don't feel like installing a new program at any time nor is that the end of it .. when you finally locate and click the link you want, instead of opening normally whence you can read the intro and then decide whether to open it or not, it just opens automatically which does not suit me at all .. and if you do open a YT link you are just as likely to see some wog stuffing a hamburger into his guts .. or there will be some Jew sounding woman screeching into yr ear, since I listen to YT soundtracks thru headphones, and because the sound level on various vids are not all the same and you have the sound turned up to hear the previous video, which to a misogynist like me is anathema .. take it easy.
Sharia law - allowing the sexual penetration of a girl under 9 years old
MartinTimothy 10 January 2025
Yeah when you are shopping around for a bride it's the same as when you are buying a horse, you look at 'em in the mouth .. thus girls should be considered to have arrived at "marriageable" age when their adult or permanent teeth are in place at about age 8 yrs, which is the yardstick that applies in plenty of places world wide not limited to the US. Check the marriage of 22 yo Charlie Johns and 9 yo Eunice Winstead in Tennessee, it was a happy marriage they had seven kids. Link.I learn something new everyday
RoxannaHardbutt 10 January 2025
Average lifespan is 76 yrs .. middle age begins at 38.RoxannaHardbutt 10 January 2025
Yes you are quite right I knew that and there never seemed to be any place to fit the discussion in, I have been on the record all of my life that since statute law is unworkable in relation to abortion and abortioners, the offenders should be brought to trial and execution under Islamic Law. I independently concluded that at about 8 yrs of age after my mother announced she was off to get an abortion, after which my father presented me with the bodies of abortioned twins to dispose of in a backyard incinerator .. which although I was never a Moslem at any time, caused me to obtain a coy of the Koran just to see what the policy espoused by that document was .. which is death.JUST IN: Arsonists Caught Red-Handed Setting Fires in Santa Monica—Targeting Areas Far from Active Wildfires (Video)
MartinTimothy 10 January 2025
Arsonists arseh*les .. the fires devastating SoCal are from DEW Weaponry deployed by the US Space Corps.Whatever Anyone Thinks and Whether Anyone Subscribes to the Twin Theories of Climate Change & Global Warming, here in Brisbane Australia it is the coolest December / January period on record..
MartinTimothy 10 January 2025
Thus normally blankets disappear in about October and don't reappear until about March the following year .. I needed a blanket most nights since December, sure there have been one or two hottish days but not many.Gloating Jew goes from 0 to oy vey real quick when a noseticer pipes up
MartinTimothy 10 January 2025
WTC Second Plane.
Jews incensed by the license granted in the Talmud, perpetrated the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks upon the United States.
Cruise Missile at the Pentagon on 911.
Thousands of Jews were absent from the WTC Towers on the day after warnings were distributed via telephone messages, by the Odigo Hebrew language messaging service and from the pulpit of New York synagogues the Friday before, who watched the immolation of their co workers on live television .. that is a good enough reason to hate Jews.
Whoever owing allegiance to the United States levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death. US Code § 2381 - Treason.
Since Jews attacked the US on 911 AntiSemitism is a patriotic duty and a moral responsibility, see the current conflict as a struggle between US and Talmudic Law, thus true patriots will continue to demand millions of Jews with every member of the political, law enforcement and media lobbies - that means Donald Trump - that support the deception, be brought to arrest, trial and execution as 911 traitors under US Law, while they will carry on doing what they will under the aegis of the Talmud .. we are gonna see who wins out.Dramatic aftermath photo
MartinTimothy 10 January 2025
Once again we see evidence of Directed Energy Weaponry that has appeared at least since 2017, in that man made structures have been burnt to ash while adjacent vegetation remains untouched.Muslims
MartinTimothy 10 January 2025
The correct spelling is "Moslem," in Arabic it is pronounced with a hard "s" whereas in written English when a single "s" turns up in the middle of a word it is pronounced "z," thus the Arabs say "Mosslem" which in spoken English is pronounced "Mozlem." The term predates Islam and was used to describe those who have surrendered to the will of the Almighty in the days of Prophet Abraham, which similarly predate the Jewish religion.
Quite a part from all that, I see these troublemaker, killer rapist False Moslems as unbelievers .. the Koran does not endorse public prayer, as well it instructs the faithful to "cast truth at falsehood."
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Remember your Lord within yourself in humility and in fear without being apparent in speech, in the mornings and the evenings, and do not be among the heedless - The Koran: Chapter 7, Verse 205.
Cast the true against the false, so that it breaks its head and vanishes, and woe unto you for what you describe. The Koran - Sura 21, Verse 18.
Martin Luther & Coretta King, Black Secret Service op Abraham Bolden and Andy Warhol were in sniper's nests Dallas Texas, 22 November 1963 at the assassination of President John Kennedy, the LK's had accepted Mrs Kennedy's gracious invitation to dine with her and the President in her home at the White House a short time before. Link.
False Moslems who fail to hurl truth are described elsewhere in the Koran as "lower than the beasts of the field," I just call 'em wogs.Images Show the By Now Familiar Signature of a DEW Laser Strike at Hunter Biden's Malibu Home - The building has been razed to the ground leaving nothing but stone chimneys rising above the ash, while trees adjacent to the fire zone remain unscathed
MartinTimothy 9 January 2025
Image Link 1.
Image Link 2.DEW Laser Strikes Visible in California January 8, 2025
MartinTimothy 9 January 2025
"They" are waging war against America ..Julian Assange documentary 'The Six Billion Dollar Man' pulled from Sundance Film Festival for undisclosed reasons
MartinTimothy 9 January 2025
The entire Julian Assange issue has been contrived..
November 18, 2010 Marianne Ny of the Swedish Prosecution Authority ordered the detention of Julian Assange on suspicion of rape, three cases of sexual molestation and unlawful coercion. The Stockholm District Court acceded to the order and issued a European Arrest Warrant. Wiki.
June 19, 2012 Julian Assange skipped bail and applied for asylum at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, to avoid extradition to Sweden on charges of rape & sexual assault.
Assange a False Hero.
WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange is a Fraud.
Assange Admits Wikileaks is a Fraud Run by Israel.
Controlled opposition, Julian Assange & Edward Snowden.
Wikileaks: Julian Assange is a Mossad Operative and Fraud.
That the Government of Ecuador against all established diplomatic protocols granted him sanctuary, no less than the way the British Home Office allowed the debacle to continue, exposes both governments as part of the deception.
This next bit says it all, Ed.
Julian Assange says, “I’m constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11."
May 2019, the Swedish Prosecution Authority reopened the investigation against Assange. The prosecutors expressed the intent to extradite Assange from the United Kingdom after he served his 50-week prison sentence for skipping bail. In June 2019 the Uppsala District Court denied a request to detain Assange, thereby preventing his extradition to Sweden. Wiki.
"Wikileaks is a CIA operation using NSA ops like Edward Snowden & Julian Assange and military assets like Bradley Manning, to push bullcrap stories to the public to create an "underground truth movement" which the Government controls. Steemit, The Fake Truth Movement.
The last I heard the FBI had no interest in Julian Assange whatever."By Any Means Necessary": Watch Malcolm X’s Speech on Racism & Self-Defense at Audubon Ballroom
MartinTimothy 9 January 2025
In 1964 Malcolm X had undertaken the Pilgrimage to Mecca, where he said he witnessed "the blackest of blacks and the whitest of whites" united within the common bond of Islam, where after he decried as racist the policies of Nation of Islam leader Elijah Muhammad.
That never suited the movers and shakers within that body who had him murdered February 21, 1965, shot down on stage while he was addressing the Organization of Afro American Unity at the Audubon Ballroom in Manhattan, as well as black thug Talmadge Hayer who was convicted for the offense, undercover NYPD officer Raymond A. Wood is thought to have been involved. Video Link.
Since we are on the subject of black Americans..
Moorman Large.
Martin Luther & Coretta King, who had accepted Mrs Kennedy's gracious invitation to dine with her and the President in her home at the White House a short time before, with Abraham Bolden who makes much of being the first black on the Secret Service Presidential Protection Detail, stood with shooters at the murder of President John Kennedy in Dallas TX. Nov. 22, 1963. Link.
Which I say demonstrates the folly of treating blacks like human beings or trusting them in any capacity whatever, as well it remains the genesis for the warning all blacks get to be no closer than one rifle shot to me and my household at any time, yeah Andy Warhol was in on it as well.Jewish revolution in Russia was scripted
MartinTimothy 9 January 2025
Yeah sure ..
In the rise of C̶o̶m̶m̶u̶n̶i̶s̶m̶ Adolf Hitler and Nazism the R̶u̶s̶s̶i̶a̶n̶ German secret police were very powerful. It's impossible they didn't know Jews were planning a revolution. It's impossible they didn't notice Jews owned the majority of newspapers and were constantly printing anti-government, pro C̶o̶m̶m̶u̶n̶i̶s̶t̶ Nazi propaganda.MartinTimothy 8 January 2025
Hitler did at no time "start a revolution against the kikes."
Adolf Hitler and all of the top Nazis were Jews, the non Jewish Nazis Ernst Röhm and the SA were liquidated in the Night of the Long Knives massacres of June 1934, after H was sworn in as German Chancellor Jan. 30, 1933. The Zionists put Hitler in place to lose the war, Jews were running things in all of the protagonist nations, WW2 was a Zionist sponsored exercise in white genocide.
Gallery ..
Image - Hitler Was a Jew.
DNA Proves Hitler was Jewish.
AH Frankist Jew & Founder of Israel.
Pink Police Gazette - Hitler Was a Jew.
Bronder - H & All of the Top Nazis Were Jews.
Adolf Hitler Was Heir to the Rothschild Inheritance.
Sure Adolf Hitler was a Jew.For anyone doubting the severity and depravity of the mass gang rapes of little girls in Britain, go to the source material and read the court transcripts. I did. It is worse than you could possibly imagine
MartinTimothy 7 January 2025
Gang rape is a capital offense under Common Law, bring the offenders to trial and hanging .. deport all of their antecedents and bring war to the wog races wherever they might be.Serial killer Todd Kohlhepp left creepy Amazon reviews on weapons before a woman was found chained up in his storage container... as new documentary explores his double life
MartinTimothy 6 January 2025
Kala Brown Chained
I am not so sure .. when she was allegedly "rescued," Kala Brown who says Todd Kohlhepp had her "chained up" inside a shipping container for two months, did at no time look like she had indeed been chained up for that length of time, in fact she looks as though she had just come from the hairdresser. Video Link.
Further to that, Kohlhepp's alleged admission there were another seven murders should also be treated with suspicion.Jimmy Saville, longtime BBC employee, raped over 400 children while being paid millions by the BBC
MartinTimothy 6 January 2025
I was sexually assaulted at age 14 by Jimmy Savile in Port Augusta South Australia in 1964, he had accompanied the Beatles on the Australian leg of their world tour that year.
Thus there was some sort of function at the PA town hall that I had attended, during the intermission or for whatever reason I can't remember, I was standing on my own upstairs .. a stockily built very fit looking male person smoking a cigar came up the steps, accompanied by a well known sexual degenerate who attended the same school as me, there were a number of others present.
He walked up to me and fondled my penis thru my pants and said, "so what's yours then" .. I was taken aback and made no reply, he went on his way and disappeared to wherever.. the whole encounter took just seconds. I had no idea who he was or what he was doing in Port Augusta, and it was not until the "Jimmy Savile Sexual Abuse" stuff hit the cyber waves in about 2012, that I recognized him as the perv who had assaulted me.
Savile was at no time "paid millions" by the BBC, such money as he had - bearing in mind he maintained a number of dwellings in the UK and drove a very flash up market Rolls Royce - was from child trafficking, thus he would be seen in the Rolls with numbers of children heading across the country - in the direction of the Royal estate at Sandringham to be sure - whereas on the return trip the kids were no longer to be seen.Alex Jones goes full gaslighting mode in shilling it's not the Jews
MartinTimothy 6 January 2025
Do not let's forget this creature once led 911 truth, ever avoiding evidence Jews were behind the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center in NYC and the Pentagon - until he dropped the ball, bring him to trial and execution as a traitor.
Image: Alex Jones, Investigate 911.
Jews tell you exactly what they do .. the Secrets of Zion link has the entire history of Jewish Nazism whence came Adolf Hitler, Angela Merkel and white genocide, the list of Jews who conspired to pull off the 911 attacks has similarly been in the public arena since day 1.
As well he has consistently refused to provide a full timeline for all of his and his then 6 yo son's movements, in the hours leading up to the recovery of the tortured and mutilated body of Palestinian Christian activist Riad Hamad, from Lady Bird Lake in Austin Tx. April 18, 2008. Because as of this time they, and the late Victor Thorn with whom Jones Sr conducted a studio interview in Austin the same day, are prime suspects for his murder.
Just like his sire CIA op Dallas dentist David R Jones should explain his whereabouts, when US President John Kennedy was shot dead in Dallas Tx. Nov. 22, 1963 .. makes three generations of the Jones clan will be going thru the gallows trapdoor, only if they are found guilty of murder and in Alex Jones' case 911 treason, in legal proceedings instituted by the US Justice Dept.
Since then Jones has firstly decried the alleged Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre as a hoax, before reversing that position and accepting the official bs. Now he refuses to "take the stand" in the matter of the Jan. 6, 2021 Capitol affair, which was a blatant FBI sponsored False Flag. More shame since former Infowars staffer Joe Biggs who was drawn into the sting, has been held in solitary confinement under appalling conditions in a Florida prison, had Jones indeed testified in relation to both those matters and 911, it could well have brought the whole False Flag house of cards down.Bill Gates wants to release genetically modified mosquitoes to fight dengue fever
MartinTimothy 5 January 2025
Not a good idea .. mosquitoes are pollinators, as well mosquitoes and mosquito larvae are at the bottom of the food chain for many species of fish .. mozzies as they are called here in Australia are rarely encountered, since genetically modified specimens guaranteed to produce barren offspring were introduced into the environment about ten yrs ago.
Thus I used one mosquito coil two years ago and one the year before, last year I did not have to use a single one, hitherto after a spell of rain in particular there could be thousands of 'skeeters, whereas at times I have had to keep about five coils going just to keep ahead of them .. mosquitos can travel up to forty k's in a single night.
The entire local region encompassing Moreton Bay and associated vast banks of mangroves are a vital fish spawning habitat, while the mangrove forests themselves are under attack in northern Australia. This Agenda 21 kinda stuff sometimes camouflaged as "rodent control" is going on world wide, whereas helicopters drop tonnes of poison pellets onto even the most isolated islands and reefs, that will necessarily bring genocide to the bird life and other island inhabitants.How the CIA plants fake stories in the media
MartinTimothy 4 January 2025
John Stockwell, "400 journalists co-operate with the CIA to disseminate propaganda to influence ppl's minds..
Osama bin Laden Killing Hoax.
A Gallery of Fake Dead bin Ladens.
Bin Laden Death Hoax Revealed!!!!.
Alex Jones Doesn't Buy Bin Laden's Death.
Bin Laden Death Hoax ~ Seal Team 6 Cover Up.
Deceiving America - The Fake Bin Laden Tapes.
Official Story of Osama Bin Laden's Death a Hoax.
Reddit - Osama Bin Laden Died of Renal Failure in 2001.
Timeline - Osama Bin Laden Died on December 14, 2001.
Bin Laden's Alleged 2011 Death is a Hoax, He Died in 2001.
Hersh is a first class CIA Ziopropagandist, he should be tried and hanged!The great irony about Anne Frank is that she helps disprove the Holocaust
MartinTimothy 4 January 2025
There was no Anne Frank, if there had been the Zios who took out the rest of the non Z Jews would have gassed her too.
Anne Frank Hoax.
Anne Frank Hoax Exposed.
Anne Frank's Diary a Hoax pdf.
Anne Frank's Diary is a Fraud.
Anne Frank Diary Hoax Exposed.
Anne Frank Diaries, Fraud by Otto Frank.
The Holocaust was a Zionist plot to eliminate those Jews who remained true to the Divine Covenant, by which Allah assures Jews the Messiah will appear, whose purpose will be to restore the fortunes of the Jewish people and to establish the nation state of Israel, it exhorts them to patience until that time comes.
Eisenhower's Rhine Meadows Death Camps.
11 Million Germans Were Murdered After WWII.
BBC - Genocide of 12 Million Germans After WW2.
9-15 Million Germans Killed Post WW2 1945 – 1953.
Post WW2 Jews Murdered Poles & Took Power in Poland.
The Real Holocaust of WW2 – 15 Million Germans Slaughtered.
Genocide of the Ethnic Germans in Jugoslavia 1944 – 1948 pdf.
Other Losses - The Genocide of 7m Germans, by James Bacque.
The Masses of Corpses at Dachau & Buchenwald Were Dead German Soldiers.
Video: 1945, The Savage Peace by Peter Molloy - 12 Million Ethnic Germans Murdered Post WW2.
The Forgotten Soldier by Guy Sajer - Genocide of German POWs at the Rheinwiesenlager Camps pdf, Unz Review.
Jews perpetrated genocide upon the German ppl not the other way around .. get it well understood Adolf Hitler and all of the top Nazis were Jews, the non Jewish Nazis Ernst Röhm and the SA were slaughtered in the Night of the Long Knives massacres of June 1934, after H was sworn in as German Chancellor Jan. 30, 1933.Former Australian PM John Howard Finally Reacts to the 2004 Admission from the US That There Were no Weapons of mass Destruction in Iraq - That the war against Saddam Hussein that Howard committed troops to was based on falsehood .. he brushed it off saying "intelligence is always "hit and miss!""
MartinTimothy 4 January 2025
Australian politics has been a plaything of Jews at least since the days of PM Bob Hawke who was a "true blue" Jew tool and nothing more, Jews were the ones who fixed him up with a Rhodes Scholarship and guaranteed his political career, while he remained in the thrall of arch Zionist Sir Peter Abeles, who was on the authority of former Brit PM Tony Blair, simultaneously the Mr Big in Australian organized crime. Link.
As well Hawke was the great champion of abortion genocide .. have a look around you all you will see are chinks, wogs, niggers and cannibals, they didn't come here to be Australians they came here to feather their own nests .. it wasn't always so, first they slaughtered indigenous Australians in Zionist sponsored abortion clinics, then brought immigrants in whose allegiance is not to the host nation but to the foreign culture whence they came, to make up the numbers.
Not withstanding Jewish terrorists have the run of Brisbane, the most damning piece of Australiana is the way incumbent PM John Howard & former PM Tony Abbott were ousted from Parliament 2007 & 2019. Howard was allegedly outvoted in 2007 by former ABC News Reporter Maxine McKew who was herself ousted from Parliament in 2010, by her 44,685 votes to his 42,251 votes. Abbott whose 61% majority fell to 37% was replaced by Jewish independent Zali Steggall.
We will say the assertion the electors replaced Howard with a second rate journalist from a Zio friendly news op goes against the political "flow of play," that the whole thing was choreographed by Jews, while Abbott's fall from grace had the same Jewish overtones, as did the way elected PM Gough Whitlam was replaced by B'nai B'rith member Malcolm Fraser in 1975.
Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser - A Beacon of Light for the Jewish Community.
Twice PM Kevin Rudd was that far up Jewish arse in the person of Australian soccer supremo Frank Lowy, remaining totally in contempt of evidence he was with fellow Zioterrorist Larry Silverstein, among the principle conspirators who brought the 911 attacks into being .. Rudd didn't even blink when presented with the facts. The ones who have come in since this lot are no better, hang 'em all for granting safe haven to the Jew 911 terrorists, in blatant violation of the capital precepts of US Law.
Image.MartinTimothy 4 January 2025
Yeah never mind the millions of Iraqis dead and the permanent degradation of their lands with depleted uranium shells .. the case against Howard is that he as PM provided safe haven to the same Jewish terrorists .. yeah it's a hangin' offense .. there will be an abundance of Americans going down the same hole.
We approached Howard in his capacity as Shadow Minister for Industrial Relations in 1993, in an interview conducted by Tony Blair who was to become Brit PM, on Behalf of the Painters & Dockers Union.
Telling him thugs and criminals had been infiltrated into the union, that they were voting as a block to accept PMs Bob Hawke and Paul Keating's plan to de register trade unions with less than 10,000 members. That two vocal opponents of that plan were murdered within days of each other in 1987, that no other members except oneself were prepared to "stick their necks out," as well they "stole" the 1992 election for union secretary .. he didn't care.
Howard "took it lying down" when his own election was stolen and he was deposed as Prime Minister, he knew better than to buck the Jews.MartinTimothy 4 January 2025
"PA Massacre..
Australian Jew and Mossad spy Ari Ben Menashi aka Joe Vialls aka Alfred Lambremont Webre, is believed to have done the killing at Port Arthur, which itself became the impetus - under the same John Howard - for the revamp of gun laws in Australia, who similarly authored the primary source material Deadly Deception at Port Arthur.
Nor was that his only crime, thus in a thinly veiled hit piece titled The Terrorist Factory, he admits shooting WPC Yvonne Fletcher in London in 1984, in a crime for which Muammar Gadaffi accepted blame on behalf of Libya.
Libya Pays Compensation to the Family of WPC Yvonne Fletcher.
That is not the end of it .. Ben Menashi is thought responsible for planting the nuclear device that killed hundreds in the Oct. 2002 Bali Bombing, for which three innocent Indonesian citizens were put to death, and the 2004 explosion that totalled the Australian Embassy in Jakata.
Micro Nuke Used in Bali 'Terrorist' Lookalike Attack", by Joe Vialls.
As well as for the August 7, 1998 co-ordinated nuclear strikes on US Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, he is prime suspect for planting the nukes that totalled the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City in 1995, and the ones that brought down both towers at the WTC on 911.Investigative reporter Seymour Hersh describes ‘executive assassination ring’
MartinTimothy 4 January 2025
Seymour Hersh is one of the greatest liars of all time, as well as beating the US Bombed Nordsteam drum which is pure fantasy, he was behind the US Killed Osama bin Laden in 2011 bs.
Osama bin Laden Killing Hoax.
A Gallery of Fake Dead bin Ladens.
Bin Laden Death Hoax Revealed!!!!.
Alex Jones Doesn't Buy Bin Laden's Death.
Bin Laden Death Hoax ~ Seal Team 6 Cover Up.
Deceiving America - The Fake Bin Laden Tapes.
Official Story of Osama Bin Laden's Death a Hoax.
Reddit - Osama Bin Laden Died of Renal Failure in 2001.
Timeline - Osama Bin Laden Died on December 14, 2001.
Bin Laden's Alleged 2011 Death is a Hoax, He Died in 2001.
Hersh is a first class Ziopropagandist he should be tried and hanged!
The Sheik of Scrubby Creek, by Chad Morgan Who Passed Away Jan.1, 2025 at the Age of 91 yrs, RIP
MartinTimothy 3 January 2025
Chad was a fun guyArmie Hammer ‘well aware’ kids might ‘hate’ him after learning about cannibalism scandal
MartinTimothy 3 January 2025
Whatever Armie Hammer has gotten up to, it appears anthropophagy is well and truly underway in the good ol' USA, and that is has attracted an upper class clientele, take a look at the image, read the text and click the links ..
King Charles then POW says, "my thanks to Karina and The Hollydale the people were delicious the setting was lovely, and a wonderful time was had by all. Rather unfortunate for the Danish fellow we were eating but there you have it, some people were made to be eaten and others it seems were made to eat them."
Established in 2015, The Hollydale is a purveyor of the finest human flesh, harvested fresh from only the most attractive, willing donors, skillfully and reverently prepared by world class master chefs. Cannibal Cravings at the Hollydale -
Natalie Belenoff-Windsor.
Update: Natalie Belenoff-Windsor was identifiable in a video that appeared on a now defunct Japanese website that hosted snuff porn, riding on horseback beside a fenced area where a group of naked children were being herded toward a European chateau by a large pig .. the tenor of the times says they were for the table.Since Voat is dead in the ground here is a link to free everything, Movies, Games Music and more
anon 3537813 3 January 2025
"The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated, Mark Twain.The whole "eastern" mystic knowledge and wisdom is all fake.
MartinTimothy 3 January 2025
Devonshire plumber Cyril Henry Hoskin aka Lobsang Rampa was the great champion of eastern mysticism. Link.Anyone know details on Tommy Robinson?
MartinTimothy 3 January 2025
Elon Musk Supporting Tommy Robinson On X.
YouTube - Meet Tommy Robinson Proud Zionist.
Tommy Robinson (Not His Real Name) Exposed as a Confessed Mossad Agent, Proud Zionist & Self Proclaimed Asset of Israel. FTTWorldReport.
Controversial anti Islam activist Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon, better known as Tommy Robinson, was spotted among the crowd, the former leader of the English Defense League held a banner stating "Free Gaza from Hamas." Link.
English Defense League Exposed, the Sinister Puppet Masters Pulling Tommy Robinson's Strings. Video.
I always thought Tommy was too good to be true, when Alex Jones another Zioasset began beating his drum on YouTube, the suspicion that had been present since the day he rose from Z to H appeared vindicated.IMDb, The Apprentice: How Donald Trump Started His NY Real Estate Business Aided by Infamous Lawyer Roy Cohn - Who prosecuted Julius and Ethel Rosenberg for espionage in 1953 which led to their conviction & execution, he was disbarred as a lawyer for unethical conduct & died of AIDS in 1986
MartinTimothy 2 January 2025
Cohn was born in the Bronx in New York City and educated at Columbia University. He rose to prominence as a U.S. Department of Justice prosecutor during the McCarthy trials.
Trump & Cohn thick as thieves in 1983.
His reputation deteriorated during the late 1950s to late 1970s after McCarthy's downfall. Cohn was disbarred after attempting to defraud a dying client by forcing the client to sign a will amendment leaving him his fortune. Wikipedia.
LOL just discovered I got banned from v/Poal! The f****** irony
RoxannaHardbutt 2 January 2025
Hiya System, it would be a travesty if this the only absolute free speech platform in the world closed down, if you were to start a "GoFundMe" account I for one would be quite willing to do what I can to keep the site paid up, if that means contributing funds from time to time ok.(((Pornhub execs))) fuming mad that they are mildly diminished in their capacity to corrupt children.
MartinTimothy 1 January 2025
Close it down and be done with it ..Gang bangs’ on UK navy vessel exposed by Daily Mail whistleblower
MartinTimothy 31 December 2024
Yeah Winston Churchill as First Lord of the Admiralty encapsulated the situation, he said "the traditions of the Royal Navy were rum, buggery and the lash," seems things haven't changed.19 December 1487 the Largest Human Sacrifice in History, at the Temple of Tenochtitlan Under Emperor Ahuitzotl in Mexico City - Involving around 4,000 prisoners of war whence the victims’ abdomens were cut open & their hearts removed .. these are the ones entering the US from the southern border
MartinTimothy 31 December 2024
Don't think they have changed in any way because they haven't.MartinTimothy 31 December 2024
The last great Aztec building project is said to have been the Temple of the Magician at Uxmal, where after the completion of the pyramid the entire workforce of around 20,000 was sacrificed, their population base never recovered from the loss of so many skilled artisans, which spelled the end of Aztec domination in Central America.MartinTimothy 31 December 2024
Yeah the architecture at the Pyramid of the Moon in particular is absolutely astounding, moreover there is a part in the lower left corner on the second tier, seen in this image from Google Earth, that appears to have been shorn off as if by some gigantic force.Le Monde: Israeli Historian Amos Goldberg Says, "What is Happening in Gaza is Genocide" - That given the scale of the massacres & destruction perpetrated by the Israeli army his country "criminally overreacted" to the October 7 massacres
MartinTimothy 31 December 2024
Which were bs anyway. Ed.
Goldberg says, "in most cases of genocide, from Bosnia to Namibia, from Rwanda to Armenia, the perpetrators of the murders said they were acting in self-defense. The fact that what is happening in Gaza is not like the Holocaust, does not mean it is not genocide, Jewish history will be stained by what Israel did in Gaza.
Yes, it is genocide. Although it is so difficult and painful to admit it and despite all efforts to think otherwise, after six months of brutal war, this conclusion can no longer be avoided. Jewish history will henceforth be stained with the mark of Cain, the "crime of crimes," which cannot be erased from its forehead. As such, it will stand the judgment of the generations. Jeannette Rankin was the only member of Congress who voted against war with Japan
MartinTimothy 30 December 2024
The surprise Japanese attack on the U.S. military base at Pearl Harbor was devastating, and zeal for revenge was at a fever pitch.
If Jeannette Rankin had made that clear well and good, however she never did for which reason I can find scant regard for her at any time.African thug said ‘get the White kid first’ before stabbing teenager to death in Sydney gang brawl
MartinTimothy 29 December 2024
AD was “subjected to racism..
African said "get the white kid first..Jerry Lewis on Stan Laurel
RoxannaHardbutt 29 December 2024
I thought JL's best movie was The King of Comedy as well I thought Laurel and Hardy were the best comedy duo ever, thus at 8 yo I nearly died laughing at the movies when the "Stork" clip hit the screen.
300CP PulseWave Laser Cleaner taking ink off of cardboard without burning it and paint off of metal without over-heating it
MartinTimothy 29 December 2024
You might as well learn, since tested Code 10 welders are the highest paid workers in industry.Joan of Arc was a great warrior and servant of God
MartinTimothy 29 December 2024
There is a considerable body of opinion that Joan of Arc's comrade in arms Gilles de Rais was innocent of the charges leveled against him, that as an able military commander and a national hero TPTB - dare we say Jews - didn't want him sharing the spotlight and preferred scurrilous charges against him. The same way and for the same reason they did the Maid in, and virtually the same way and for the same reason "they" got rid of General George Patton in 1945.
GdR Innocent 1.
GdR Innocent 2.
GdR Innocent 3.
George S. Patton Was Murdered.The Computer Screen Stays Black Despite All Seven Lights on the Modem and all Four Lights on the NBN box Are Lit Up .. can anyone offer advice.
MartinTimothy 29 December 2024
I turned off the machine at the power outlet when an electrical storm passed overhead last night .. when I turned it back on after the storm had passed everything looked normal except the screen stayed black .. the same thing happened the last two times I shut down, both of those times it went back to normal after a couple of hours .. this time it hasn't.
There was a lightning strike here a few weeks ago that put the computer and my mobile phone out, the tech came over and fixed things I paid him 500 bux in two installments of 150$ then 350$ .. hours after he came and picked up the last amount which I intended as a retainer, and when I pleaded with him not to abandon me he blocked my SMS messages ..MartinTimothy 29 December 2024[
Let me know if this was helpful..
Yep,same thing happened to me,I cursed the satellite coverage.23 more days. Mayorkas should absolutely be charged with treason
RexYehudi 28 December 2024
Spies nuthin', Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were charged and convicted for conspiracy to commit espionage and providing atomic secrets to the USSR in 1951, and were put to death in the electric chair at Sing Sing Prison in New York, June 19, 1953.
This was a show trial that came at a time when Jews were simultaneously running the KGB, MI6 and the FBI, whereas it is laughable to suggest the Rosenbergs could possibly be privy to information the Russkies didn't have already.
As for treason - Whoever owing allegiance to the United States levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death. 18 USC Ch. 115, §2381.
Jews not Arabs perpetrated the 911 attacks, the treason extends to every member of the mainstream news dissemination hierarchy, every member of the FBI and the CIA, the entire roll call at both houses of the US Congress, and every member of successive Presidential administrations.
Lee Harvey Oswald Innocent.
Ohhhhh Coretta March 22, 2009.
The MLK's & Warhol on the Grassy Knoll.
Add the death toll from lawful execution for the JFK assassination and coverup, and we are instantly dealing with a Biblical death toll in just reprisal for both outrages .. aught to take the wind out of the sails of the Zionosts who arrange it all, if the ones who set the Rosenberg up go down the same hole so much the better.Stop defending child rapists and murderers, Drew
MartinTimothy 27 December 2024
"Historians say he was wrongly convicted."
At around 10 pm on the night of August 16, 1915 a lynch mob consisting of twenty eight local men including Georgia Governor and the President of the Georgia Senate, the Mayor of Marietta, the County Sheriff , local tradesmen, a hangman and a lay preacher busted Frank out of Milledgeville State Penitentiary.
They handcuffed the Warden, cut the prison's telephone wires and drained the gas from their automobiles, they seized Frank and drove him on a 175 mile seven hour automobile trip to Marietta Georgia, and hanged him from the branch of a tree at around 7:00 am the following morning. Wikipedia.
We will say that once Frank's guilt had been established to reverse the charges so to speak, the Jews organized the lynching to swing the whole thing back in their favor, and then to by clinging to the fiction he was innocent convince the wider public Jews were the aggrieved parties.
Part of Leo Frank's defense was that the black security guard who discovered 13 yo Mary Phagan's body was her murderer, an assertion that was thrown out of court.Corrupt Cops Kill a Man and Bury the Body in the Woods, Unaware a Little Boy is Watching Secretly .. "these are fictional stories created for entertainment purposes only."
MartinTimothy 27 Dec. 2024
This is where YT has gone .. I do not feel entertained by this kind of thing in any way .. reply instantly redacted.Well that's new
anon 2411876 26 December 2024
Yes, things are not as they should be at YouTube .. when you open a video you might only look at it for a short time then clear it and move on .. except the same video will go on opening at its own discretion until you shut it down again .. not withstanding the redactions and removals that characterize the site .. thus today I appended a comment onto the video WWF Australia - Adopt a Platypus, wherein I reported a platypus sighting just weeks ago in a suburban Brisbane creek .. it got wiped out .. as well there are other problems regarding continuity.anon 2411876 27 Dec. 2024
Thanx for the reply .. YT has become virtually unworkable, I keep copies of all of my material however it is impossible - for me anyway - to copy text off of a YT post, when I go from one program to another the original post is virtually impossible to find .. one must hunt far and wide and when it is found it yr post reply is gone anyway .. it is endless.Gun Suicide Claims the Lives of Nearly 26,000 People in the US Every Year, An Average of 71 Deaths Each Day - Policies and practices that focus on disrupting access to firearms have been proven to reduce the incidence of suicide
MartinTimothy 26 December 2024
This is what happens .. guns are for killing ppl, when no likely targets turn up the gun owners shoot themselves.MartinTimothy 26 December 2024
"Gun suicides account for 10% of suicides..
Total bs .. firearms are used in half of all suicide deaths. Link.Dramatic Visuals of Azerbaijan Airlines Plane Crashing Near Kazakhstan's Aktau Airport
MartinTimothy 26 December 2024
What makes me suspicious is that the plane was filmed in focus virtually from when it took off until it crashed in flames .. so why would anyone bother to film what was a routine takeoff from a busy airport unless he or she knew there was gonna be a crash ??The "Boys on the Tracks" a Thirty Five Years Coverup
MartinTimothy 26 December 2024
Murder on the Tracks, former pro wrestler Billy Jack Haynes who says he was present at the killing of 17 yo Kevin Ives and 16 yo Don Henry, who stumbled onto a drugs drop near Mena Arkansas in August 1987, admits trafficking cocaine he got from murdered CIA drugs pilot Barry Seal.
Haynes says Seal introduced him to a politician drug dealer from Arkansas - William Jefferson Clinton - who in 1984 asked him to kill David Kennedy the son and nephew of Senator Robert and President John Kennedy, DK was in Florida attending a family celebration and was staying at the Brazilian Court Hotel & Beach Club in Palm Beach.
He was found dead there April 25, 1984 allegedly from a drug overdose after staff checked his welfare allegedly at the insistence of family members, another Kennedy brother had been staying in the same hotel and had checked out prior to the body being found.
We know most often ppl get murdered either by friends or by family members, that being said a diligent investigator would immediately assume DK's family wanted him dead for whatever reason, to which end the other brother had introduced him to BJH who had accepted the contract to kill him, that it was he who had requested hotel staff check his welfare.
The same prosecutor would suppose Clinton must be the man the upper classes got in touch with if they wanted someone dead, that he could arrange it all upon payment of a suitable fee. David Kennedy's Death.Lara Logan exposes "the age of information warfare": "This is a bloodsport for them" "The Lights of Freedom are Going Out Again"
MartinTimothy 26 December 2024
Nowhere is this more evident than at YouTube, where they remove anything that goes against the Zionist mean ..Calcium supplements
anon 9817535 24 December 2024
These 'scientists' and 'experts' are charlatans and carpet-baggers.Why do there children look White
anon 5839004 23 December 2024
Why do t̶h̶e̶r̶e̶ their children look white.Globetards have defeated me with their weaponized autism. I now understand that I was wrong and I am now converting to ObloidSpherism.
MartinTimothy 23 December 2024
Sounds like a wise choice ..
Andre the Giant, the Greatest Drunk on Earth by Richard English
MartinTimothy 23 December 2024
In the 1970s, Andre was holding court at a beach-front bar in the Carolinas, boozing it up with fellow wrestlers Blackjack Mulligan, Dick Murdoch, and the inimitable Ric Flair. They’d been drinking with gusto for hours when Flair goaded Mulligan and Murdoch into some slap-boxing with Andre, who had poured over 60 beers down his gullet. One of the two “accidentally” sucker-punched Andre. The Giant became enraged, grabbed both Mulligan (6’5”, 250 lbs.) and Murdoch (6’3”, 240 lbs.) and dragged them into the ocean, one in each hand, where he proceeded to hold them under water. Flair intervened, and Andre released the men, assuring them he was only playing around. Murdoch and Mulligan, who had nearly drowned, weren’t so sure, but neither messed with Andre the Giant again. RE.The Book of Barnabas - Voat's new favorite book
MartinTimothy 23 December 2024
The Epistle of Barnabas (Greek: Βαρνάβα Ἐπιστολή) is an early Christian Greek epistle written between AD 70 and AD 135. The complete text is preserved in the 4th-century Codex Sinaiticus, where it appears at the end of the New Testament, following the Book of Revelation and before the Shepherd of Hermas. Wiki.Anyone here manage to live a completely addiction free life? (no alcohol, drugs, tobacco, coffee, sugar, porn, etc.)
MartinTimothy 23 December 2024
Yeah I was a binge drinker and at about age 32 started suffering dreadful hangovers .. thus I would stay away from alcohol for six weeks at a time then start off again .. on days one, two and three I would be quaffing all day, on the fourth day I would be so sick I couldn't get out of bed.
This is what happened on the last binge .. I hit the bars and in Paul Simon's words "a friend could not be found," I became abusive the police came and into the drunk's tank I went. That was the Thursday night, on Friday I stayed in bed sick as a dog all day.
Then on Saturday I went to take a drink of water from the jug beside the bed there were two snakes swimming around in it .. I was in Delirium Tremens that was it for drinking it was in 1982 and I have never been affected by alcohol since .. I do coffee sometimes but no tobacco or sugar, I began smoking marijuana when I went to Vietnam in 1969 and haven't stopped .. porn makes me sick.Politico publishes seditious op-ed - ((( Max Stier ))) urges current Federal Employees to keep their jobs, and illegally subvert the Trump Administration from within... to save ((( Democracy ))) !!!
MartinTimothy 23 December 2024
Democracy went arse up when Biden was installed as President despite Trump won the 2020 election. Link.In View of the Comprehensive Questionnaires Many Medical Establishments Insist You Respond to, would it not be just as fair to insist doctors come clean re whatever they have routinely gotten up to .. like have they ever murdered anyone either as an abortion or euthanasia provider ..
MartinTimothy 23 December 2024
That way they can be put on notice moves are afoot to bring them to arrest, trial and execution .. Stalin called them "assassins in white coats," it is high time they got taken down a peg or two .. .. you can add killer vaccination providers to the list as well.Bannon: "You're Damn Right We're Coming After You, And You're Damn Right We Want Retribution"
RoxannaHardbutt 22 December 2024
I am waiting for the day Bannon "comes after" the Jews who attacked the US Sept. 11, 2001.Remember when OG Voat left us all on Christmas?
RoxannaHardbutt 22 December 2024
The alleged Las Vegas Mandalay Bay / Stephen Paddock affair was a hoax.Chicago Crime Boss Tony Accardo Murders Ten After His Home is Burgled of Cash, Gold & Diamonds January 6, 1978
TankTinker 21 December 2024
One time Accardo associate John Mendell who was blamed for having organized the heist was the first to go disappearing on January 15, his body was found weeks later in the trunk of his car stabbed and strangled to death.
Five days after Mendell went missing his second in charge Bernard “Buddy” Ryan, was discovered dead behind the wheel of his car with four bullet holes in the back of his head, Ryan’s right-hand man Stevie Garcia made it until February 2, when he popped up as “trunk music” at the Sheraton Hotel next to O’Hare International Airport.
February 4 Vince Moretti the burglary crew’s fence for all of the stolen property, along with a small time crook friend of his named Don Renno were lured to a bar in Cicero, Illinois and beaten and stomped to death, Renno had nothing to do with the robbery he simply happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
The final two members of Mendell’s crew Bobby Hertogs and Johnny McDonald, met their own gruesome fate in April the same year, Hertogs was found in the trunk of his car he had been badly beaten and had his throat slit, McDonald was shot in the back of the head his body dumped in an alley.
In order to cover his tracks and cut ties from the purge he set in motion, Accardo turned his wrath toward his own inner circle, and the execution squad he had dispatched to do his bidding.
Months later Anthony “Little Tony” Borsellino and Gerald “Jerry the Dinger” Carusiello were slain with bullets to the back of the head, Borselino and Carusiello had participated in the murders of the burglary crew, Borselino was a member of the notorious westside “Wild Bunch,” a group of enforcers tasked with the Outfit’s most difficult jobs, Carusiello was a driver and bodyguard for Accardo’s street boss Joseph “Joey Doves” Aiuppa.
Nobody was ever arrested for any of the murders, Volpe’s eyeglasses were recovered from a safe inside the residence during a raid years later, but his body has never been unearthed. The Big Tuna himself died peacefully in 1992, having served close to a half-century at the helm of the Outfit and never doing any significant time behind bars. to Resume Looking for Flight MH 370 That Disappeared in Flight March 8, 2014 in One of the World’s Great Aviation Mysteries - Except there is no mystery, the aircraft was depressurized in flight killing the passengers & crew before being flown remotely to the island of Diego Garcia .. MH 17
RexYehudi 21 December 2024
RevolverNews - "Bellingcat was pushing that Russia was behind the Malaysia flight that disappeared.
The Russians were indeed behind the crash of MA Flight 17, in that a satellite shot shows an air to air missile launched by a Russian MiG 29 closing in on the aircraft which duly crashed in Ukraine. NY Times.
MA 370 & MA 17.
Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 was a scheduled international passenger flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, that disappeared in flight March 8, 2014, Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 was an identical Boeing 777-200ER which crashed near the Ukraine / Russia border, while on a regular flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur July 17, 2014 .. we say they were the same plane.
Image - Graphic.
Some bodies among the smouldering wreckage of MH17 were visibly in a state of rigor mortis, indicating death took place some short time prior, insofar as RM is a temporary condition that alleviates itself within hours. Link.
GlobalNews - While sources on the ground in Ukraine say, other bodies that rained down from the stricken aircraft were not fresh and reeked of decomposition. Which indicates the months old MH370 corpses were in the cargo hold of its alter ego MH17, when the passengers joined the flight in Amsterdam.
Postulate Flight MH370 was hijacked in mid flight March 8, 2014, that the cabin was depressurized causing the passengers to lose consciousness and die, before the plane was flown to the island of Diego Garcia and kept incommunicado in a secure hangar.
WTC Second Plane.
Using the same Rabbi Dov Zakheim pioneered tech, that allowed remote controlled planes to be flown into the Twin Towers at the WTC Sept. 11, 2001, where after it assumed the identity of Flight MH17 and was flown into a waiting ambush before it crash landed in Ukraine.
The same remote control tech is thought to have been used to cause the July 16, 1999 plane crash, that took the lives of John F Kennedy Jr his wife and her sister, which was allegedly to ensure Hillary Clinton's elevation to the US Senate.
Except JFK Jr and his wife Carolyn Jeanne Bessette-Kennedy both of whom are supposed to have perished July 16, 1999, are identified alive & well in an undated montage that has been doing the rounds for the last few yrs, foreground figures are wearing MAGA hats, which indicates the montage was assembled during the Trump Presidency in any case .. yeah the scope of the deception boggles the mind.
DaijiWorld - Was MH17 Actually the Missing MH370.Chanukah in the City, the Brisbane Menorah - I will remind Voaters that TerrorGrüppe Kurzberg aka the "Celebrating Jews of 911" have been granted safe movement in Brisbane by a succession of political dynasties at state & federal level since the day of the outrage, Sept 11, 2001 .. hang 'em all
MartinTimothy 18 December 2024
911 Australia - TerrorGrüppe Kurzberg - Pizza - Woodledoodledoo.
Whoever owing allegiance to the United States levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere is guilty of treason and shall suffer death. 18 USC Ch. 115, §2381.Martin Blasick @ YouTube, TEMU Acoustic Guitar For $29.99, Cool Paint Job - This is a great guitar it looks good, it plays good and it sounds good
MartinTimothy 16 December 2024
TEMU Link .. the price went up to $71 Au.My iPhone Says There is a Text Message, I have deleted the last messages from today and yesterday and it still tells me there is an unopened message .. TIA
MartinTimothy 16 December 2024
Perplexing ..MartinTimothy 16 December 2024
The last "iGenie" I spoke to said his iP is nine yrs old, and since I have had mine for only six yrs the old saying "if it ain't broke don't fix it" comes to mind, sure the latest models will have foibles of their own.We could very well get hit,' he told Fox. Expert issues horrifying warning about origin of mysterious drones surveying America: 'Too large, too well organized'
MartinTimothy 15 December 2024
Start firing laser pointers at 'em and see what transpires, if you use military grade green lasers so much the better .. should cause something to happen anyway. Link.grow and restore Arctic sea ice
MartinTimothy 13 December 2024
Arctic sea ice is shrinking as humans continue to heat up the world by burning fossil fuels. Since the mid-1980s, the amount of thick, multi-year ice has shrunk by 95%. The ice that remains is young and thin. Some scientists predict the Arctic could have an ice-free summer as early as the 2030s. CNN.Boy George - The Crying Game
RoxannaHard 13 December 2024
This is what goes thru my head when BG gets a mention .. George O'Dowd got 15 months in jail for in company with an unnamed man, handcuffing a male escort to a wall fixture and beating him with leather straps, sex toys and a metal chain .. so was he to be set free, or were the handcuffing and beatings to be a prelude to murder?? Link.Australian Medical Marijuana Has Been Regulated Out of Existence..
anon 9280873 13 December 2024
I am a cancer patient, I was soaked in Agent Orange type chemicals during the Vietnam War .. various types of "highly unusual" cancers pop up virtually over night they most often get surgically removed .. the whole process is very painful, I do not take pharmaceutical drugs at any time, however to make the pain bearable I smoke marijuana every day .. it doesn't take the pain away but it puts you into a frame of mind that makes the pain easier to bear.
I have been getting it via doctor's prescription at legal outlets .. no more, when you go in it is either "yr prescription has run out despite there are repeats left," or "you have received yr monthly limit" .. so I got both those reasons for not getting it this week, when I said ok we'll make a new appointment with the doctor they said the next available was 16 January .. too bad about the pain yuk yuk .. they think it's a joke .. so we are in bad pain and we don't get any relief .. what a bummer.anon 13 December 2024
Would advise potential pot buyers to avoid the Leafedout site .. despite their claims and the volumes of favorable comments, they will not play ball and tell you to create a Telegram account and proceed from there .. total scam, keep away.anon 9280873 14 Dec. 2024
This is the reply I appended onto the Leafedout website, read on ..
Yeah, if you were fair dinkum and were in this business to make money, you would recognize that I am a legitimate customer and would take pains to foster what would be a mutually beneficial relationship .. yr not in it for the money so what are you all about, when I run that thru my onboard computer the results are depressing, while the only thing you could be is a tout for the FBI data mining process.. on the other hand if you wish to redeem yrself pick up the phone, explain the pricing process and find yr way to me with the stuff .. back.Hmmmm. Observations about Las Vegas shooting 2017
I'm looking for something different
MartinTimothy RoxannaHardbutt 12 & 19 December 2024
The alleged Oct. 1, 2017 Las Vegas, Mandalay Bay massacre was as fake as a 3 dollar bill .. read on.
Las Vegas False Flag.
Las Vegas Massacre Hoax @ Facebook.
The Mandalay Bay Las Vegas False Flag.
Las Vegas Shooting Another False Flag.
Evidence of Las Vegas Hoax & Covert Op.
Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Staged Shooting.
Robert David Steele: Las Vegas False Flag.
Ole Dammegard - Las Vegas Shooting False Flag.
Irrefutable Las Vegas Shooting False Flag Analysis.
Proof Las Vegas Shooting Was a False Flag Attack.
Alex Jones, "Las Vegas Shooting Was a False Flag".
Las Vegas Mass Shooting False Flag & Black PsyOp.
YouTube Videos Claim Las Vegas Massacre Was Faked.
The Las Vegas Massacre Story Strains the Limits of Gullibility.
Sandy Hook & Las Vegas Shootings - False Flags Scripted by AI.
Miles Mathis Exposes Fake Personas in the Las Vegas Shooting.
Las Vegas False Flag Operation Shooting Hoax, Hospital Reports "No Blood".
The latest says the sound of gunfire was broadcast thru loudspeakers, while crisis actors who had been seeded into the crowd were prepped to act as though a real shooting were taking place.Eye colour doesn't always remain constant throughout our lives - in fact, a wide range of external influences can change it, from injury to infection and sun damage, and sometimes the change appears to happen spontaneously
MartinTimothy 11 December 2024
The Longinus Effect - Talking about spontaneous eye changes, recently one afternoon I got off of the computer and walked outside to check the mailbox, the instant I opened the door there was something different .. I could not work out what it was I thought maybe the lighting, I got as far as the letter box and realized that although I was not wearing the glasses I usually have on outside I had perfect vision for the first and only time in about 35 yrs .. the effect only lasted for about ten minutes after which things returned to normal.Anders Breivik has Russian symbol "Z" shaved into his head and supports anti-US communist regimes now
MartinTimothy 11 December 2024
Whatever he is getting up to now, the Anders Behring Breivik alleged Aug. 24, 2012 Norway Massacre event was a False Flag / hoax.
Norwegian Scholar Connects Breivik to Mossad.
Norway False Flag Attack Anders Breivik Scam.
Swedish Professor Links Israel to Norway Massacre.
Anders Breivik Doesn't Exist He's Fake, Norway False Flag.
After Oslo: Israel’s Most Secret Weapon, the False Flag Terrorist Attack. July 22, 2011, Alleged Slaughter of Eighty Nine in Norway a Terminally Corrupt Zionist Hoax - Crisis actors identified, alleged shooter Anders Behring Breivik is a Mossad agent.
Aftenposten - Mass Shooting, Utoya Island, Norway, July 22, 2011, "police sources have confirmed that hours before the attack on Utoya island, police had conducted a drill for a "practically identical scenario."
All of the officers from the anti terror unit that later took part at the bombsite at the government buildings, and went out to Utoya to apprehend Anders Behring Breivik had been training on the exact same scenario earlier the same day, and in the days preceding."Perfect anti Bill Gates meme
MartinTimothy 11 December 2024
It says 4 comments only two show up, are we being censored here or is there another explanation .. back to you @System.Wickenburg Massacre Vicinity Marker - Memorial for the murder of six stagecoach passengers en route from Wickenburg, Arizona Territory, westbound for San Bernardino, California, by fifteen Yavapai tribesmen from the Date Creek Reservation November 5, 1871
TankTinker 10 December 2024
One survivor, Mollie Sheppard - usually described as a Prescott courtesan - who later died of the wounds she sustained during the attack, believed the attackers were Mexican bandits dressed as Indians since a Mexican gang had been operating in the area, the story seemed plausible to many and provided a good excuse for townsfolk to run the Mexicans and their families out of the region. AZCentral.
Evidence both circumstantial and conflicted led the Territorial Army to attack a band of Apache-Mojave Indians at the Dale Creek Reservation in retaliation, but many of the details pertaining to the incident remain a mystery. Tracks found around the scene of the shooting showed that the assailants were walking towards the Dale Creek Reservation, but then abruptly turned away from it towards Wickenburg.
Some historians believe that this meant that the true assailants were trying to frame the Indians. By most accounts, the Yavapai Indians were a peaceful group; many could not believe that they were responsible for the massacre.
Several theories have been put forth as to who may have actually caused the Wickenburg massacre. One theory is that Mexican bandits disguised as Apaches attacked the stagecoach. Another theory is that the survivors one Kruger and Mollie Sheppard were actually responsible for the attack, in an attempt to rob the other passengers and to take a shipment of gold said to be on the stagecoach. UnsolvedMysteries..Maybe that's why they all brainwash you into hating it
MartinTimothy 9 December 2024
"Italian leader Mussolini invented fascism."((( Conspriacy Confirmed ))) - Bolshevik-Jew loving Franklin D. Roosevelt ALLOWED Pearl Harbor to happen to force America into WWII... and then began carpet bombing Germany's White Christian population
MartinTimothy 9 December 2024
You have got it all wrong .. Roosevelt didn't "allow" Pearl Harbor to happen, he willingly accepted the Zionist media version of events that the Japs had bombed the place, when there is absolutely no evidence they did.
There Were No Japanese Planes at Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941 - It was a replay of the False Flag 1898 USS Maine bombing in Havana Harbor that precipitated war between the US & Spain, whereby the US obtained dominion over the Philippines & annexed Hawaii, Cuba, Guam & Puerto Rico. Link.
If President Roosevelt had fulfilled his duty to the American ppl he would have ordered a complete investigation, that would have revealed the planes were set alight at ground level, and that the ships were sunk by preplanted explosive charges.
As for America being "forced" into WW2 .. there would have been no wider war against Japan, bearing in mind the US semi mercenary force the "Flying Tigers" had been waging undeclared war against Japanese forces in China since long before PH, if Roosevelt had done just that.
In 1941 a secret team of pilots known as the Flying Tigers crossed the Pacific Ocean on Dutch vessels posing as farmers, mechanics, and missionaries. Along with them was a shipment of 100 Curtiss-Wright P-40 Warhawks transported discreetly aboard third-country freighters. What few knew at the time was that these were American pilots with American planes, on what was supposed to be a very quiet mission with the Republic of China Air Force. Video: The Secret American Air Force in China - The Flying Tigers.
While hostilities against Germany came about after Adolf H as German Chancellor declared war on the US.
Despite Germany was already at war with Britain, France & Russia, Adolf Hitler as German Chancellor arbitrarily declared war on the United States Dec. 11, 1941, following President Roosevelt's Declaration of War on Japan three days earlier in response to the False Flag Pearl Harbor attacks.
After having declared war on France & England June 10, 1940, Benito Mussolini declared war on America on behalf of Italy on the same day as Hitler. Thus between the two of them they provided the impetus for massive US and British bombing thence ground warfare, which guaranteed Germany and Italy would be the losers in WW2. US & British Forces Invade Italy 1943.How long before Muslims burn Notre Dame again?
MartinTimothy 8 December 2024
Jews are the church burners.
Israeli Settlers Burn Church in Jerusalem.
Rabbi Says Christian Churches Must be Burnt.
Zionists Burn Palestinian Churches & Mosques.
Attempted Arson of Gethsemane Church in Jerusalem.
Sea of Galilee Church Where Jesus Fed 5,000 Torched.
The rush to blame "Moslems" for the church fires, resembles the way arch conspirator Jerome Hauer had within minutes of the South Tower airstrike, asserted Osama bin Laden - who denied guilt - formulated the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the US, whereas in the fullness of time the attacks are proven to have been carried out by Jews.
Notre Dame, Predictive Programming & DEW.
Dec. 5, 2020, Fire Destroys 128 yo East Village Church.
2016, Historic Orthodox Church in Manhattan Gutted by Fire.
DEW Weaponry Used on the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.
Protestant & Catholic Churches Attacked in Northern Ireland., Soviets Razed Churches & Spared Synagogues.
Video: Destruction of the Christ the Savior Cathedral, Moscow 1931.
European Churches Vandalized, Defecated Upon & Torched Every Day.
The desecration and destruction of Christian edifices resonates with Russia post the Jew inspired sham 1917 Revolution, where the emptying of churches was accomplished by the simple expedient of burning thousands of them down and building synagogues. The Mass Murder of Russian Christians, by Lasha Darkmoon.
Israel Responsible For Sickening Bomb Massacres in Sri Lanka.
Furthermore attacks on places of worship whether they be Christian, Moslem or Jew are forbidden in the Koran, which means Moslems were not responsible for the Notre Dame Cathedral fire, other French church burnings or the Sri Lanka church bombings in any case.
DEW Laser Beam Seen at the Notre Dame Cathedral April 15, 2019.
DEW Strike in Russia Days After Notra Dame Cathedral Was [J]EW'd in France.
As well Jews are the principle suspects for the Christmas 2022 fire that gutted Nantes Cathedral.
Just a reminder of what they show your children
anon 4087520 8 December 2024
It doesn't only make young ppl sick .. when I see the ads of Jew lookin' r'soles stuffing their guts with hamburger and whatever on YouTube I nearly spew .. nothing is "by accident" it's how the Yids get their kicks, rubbing filth into the faces of the whiter community.Where can I get a green jacket
RoxannaHardbutt anon 3664495 8 December 2024
Win the US Masters Golf Tournament at Augusta GA .Happy 'Day of Infamy', voaters and upgoaters.
MartinTimothy 8 December 2024
There Were No Japanese Planes at Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941 - It was a replay of the False Flag 1898 USS Maine bombing in Havana Harbor that precipitated war between the US & Spain, whereby the US obtained dominion over the Philippines & annexed Hawaii, Cuba, Guam & Puerto Rico.Message From Warning, Suspected Phishing - This Website Has Been Reported for Potential Phishing Which is When a Site Attempts to Steal Sensitive Information by Falsely Presenting as a Safe Source .. it is an image hosting place for chrissakes they don't need to "steal" anything..
TankTinker 6 December 2024
This is just more obstruction .. and even when you do go ahead and load a piccy you get the message, "Server Responded With a 403 Code" .. not good .Why is this turd-skinned street shitter announcing names now instead of waiting til Trumpberg takes office? They always give each other warnings and, quite frankly, that's gay
RexYehudi 6 December 2024
XYZ: Israel Did 9/11.
FSTDT - Mossad Did 9/11.
Wikispooks: Israel Did 911. 9/11 Was an Israeli Job.
9/11 Inside Out - The Jews Did It.
How 9/11 was done - Mossad/Israel.
Israel Did 9/11, All the Proof in the World. Israel Did 9/11, Not Moslems.
Mossad and the US Govt. Masterminded 911.
LostScribeMedia: 9/11, Israel’s Masterpiece.
Israel Did 9/11 - 35 Years Documented Proof.
Laurent Guyénot - 9/11 Was by the CIA & Mossad.
The Neocon Zionist Report, 9/11 Israel’s Masterpiece.
Victor Thorn, Israel’s Central Role in the Sept. 11 Attacks.
800 Pound Gorilla: Israel Did 9/11, All the Proof You Need. Israel did 9/11, Islam Was Framed by Zionist Jews.
ChristopherBollyn: The 911 Attacks Were by the CIA & Mossad pdf.
Francesco Cossiga - "The CIA & Israel Planed and Executed the 9/11 Attacks.
GoonSquad: 9/11 Was by Israel & Traitors in the WH, Pentagon, CIA, FBI & NSA.
Israel assisted by corrupt elements in the US Government carried out the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, the push to blame Saudi Arabia is 911 bs of the third kind, after OBL did it and Bush & Cheney were responsible come in at one & two.
No Plane at Shanksville.
Guided Missile at the WTC.
Cruise Missile at the Pentagon on 911.
Celebrating Jews Filming as the Twin Towers Went Down.
Thousands of Jews Absent From the WTC on the Day.
Warnings to Stay Away Came Via Telephone Messages..
From the Pulpit of NY Synagogues the Friday Before..
And From the Odigo Hebrew Language Messaging Service.
PressTV: American Political Psychologist Walt Peretto says, "Mossad is trying to cover its tracks as the real 911 perpetrator by hyping a congressional report that allegedly implicates Saudi Arabia!"
Ken O'Keefe: "The Saudis are fall guys who provided the patsies, it's a diversion from the real culprits Mossad, Israeli Intelligence and traitors in the US Government & Military."
There were no hijackers the planes that struck the WTC Towers were piloted by remote control, using hardware developed by Rabbi Dov Zakheim, who with Zionists Jerome Hauer and Michael Chertoff engineered the whole project.
Whoever owing allegiance to the United States levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death. US Code § 2381.
Since Jews attacked the US on 911 AntiSemitism is a patriotic duty and a moral responsibility, thus true patriots insist the Jews who perpetrated the attacks with every member of the political, law enforcement and media lobbies that support the deception, be charged and brought to trial under US Law where after conviction they suffer lawful execution .. anticipate a death toll among Jews to rival Hitler's tally.
This black ---- will remain without credibility and should himself, with every other member of the FBI, the CIA, both houses of the US Congress and every member of successive Presidential administrations, be prosecuted as capital offenders as part of the coverup, for refusing 911 & JFK Assassination truth.A synagogue in Melbourne has been firebombed
MartinTimothy 6 December 2024
This type of thing is sponsored by Jews, so they can maintain the fiction they are an oppressed minority in a world of haters.
Kristallnacht Was a Jewish False Flag.
Jew Arrested After Posting Swastikas.
Jew Caught Spray Painting Swastikas.
Israeli Indicted for Hate Crimes Against Jews.
Jew Spray Paints Swastikas on his Own Home.
Jew Behind New York's Rash of Swastika Graffiti.
Jews Arrested Over Swastika Graffiti on Synagogues.
Jews Commit AntiSemitic Hate Crimes on Themselves.
Winnipeg Jews Stage "Brazen" AntiSemitic Hate Crime.
Jewish Woman Busted Scrawling Swastikas in Brooklyn.
Jews Arrested for Painting Swastikas on Israel Consulate.
Bogus Hate Crimes & Politically Charged Fictitious Horrors.
Jew Admits He Lied About Being Stabbed in an AntiSemitic Attack.
Jew Painted Swastikas on Her Own Door then Cried AntiSemitism.
Israeli Teenager Who Threatened Jewish Community Centers Indicted.
The rush to blame "Pro-Palestinians," resembles the way arch conspirator Jerome Hauer had within minutes of the South Tower airstrike, asserted Osama bin Laden - who denied guilt - formulated the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks upon the US, whereas in the fullness of time the attacks are proven to have been carried out by Jews.
As well I will remind ppl that attacks on places of worship whether they be Christian, Moslem or Jew are forbidden in the Koran, which means Moslems were not responsible. That Jews stage False Flag hate crimes against themselves and blame inherent AntiSemitism, it has been going on for a long time. Darkmoon: Fake AntiSemitism Manufactured by Jews.MartinTimothy 6 December 2024
Yes a lot of ppl are willing to blame "Moslem extremists" for all kinds of things without taking into account the Jew penchant for False Flag attacks, not to mention the way the Jews hire rent-a-crowders and crisis actors to give certain appearances.
The Koran tells believers to "cast truth at falsehood" .. the terrorists don't do that becuz they are no Moslems. Furthermore when the leaders of these nominally Moslem terror groups are identified, they are invariably found to be Jews.
Moreover the Koran instructs the faithful that prayers should be "in private at the two ends of the day without being apparent in speech" .. so the ones with their arses stuck up in the air in the middle of the street, and the ones making the awful cacaphony that occurs five times daily where disbelief holds sway, who ever fail to "cast truth" are unbelievers and nothing more.There Were No Japanese Planes at Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941 - It was a replay of the False Flag 1898 USS Maine bombing in Havana Harbor that precipitated war between the US & Spain, whereby the US obtained dominion over the Philippines & annexed Hawaii, Cuba, Guam & Puerto Rico - Japan nuked 2011
MartinTimothy 6 December 2024
I was told PH was bs by another kid on my first day of school in 1955.
The FF September 1931 Mukden Incident Caused the Japanese Invasion of Manchuria.
The FF August 1939 Gleiwitz Incident Preceded the German Invasion of Poland.
The FF August 1964 Gulf of Tonkin Incident led the US Into the Vietnam War.
The FF 911 Attacks Brought Unjust War to the Moslem World.
There Were No Japanese Planes at Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7, 1941.
Like the above proven FF incidents used to start wars, Pearl Harbor was a replay of the False Flag 1898 USS Maine incident in Havana Harbor that precipitated war between the US & Spain. Whereby under the slogan "Remember the Maine" the US obtained dominion over the Philippines, there after to inflict unimaginable horrors on the host population, and annexed Hawaii, Cuba, Guam & Puerto Rico.
Officially Beginning at 0600 hours the first wave of 183 fighters and torpedo bombers struck at the fleet in Pearl Harbor and the airfields in Hickam, Kaneohe and Ewa, the second strike launched at 0715 hours consisted of 167 aircraft which struck the same targets. At 0753 hours the next wave consisting of 40 Nakajima B5N2 Kate" torpedo bombers, 51 Aichi D3A1 "Val" dive bombers, 50 high Altitude bombers and 43 Zeros struck at airfields and at Pearl Harbor.
Official US Casualties.
Despite the bomber flights shopped into this pic, US Anti Aircraft Gunners on Diamond Head in an interview recorded by MovieTone News the same day said, "there were no Japanese planes."
Smoke from parked aircraft in a row of undamaged planes upwind of an inferno of other burning planes and no blast damage or bomb craters anywhere, says they were deliberately set alight at ground level.
Despite the smoke and the sunken ships, sailors shootin' the breeze and others just getting on with their business, says they were in no way concerned a hostile attack by a foreign power had taken place.
In this image no one appears to be at action stations despite the undamaged battleship should be an obvious target for enemy bombers, while spectators wandering around and a similar lack of bomb craters fails to assert a force of some hundreds of enemy aircraft is at large.
Montage: Burning planes at Ford Island Naval Air Station Dec. 7, 1941, see ppl walking and standing around despite the flames, nor are there bomb craters anywhere near the burning shore installation, at bottom Villeneuve-Orly Airport after Allied air attack, August, 1944. - False Flag Pearl Harbor pdf.
News Dec. 8 1941.
News Sept. 12, 2001.
The Zionist press beat the drums of war in relation to Pearl Harbor, just like it did USS Maine and on September 12, 2001 post the False Flag Jew inspired 911 attacks.
Why the US Used HAARP Against Japan.
HAARP Japan Earthquake Tsunami Attack.
NASA Points to HAARP Connection in Japan.
Japan Threatened With More HAARP Attacks.
Japan's 3/11/11 Mega 9.1 Earthquake An Illuminati Production.
Video: Man Made Quakes - HAARP, Japanese [Earthquake & Tsunami 11 March 2011.
HAARP: Magnetometry Data Shows the March 11, 2011 Japanese Earthquake Was Induced.
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Nuked, March 11. 2011.
The earthquake and tsunami that devastated Japan March 11, 2011 taking around 20,000 lives were HAARP driven, while the nearly simultaneous explosion that devastated the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, was caused by nuclear charges that had been placed by an Israeli firm under cover of security camera installation. Benjamin Fulford, Fukushima, Link.Mini Documentary About the Chaos That Erupted at the Disastrous 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago
TankTinker 4 December 2024
That year, Americans, and especially Democrats, were up in arms over the US involvement in the Vietnam War. Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy had been assassinated earlier that year, and the party entered the convention divided between pro- and anti-war candidates [The party’s infighting was] escalated by a Democratic president, Lyndon Johnson, who believed [that by supporting the war] he was continuing the wishes of the martyred president, John F. Kennedy.
A lot of Democrats saw [the war] as part of this great anti-communist crusade, and a lot of people saw it as imperialism — that we were interfering in another country’s civil war. The idea that we had to get out was very prevalent on the left wing of the Democratic Party. The last day of the convention was Thursday, and that’s when they said, we’re going to walk to the convention come hell or high water. Mayor Daley says, no way. Meanwhile, his police, who have been seething since April, were feeling an itchy trigger finger. There was all kinds of fearful rhetoric on both sides.
And another group of people wanted to parade to the convention hall, and they were much more conventionally political. A lot of them were radical revolutionaries and the kind of people who would hoist flags of the enemy in Vietnam, the Viet Cong. Daley put his foot down and said these long-haired miscreants aren’t going to get the time of day in our city, which only ratcheted up the tensions and made them even more determined. The protesters essentially said: “We’ll sleep in the park even if you don’t want us to. We’ll march to the convention hall even if you don’t want us to. We’ll put our bodies on the line, in both cases.” Noel King.
Tom Hayden would say things like, “If blood is going to flow, it should flow all over the city.” By which he meant if there are attacks on protesters, we should go in all the neighborhoods. But that was interpreted as an intent to attack innocent people all over the city. Vox.In Case One Is Confused (meme of the day Igor here)!
RoxannaHardbutt 3 December 2024
Here is a short summary of the 20th century for the confused people - Jewish Communists killed the Russian Tsar. They began a campaign of murder and starvation known as the Red Terror..
Hitler and the Nazis rose up in opposition to the communists, the Allied forces helped the Jew communists defeat the Nazis, who were the "anti-Globohomo" equivalent of the 1930's.
The Jews began an 80 year campaign of lies and propaganda to fool White nations into believing they were the good guys, when they were the evil monsters.
Americans are now living in real time what Hitler fought to prevent in Germany, please educate yourself before spewing Jewish propaganda.
Adolf Hitler Was a Jew.
Hitler Was Heir to the Rothschild Inheritance.
Adolf Hitler and all of the top Nazis were Jews, the non Jewish Nazis Ernst Röhm and the SA were liquidated in the Night of the Long Knives massacres of June 1934, after H was sworn in as German Chancellor Jan. 30, 1933. The Zionists put Hitler in place to lose the war, Jews were running things in all of the protagonist nations, WW2 was a Zionist sponsored exercise in white genocide.
Despite Germany was already at war with Britain, France & Russia, Adolf Hitler as German Chancellor arbitrarily declared war on the United States Dec. 11, 1941, following President Roosevelt's Declaration of War on Japan three days earlier in response to the False Flag Pearl Harbor attacks. After having declared war on France & England June 10, 1940, Benito Mussolini declared war on America on behalf of Italy on the same day as Hitler.
Thus between the two of them they provided the impetus for massive US and British bombing thence ground warfare, which guaranteed Germany and Italy would be the losers in WW2. US & British Forces Invade Italy 1943.
Stalin's Jews, by Sever Plocker.
The First Soviet Government Was Predominantly Jewish.
Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili aka Joseph Stalin Was a Jew.
Mass Murderers Stalin & Kaganovich Together in Jewish Attire.
Eustace Mullins - The Real Holocaust Was by Jews Against Russian & Ukrainian Christians.
As we can see the Russian Commos similarly were all Jews, post the killing of the non Jewish Bolshevics concurrent with the afore mentioned "Red Terror," understand Communism and Nazism were but two heads on the same Zionist hydra.Lone Wolf Race Warriors and White Genocide - book by Mattias Gardell
MartinTimothy 3 December 2024
Sure the title brings the works of Cormac McCarthy to mind, that were often criticized for graphic descriptions of excessive violence ..
While the intro to Mattias Gardell's tome starts, "when Brenton Tarrant live streamed his massacre of fifty one Muslims in Christchurch, New Zealand, in March 2019.."
Massaker in Neuseeland, False Flag.
New Zealand Shooting Hoax Exposed.
Christchurch New Zealand Shooting Hoax.
New Zealand Mosque Attacks - False Flag.
New Zealand Shooting & History of False Flags.
False Flag New Zealand Mosque Shooting Exposed. Ok.
The New Zealand Shooting Smells Like a False Flag.
New Zealand False Flag Attack, Don't Give Up Your Guns. Ok.
Nutritional Revalution - New Zealand Shooting is a False Flag.
Alleged New Zealand Mass Shooting Has Mossad Fingerprints All Over. Ok.
Video: Christchurch Mosque Shooting Hoax, Crypto Jew Spotted "Sellin' it". - Good Christchurch, New Zealand Joins the Terror Hoax Fray. Ok.
Fake New Zealand Mosque Shooting Illuminati Hoax Psyop False Flag Attack Exposed.
Christchurch New Zealand Terrorist Attack, Tim Pool Reports False Flag Patsy Review With LDA. Ok.
Crisis Actors Exposed - New Zealand Mosque Shooting, Freemasonry, Illuminati, Hoax, Psyop, False Flag.
Thoughts on the Alleged New Zealand Shooting .. Gladio European False Flag Terrorism Sponsored by NATO.
False Flag New Zealand Mosque Shooting & Palestine Bombing Rothschild Khazar Mob WWIII, MIR, 15 March. - The New Zealand Shooting Hoax Analyzed, the False Flag event that is fooling all the sheep in the world wake up people.
QAnon Aotearoa - The Truth About the PsyOp Alleged Mosque Shooting in Christchurch New Zealand, a False Flag Op by the CIA & Mossad.
NZ False Flag Right Out of the Deep State Playbook - The DS rabbit hole is deeper than anyone could imagine, challenge the narrative break the chains of mind control.
The Shooting Hoax Down Under Commentary, Plus Brazil Hoax Analysis - This video has been blocked for breaching site community guidelines and is currently unavailable.
Psyop Shooting Hoax in New Zealand "Live Streamed" - This video has been blocked for breaching site community guidelines and is currently unavailable.
Breaking: New Zealand False Flag by Zionist Israel With Complete New Zealand Police & Freemason Complicity - Update 1: Multiple Additional False Flag Confirmatory Articles.
Alleged Christchurch shooter Brendon Tarrant is the son of two British parents of Jewish origin - As long as Jared Kushner & John Bolton are in the White House the US Government is in enemy hands, Zionists did 9/11.
Robert David Steele @ VT: The Alleged New Zealand Mosque Massacre Was a Completely Staged False Flag Event, Managed by Mossad in Complicity With Corrupt NZ Police & National Authorities .. no one died. Ok.
Scott Bennett - "The NZ Affair is a False Flag Zionist Op to Draw Attention From Ongoing Massacres in Gaza & Yemen, for the benefit of Israeli intelligence and the US military industrial police state.
NorthernTruthSeeker: Christchurch Mosque Shooting False Flag - What an amazing coincidence that drills were taking place in Christchurch while the [alleged] shootings were underway.
Ole Dammegard on the Christchurch "Event" - He says the same group that travels the world like a rock and roll band carries out FF attacks of this nature, that he can predict where they will strike. Ok.
New Zealand Mosque Shooting is Drill Staged False Flag by the Government - The story the media is giving the public regarding an anti immigration manifesto is absurd.
MillenniumReport - Did Gladio do New Zealand as a False Flag to Demonize Trump & Shut Down the Right, why was John Podesta in NZ days before .. this was to demonize nationalism & further censor the internet. Ok.
New Zealand Mosque Shooting Hoax - So the alleged shooter openly writes he wants a white ethno state and hates conservatives, then claims black conservative Candace Owens is his inspiration.
Stormfront: New Zealand "Mass Shooting" Yet Another Hoax - Sometimes extremist Moslems are blamed in these Mossad operations, in this case White Nationalists are taking the heat. Ok.
Mosque Shooting in New Zealand a False Flag - Features such as comments, sharing & suggested videos have been disabled for this video because of content that may be inappropriate or offensive.
Australian Senator Frasier Anning Clambers Aboard the [Alleged] NZ Mosque Shooting Bandwagon - This wretched creature has no problem that TerrorGrüppe Kurzberg the "Celebrating Jews of 911" have had safe haven in his home town of Brisbane since the day of the outrage, sure he is a [capital] traitor.
The "Manifesto pdf" released by alleged NZ Mosque Massacre perp Brenton Tarrant, which as the links above assert was total bs in any case, while many of the links including the manifesto itself are down .. we are dealing with massive Zionist sponsored censorship here.
So where and under what auspices would anyone trust Zlib-GsBooks as a legitimate news source.Sudden misogyny epidemic is suspicious
MartinTimothy 2 December 2024
Misogyny feeds off the egos of wretched women like the ones screaming for abortion rights fr instance, some babe who thinks genocide and slaughter of infants is ok .. judging ppl in a court of law or occupying political office and making decisions .. haven't got much time for men either.All metrics of Civic Health are down
MartinTimothy 2 December 2024
It is not as if the Jews who are behind massive population relocations are unaware of all this .. balkanize, divide and rule.Moving the goalpost as they see fit, now they claim that the Atlantic and southeast will be under water by the year 2100 LOL
MartinTimothy 1 December 2024
I certainly do remember, and it is for publishing 911 bs that Popular Mechanics remains on my no-no list, nor did "jet fuel" bring down the WTC Twin Towers on Sept. 11, 2001, read on ..
Nukes at the WTC on 911 - A Guided Missile Impacted the WTC Concourse Area Moments After the Air Strike on the South Tower, an animation titled The Japanese Object & the lack of smoke or dust on the NY skyline at the appropriate time muddied the waters. Voat Link - Parent File."Palisade" Type Structure on Planet Mars, Curiosity Sol 1797 Returned August 2017
TankTinker 1 December 2024
NASA Link.
Closer scrutiny of the Curiosity frame reveals a lot more evidence of planned Martian construction.Video: Large Square Formation & Alien Skull on Mars - Yeah I'm not so sure about the "Alien Skull" however there is no doubting the square formations..
TankTinker 1 December 2024
The filmstrip obtained by the NASA Global Mars Surveyor Mission has at least three separate well defined square formations.
Hominid & Human Skulls on Planet Mars - This link will take y'all to a place that has unequivocal Martian skulls.Florida grandpa, 72, killed over alleged loud music dispute with neighbor on Thanksgiving: ‘He wasn’t sorry’
MartinTimothy 1 December 2024
Friend of mine requested his black neighbor who had been in Australia for two weeks from South Africa, turn down loud music at 11 pm Sunday night .. the black **** stabbed him to death.I am a denier of nothing, there was no holocaust!
MartinTimothy 1 December 2024
The push to declare the holocaust a "lie" is to downplay the Jewish role.
Eisenhower's Rhine Meadows Death Camps.
11 Million Germans Were Murdered After WWII.
9-15 Million Germans Killed Post WW2 1945 – 1953.
Post WW2 Jews Murdered Poles & Took Power in Poland.
The Real Holocaust of WW2 – 15 Million Germans Slaughtered.
Genocide of the Ethnic Germans in Jugoslavia 1944 – 1948 pdf.
Other Losses - The Genocide of 7m Germans, by James Bacque.
The Masses of Corpses at Dachau & Buchenwald Were Dead German Soldiers.
Video: 1945, The Savage Peace by Peter Molloy - 12 Million Ethnic Germans Murdered Post WW2.
The Forgotten Soldier by Guy Sajer - Genocide of German POWs at the Rheinwiesenlager Camps pdf, Unz Review.
Jews perpetrated genocide upon the German ppl not the other way around - The Holocaust was a Zionist plot to eliminate those Jews who remained true to the Divine Covenant, by which Allah assures Jews the Messiah will appear, whose purpose will be to restore the fortunes of the Jewish people and to establish the nation state of Israel, it exhorts them to patience until that time comes.
Understand this, the so called Jews who wielded the power in Germany under Nazism and in the Soviet Union under Communism are not even Jews, they were horse breeders from Kazakhstan who became Jews when their King embraced Judaism in the 8th Century.
So the impetus to the slaughter of real Jews came from their direction and was to forward their own genocidal agenda, all under the aegis of the Talmud which was penned by a master Zionist who claimed to have prevailed in a debate with Allah.
If you want to look more closely at it you will see the Ashkenazi sham conversion to Judah was so they could blame "Talmudists" for the genocides, to divert future blame from themselves a la False Flag attacks etc, while they return to the religion of their forebears.
Poseidon & Demeter.
Prior to the Hebrew conversion the Ashkenazi worshiped Arion the Horse God offspring of the violent and incestuous union between Poseidon and his beautiful sister Demeter .. long had he lusted after her for her beauty..
Quarter Horse.
Aware she would change form and gallop across the Earth as a wonderful mare he sent spies to watch her, when they reported she was in that form he changed himself into a stallion and raped her, the fierce eye of the Quarter Horse is the inheritance of Arion.
Jews infiltrated German politics then perped the Holocaust in the name of the German ppl, like they infiltrated US politics perped 911 then established the bogus War on Terror, like they infiltrated Turkish politics then perpetrated the Armenian Genocide .. there were No Japanese Planes at Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941.Canadian Euthanasia doctor Ellen (((Wiebe))) says "The majority of our patients are the elite, like us."
MartinTimothy 30 November 2024
Yeah well we have an agenda to prosecuted ppl like her for murder under the capital precepts of common law .. as long as she understands that.Abraham Lincoln's assassin was a Jew?
RoxannaHardbutt 30 November 2024
Just hold on a minute .. it seems to me the American public is all too willing to accept John Wilkes Booth's guilt for the murder of US President Abraham Lincoln, which took place at Ford's Theatre in Washington DC April 14, 1865, in the face of volumes of material disputing the official story.
John Wilkes booth - An Innocent Patsy.
John Wilkes booth Was Framed for Abe Lincoln's Murder.
John Wilkes booth Was Perfectly Suited for the Role of Fake Fall Guy or Patsy.
That Booth was shot dead allegedly for leveling a pistol during his arrest, surely resonates with the Nov. 24, 1963 murder of Lee Harvey Oswald, another patsy who was charged with having murdered US President John Kennedy and Dallas Police Officer JD Tippit, in Dallas two days before.
LHO in the Doorway.
Despite photographs and film show him at the doorway of the TSBD when the shots were fired at the President in the first instance, and show he was still in the doorway when The Three Tramps were marched by hours later, similarly exculpating him for the murder of Officer Tippit.
The Moorman Polaroid Shows Shooters on the GK.
And in the face of the Moorman pic that has snipers nests on the Grassy Knoll with muzzle flashes behind the picket fence left screen, whereas Watergate identity E Howard Hunt is firing, Martin Luther & Coretta King are standing to his right, Afro Secret Serviceman Abraham Bolden is behind and to Coretta’s left.
The "Badgeman" Pic.
Whereas the "Badgeman" enhancement has Dallas Cop Joe Smith firing from behind the Rotunda Wall, in company with Gordon H Arnold, deaf mute Ed Hoffman & Wife and Andy Warhol. DockersUnion: The Assassination of John F Kennedy.Dragonfly & Chameleon
MartinTimothy 30 November 2024
Some ppl say chameleons and yew trees in particular are from another planet, that they did not evolve on Earth.MartinTimothy 30 November 2024
Yeah maybe .. some say lampreys could also be from another world. Alien Profile: Sea Lamprey.NATO planning to put 100,000 troops in Ukraine as "peace keepers".
MartinTimothy 30 November 2024
Yeah and when they get wiped out there goes the most mobile and battle ready sector of US defense down the same hole, on the basis that the Zios will see to it that "mostly white" units will be the ones to go, so when they are gone there will be no one left to defend the heartland.
Getting involved in the Zionist sponsored shermasco in Ukraine means more white genocide .. understand they have an ambush planned, they used the same tactic when Colonel George Armstrong Custer's 7th Cavalry was wiped out at the June 1876 Battle of the Little Bighorn, and at the 09AD Battle of Teutoburg Forest against three inexperienced Roman Legions!Alien Engineering at Tap o' Noth & Arbory Hill in Scotland - At ToN it looks as if a giant concrete mixer poured a batch of semi molten rocky material onto the bare hilltop, before some super sized device imprinted the viscous matter to make the flat inner area..
TankTinker 30 November 2024
MRO1 - Cement Pour.
Tap O’Noth, Inverurie Scotland - It seems that whatever caused the imprint a lower right on the 2006 NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter image above, would be about the only thing up to the task.
Arbory Hill, South Lanarkshire Scotland - While the amount of semi molten material required to construct the triple battlements on the Arbory Hill monument continues to boggle the mind.
MT Sharp.
There are over one thousand similar hillforts scattered about in England and Scotland, a similar fort with seemingly vitrified walls appears in the NASA Mars Rover Image of Mount Sharp above, all of which supports the contention the vitrified hillforts on both planets were built by space travellers.Whatever drugs this kid is on, I want some, too
RoxannaHardbutt 27 November 2024
Sounded like Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite ..sexual debauchery leads to the collapse of a civilization within 3 generations
MartinTimothy 27 November 2024
"Coupled with modern medicine, which basically baptizes sexual debauchery with antibiotics and abortion, and you have an acceleration of collapse .. porn is cultural cancer that rots the bones. JD Unwin.The speed of light is not a constant, but a lot of inbred retards believe it is
MartinTimothy 27 November 2024
Superluminal Motion Observed in Quasar 3C 279,.
One of the greatest surprises provided by very-long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations was the fact that some quasars, radio galaxies, and BL Lacertae objects exhibit motion along their jets which works out to several times faster than light. University of Alabama.
Image.Alice Brock, Born Alice May Pelkey in New York City, whose Massachusetts-based eatery helped inspire Arlo Guthrie's deadpan Thanksgiving standard, "Alice's Restaurant," has died at age 83, just a week before Thanksgiving, announced by Guthrie on the Facebook page of his own Rising Son Records.
RoxannaHardbutt 27 November 2024
Whatever happened to this poor lady, the full 16 minute version of Arlo Guthrie's "Alice's Restaurant" is a total pain to listen to and on a par with Bud Abbot & Lou Costello's "Whose on First."Florida White woman sent to prison for 25 years for protecting herself from feral sheboon
RoxannaHardbutt 26 November 2024
I do not agree with that assessment of the case, she fired on a woman whose kids she says were playing on her property where after she warned them off she alleges one made a threat against her .. that does not give her a license to kill.Macy’s delays quarterly earnings report after employee found to have hidden $154 million in expenses
RoxannaHardbutt 26 November 2024
The questionable expenses were a small fraction of the $4.36 billion in delivery expenses Macy's recognized between the fourth quarter of 2021 through its most recent period. The company's investigation points just to the one former employee. Investigators have not found any other employees who may have participated in the creation of the fake accounting entries. EyeWitnessNews.US Roll In Starting the Ukraine War: Bookmark this. Keep this. Remember this. Watch it often. Memorize it. Learn it. Understand it. Grasp it. Believe it. And never forget it. Ever
MartinTimothy 25 November 2024
Yeah but Professor Sachs left out the Soros come Zionist connection, in that the whole Ukraine / Russia situ has been machinated by Jews on behalf of the concept of "Greater Yisrael."
George Soros, Connoisseur of Chaos.
Soros Behind the "Orange Revolution" in Ukraine.
Obama & Soros Put Actual Nazis in Power in Ukraine pdf.
George Soros "Puppet Master" Behind Ukrainian Regime.
George Soros Destabilizes States in Order to Provoke Civil Wars.
Jews sponsored ethnic cleansing across the entire region, whence mercenary militias went door to door slaughtering non Jewish indigenous Ukraine citizens.
Nor is this the first time the Ukrainian ppl have been put upon .. witness the Holodomor of the 1930's, which according to Alexander Solzhenitsyn took 66 million lives on both sides of the Russia / Ukraine border, under the aegis of Communism and the Jew inspired sham 1917 Russian Revolution.
‘We’re humanizing Manson’: docuseries adds depth to a notorious criminal
RoxannaHardbutt 25 November 2024
Charles Manson had no personal involvement in the August 1969 Tate / LaBianca Murders, he and his alleged followers were convicted of killing actress Sharon Tate wife of disgraced director Roman Polanski, and six others over two days in August 1969 in Los Angeles. Link.ZBK says, "Charlie wasn't crazy, as for the Tate LaBianca murders that he was implicated in, I still say those broads accused of committing the crime were too stoned to know what was going on, and that Polanski was the key player .. nothing says "Jewish ritual murder" like the vicious murder of a pregnant woman and extraction of her baby with a kitchen knife, and then to play in the blood? "Helter skelter" is deeper than what's known and the ✡️ diddler "Roman Polanski" is hiding the truth.I Like Plato, But .. Hell
RoxannaHardbutt 25 November 2024
Wittgenstein's Tractatus has been decried as unreadable since it first appeared in the 1920's..
Ludwig Wittgenstein’s Tractatus-Logico-Philosphicus pdf is stylistically about as strange a text as any student of philosophy is apt to ever encounter, it’s Latin title was chosen by Wittgenstein to echo a publication of Baruch Spinoza.
The author has numbered the remarks using an elaborate system to guide the reader. This means that if you just read the remarks chronologically, starting at the top of the page and reading to the bottom of the page as you would any book, you won’t be able to actually follow the “argument”.
He also makes some general claims about the nature of philosophical inquiry which, like his ethical claims, are rather cryptic. In short, the reader not only has to decide if the doctrines (a version of logical atomism) that make up the bulk of the text are correct, but he also has to decide if the views expressed in the final pages actually do follow from what came before. Quora.Australia’s Misinformation Bill is Buried - With every independent senator now coming out against it has no chance of passing
MartinTimothy 24 November 2024
The strong defeat sends a message that hopefully the Labor Party will heed. Substack.Netanyahu said Hitler didn't want the Holocaust
MartinTimothy 23 November 2024
All part of the Jew plan to whitewash H ..
Adolf Hitler's Jewish Ancestry.
Adolf Hitler Had Jewish & African Ancestors.
DNA Tests Reveal Hitler's Jewish & African Roots.
"Of Jewish descent, or being related to Jewish families were: the Leader and Reichschancelor Adolf Hitler; his representatives the Reichsminister Rudolf Hess; the Reichsmarshall Hermann Goering; the Reichsleader of the NSDAP Gregor Strasser, Dr. Josef Goebbels, Alfred Rosenberg, Hans Frank, Heinrich Himmler; the Reichsminister von Ribbentrop (who pledged close friendship with the famous Zionist Chaim Weizmann, the first head of the State of Israel who died in 1952); von Keudell; field commanders Globocnik (the Jewish destroyer); Jordan and Wilhelm Hube; the great SS-Leaders Reinhard Heydrich, Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski and von Keudell II, who also were active in the destruction of Jews." Before Hitler Came pdf, by German Jew Dietrich Bronder.
Gallery ..
Image - Hitler Was a Jew.
DNA Proves Hitler was Jewish.
AH Frankist Jew & Founder of Israel.
Pink Police Gazette - Hitler Was a Jew.
Bronder - H & All of the Top Nazis Were Jews.
Adolf Hitler Was Heir to the Rothschild Inheritance.
Sure Adolf Hitler was a Jew.John Fred & His Playboy Band - Judy in Disguise
RoxannaHardbutt 23 November 2024
Judy in disguise, well that's what you are
A lemonade pie with your brand new car
Cantaloupe eyes come to me tonight
Judy in disguise, with glasses
Keep a-wearing your bracelets and your new Rara
And cross your heart, yeah, with your livin' bra
Chimney Sweep Sparrow with guise
Judy in disguise, with glasses
Come to me tonight, come to me tonight
Taking everything in sight
Except for the strings on my kite
Judy in disguise, hey that's what you are
A lemonade pie, hey, got your brand new car
Cantaloupe eyes come to me tonight
Judy in disguise, with glasses
Come to me tonight, come to me tonight
Taking everything in sight
Except for the strings on my kite
Judy in disguise, what you aiming for?
A circus of a-horror, yeah-yeah, well that's what you are
You made me a life of ashes
I guess I'll just take your glasses //A Civil War Find: 'The Trauma Is Just Unbelievable' (698K men were killed, including 13% of US-born white men in Confederate states, per estimate)
TankTinker 22 November 2024
Yeah sure .. if any self styled or would be rebels - stand up Joe - had any fight in them, they would take the battle up to the Jews who attacked America Sept. 11, 2001.
The Confederacy was a Zionist plot like the French, American and Russian Revolutions and the dissolution of Jugoslavia, nor let anyone forget the hangings that accompanied its establishment. Re Gainesville in Confederate Texas, where forty suspected Unionists were hanged in October 1862 and where others were shot "trying to escape", as well as in Cooke County men were hanged in Grayson, Wise and Denton Counties. Link.
Most were accused of treason or insurrection, however few had actually conspired against the Confederacy, and many were innocent of the abolitionist sentiments for which they were tried - In other words they were witch hunted! - And as for being "Unionists," the hanged men had told the secessionists they intended to abide by the just laws and Constitution of the United States, just as their forebears had been doing since 1776.
While many of the ones who responded to the rhetoric which evoked passions more suited to football rivalries than political discourse, who raised no objections to the hangings, deserted the Confederacy in droves when war became a reality. Re Samuel Clemens aka Mark Twain who headed North when the irregular unit he had joined was to be absorbed into General Lee's Army, who finished the war piloting a Union riverboat.
The same ones who plotted the Confederacy under cover of the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights, where after it was brought to fruition in response to a vast Zionist funded propaganda campaign, hunted down and murdered those true American patriots who had defended the Constitution in the first place, who went on saying they intended to live by rule of law - The whole thing was a scam, read newspapers of the day the C's were treated as a joke. Most Southern Cities Opposed Secession.
If it had not been for General Beauregard's attack on the Union Fort in Charleston Harbor they would have gone on being a joke! While the Zionist press went on beating the drums of war, and the militaires on both sides who been prepped in the 1846 US / Mexico War, in the interests of obtaining battlefield honors and military rank, leapt at the opportunity to slaughter their fellow Americans and followed the direction to war.
The Confederate Generals should have been tried for treason and shot as traitors, Robert E Lee, Stonewall Jackson and Jefferson Davis no less - By the time Robert E Lee surrendered on behalf of the Confederacy at Appomattox Courthouse, April 9, 1865, and after the good burghers of Richmond Virginia had requested they vacate their city, where upon in their angst they set the place afire on their way out.
The Confederacy had been reduced to a ragged band of starving outcasts who had outworn their welcome all over, while the entire mindset had been exposed as military adventurism, brought into being and fanned into flame by the Zionist press .. the same way this r'sole is beating the secession drum, the end result of which is to hand the states over to Jews.
Before Carpetbaggers flooded into the South to claim the inheritance of those who had been duped by Zionist disinformation and propaganda, into supporting a cause that was doomed from the beginning, and the Zios were in total control! The same way carpetbaggers from Asia, the Indian sub continent, Russia and South America are flooding into the US to claim the inheritance of those Christian whites who have been slaughtered in Zionist sponsored abortion clinics.Bitcoins about to break $100,000. I can remember the time when people said $10 oh that's crazy and then $50 oh that's crazy and $100 oh that's crazy then $1,000 oh that's crazy it's all a pyramid scheme that was 10 years ago. Now every major institution in many countries are stacking some of their w
MartinTimothy 21 November 2024
Digital currency is a scam, don't fall for the bs from those who want yr dough who tell you crypto cash is "as good as gold or money in the bank!" Link.
Bitcoin is a Pyramid Scheme.
The Deep State & the NSA Created Bitcoin.
Financial Times: Bitcoin is a Pyramid Scheme.
Bitcoin Cryptocurrency is Scam Pyramid Scheme.
Bitcoin is More Like a Ponzi or a Pyramid Scheme.
Brazil Central Bank Chief Says Bitcoin is a Pyramid Scheme.
JP Morgan Calls Cryptocurrency Markets Pyramid Schemes.
"BitCoin is and always has been worthless, it is backed by nothing and has no legal legs to stand on, the only money you can take out of bitcoin is money other people have put in, it is a pyramid scheme by definition and every dollar won is a dollar lost, like all similar schemes it is designed to send the investor broke and to make bundles of cash for whomsoever is at the top." Voat.
Bitcoin is there to separate you from your money .. you can tell ppl they don't want to believe you, the pyramiders got virtually every penny in Albania thru the 1990s, while the government gave the movers and shakers behind the overall scheme every encouragement .. don't think you are too smart to fall for it yr not.
Look where you can spend Bitcoin - If you want to open an account on a video site they will only accept payment in Bitcoin, except as soon as you enter yr banking details on the BC site they have their talons into you and yr financial doom is assured.
Ok say you do invest hard currency in BC, to make a profit you need to find someone who will willingly buy it from you at a higher price than you paid similarly with "hard currency" .. testimony from those who have attempted to turn their BC back into hard cash say it is virtually impossible.Hitler believed in evolution, as every sane logical person does
MartinTimothy 20 November 2024
The Martian King - A carved bust photographed in Gusev Crater on Mars by NASA's Spirit Rover in 2008, shows a robed figure with an elongated head wearing a crown. That he could pass for a modern man turns Charles Darwin's Descent of Man pdf on its head..
As well it refutes Adam and Eve and the notion men evolved from Ethiopian ape brutes. This shot from the Spirit Rover has the King in the background, as well there are at least two more elongated human skulls in the foreground.MartinTimothy 20 November 2024
"Hitler was a Roman Catholic.
Adolf Hitler's Jewish Ancestry.
Adolf Hitler Had Jewish & African Ancestors.
DNA Tests Reveal Hitler's Jewish & African Roots.
"Of Jewish descent, or being related to Jewish families were: the Leader and Reichschancelor Adolf Hitler; his representatives the Reichsminister Rudolf Hess; the Reichsmarshall Hermann Goering; the Reichsleader of the NSDAP Gregor Strasser, Dr. Josef Goebbels, Alfred Rosenberg, Hans Frank, Heinrich Himmler; the Reichsminister von Ribbentrop (who pledged close friendship with the famous Zionist Chaim Weizmann, the first head of the State of Israel who died in 1952); von Keudell; field commanders Globocnik (the Jewish destroyer); Jordan and Wilhelm Hube; the great SS-Leaders Reinhard Heydrich, Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski and von Keudell II, who also were active in the destruction of Jews." Before Hitler Came pdf, by German Jew Dietrich Bronder.
Image - Hitler Was a Jew.
DNA Proves Hitler was Jewish.
AH Frankist Jew & Founder of Israel.
Pink Police Gazette - Hitler Was a Jew.
Bronder - H & All of the Top Nazis Were Jews.
Adolf Hitler Was Heir to the Rothschild Inheritance.Why isn't Rand Paul in charge of DOGE?
MartinTimothy 19 November 2024
US Senator Rand Paul and his wretched sire former US Congressman Ron Paul, deliberately entered the 911 conspiracy on the side of the Zionist perpetrators, which has well and truly rendered them liable to prosecution thence execution as capital traitors against the United States.
The Pauls have wagered their lives that the Jews who perped 911, who carry out similar terrorist attacks world wide and the massive cover up that exists at every level of the US social order will never be brought to trial. They with the entire roll call at both houses of the US Congress, and all members of successive Presidential administrations, should be charged as capital traitors by way of the United States Justice Department.
Via summons to appear in a duly constituted court convened under existing US Law, where after they will be put to death by order of the court if guilt is proven. If they decry US Law as Texans and deploy weapons to prevent arrest, like Saddam Hussein’s kids did heroically following the illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003, there could be a similar bloody outcome.
Jews at Mossad HQ in Tel Aviv Israel, made hundred$ of million$ wagering on airline “Put Options,” at stock markets in Frankfurt Germany and in Canada on the day of the attacks, Jews were hoppin' about in glee filming as the WTC Towers turned to dust. Thousands of Jews never went to work at the WTC on the day, while warnings to stay away were distributed from NY synagogues the Friday before, via telephone, and from the Odigo Hebrew language messaging service.
Millions of Jews with their political mates and every member of the Ziomedia lobby that supports the deception, should go down the same hole of arrest, trial and execution as the Pauls.Spencer Lawton the Savannah GA Prosecutor Who Tried the "Midnight in the Garden" Case Dies at 81 - The case that went to four trials was chronicled in the book "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" by John Berendt that had as a centrepiece a statue in Savannah's Bonaventure Cemetery
RoxannaHardbutt 19 November 2024
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.
Townspeople always wondered why calm, collect Jim Williams kept Danny Hansford around, who was always getting in bar fights and generally causing mayhem, but it seemed like he was just doing the kid a favor. That is, until Danny and Jim got in a fight in the front parlor of Williams’ home, known as the Mercer House, located near the Victorian District and Forsyth Park in the Historic Center.
Williams alleged that he shot Hansford in self-defense in that front parlor, although the evidence showed otherwise, which led to four mistrials which eventually led to Williams acquittal. Throughout the mess of the four trials, Williams was a visitor to a voodoo witch in Bonaventure Cemetery, located outside of Savannah. Following his acquittal Williams passed away very suddenly of a heart attack in his front parlor sitting room. In the exact same spot where Hansford fell years before. Link.
Hansford had been called by Williams to come to his home and perform a sex act upon him, he came and did it whereupon as boy prostitutes are wont to do he badmouthed his client, who took a pistol from a drawer and shot him dead .. that is how I see it.How Long Will the Alan Jones Saga That is Currently Dominating Australian News Resources Persist - The charges stem from his time as a football coach from 1984 until 1988 just on forty yrs since so why were there no charges then, this is just to smokescreen the way the cannibals are acting up in NZ
TankTinker 19 November 2024The Lilliputian Martians of Knudsen Ridge, Opportunity PanCam Sol 4182 .. triangular eye sockets, knee joints & tattered uniform remnants on the figure at left, Flash Gordon style crossed bandoleers can be discerned in the middle figures & on the one at right who is seated astride some object
RexYehudi 19 November 2024
Closer scrutiny of the Knudsen Ridge file indicates the human figures are of Lilliputian dimensions.Operation Wetback v2.0 Confirmed - Trump confirms he will declare a national emergency, and use military assets to reverse Biden's Bolshevik invasion of shit-skinned trash through a mass deportation program.
RoxannaHardbutt 19 November 2024
It is not as if there were no illegal immigrants crossing into the US from the southern border during Trumps last tenure as President now is it .. so why didn't he do something then ??The Assassination of John F Kennedy - LHO innocent, Umbrella Man Wm. F Buckley, ML & Coretta King, Afro Secret Serviceman Abraham Bolden & Andy Warhol with shooters Dallas cop Joe Smith & E Howard Hunt on the GK - MLK shot after attempting to blackmail GHW Bush who was in situ with his son GW Bush
MartinTimothy 18 November 2024
The Assassination of John F Kennedy.
Ooooh Coretta .. this is the truth that has been in the public arena since Coretta King's visage emerged during computer processing of the Moorman shot in 2009, millions in news broadcasting, at the CIA, the FBI, the Secret Service and in the US Attorney General's Office, will be required to defend capital charges either as primary conspirators or for perpetuating the coverup.
The Kennedys moments before the shots were fired.
Jim Braden fired the first shot from the roof of the Dal Tex Building across Houston Street from the TSBD, he was taken in by a Deputy Sheriff before being released.
Lee Harvey Oswald was blamed for killing the President and Dallas Police Officer JD Tippit a couple miles away around forty minutes later, despite photographs and film show him at the doorway of the TSBD when the shots were fired in the first instance, and show he was still in the doorway when "The Three Tramps" were marched by hours later.
William F Buckley was "Umbrella Man" who signaled the shooters on the Grassy Knoll all systems were go..
His accomplice was Corsican adventurer Lucien Sarti .. after the assassination Buckley and his CIA classmate E Howard Hunt went to Mexico, and are thought to have engineered the 1968 Tlatelolco Massacre that had a death toll of thousands. Link.
The Moorman Photograph has snipers nests on the Grassy Knoll with muzzle flashes behind the picket fence left screen, E Howard Hunt is firing..
Martin Luther & Coretta King are standing to his right, Afro Secret Serviceman Abraham Bolden is behind and to Coretta’s left.
The "Badgeman" enhancement has Dallas Cop Joe Smith firing from behind the Rotunda Wall, in company with Gordon H Arnold, deaf mute Ed Hoffman & Wife and Andy Warhol.
As the limousine emerged from behind the freeway sign the driver William Greer turned and looked over his right shoulder, he turned back and while holding the steering wheel with his left hand, retrieved something from under the dash with his right hand..
Gif Graphic!
Transferring the object to his left hand and turning back around to look at the President, he brought his left hand around his body and aimed and fired at John Kennedy’s head.
The Three Tramps were E Howard Hunt of Watergate fame, Charles Harrelson father of television actor Woody Harrelson, and Charles Frederick Rogers wanted in Houston TX. for killing and dismembering both his parents in 1965. The Ice Box Murders.
Ted Gunderson was FBI Bureau Chief in Dallas when President Kennedy was killed, after the shooting he was filmed in possession of one of two rifles on the sixth floor of the TSBD, Gunderson was in Memphis when Martin Luther King was shot and in Los Angeles when Senator Robert Kennedy was slain - He was part of the Franklin Case cover up that goes back nearly forty years, whereas Rusty Nelson testified Hunter S Thompson paid him $100,000 a time to film snuff killings to the tune of around fifty dead!
Jim Lehrer formerly of PBS News was in Dallas that day with former PBS co host Robert MacNeil both part of the White House Press Corps .. MacNeil's testimony has supported the official story ever since, he says he heard a single shot then two more in quick succession, he says he went into the portal of the TSBD where he encountered a young man he subsequently identified as Lee Harvey Oswald, who he says directed him to the nearest telephone, Lehrer says he stayed at Dallas Love Field with Air Force One.
MacNeil's testimony confirms LHO was in the doorway of the TSBD throughout the drama. Ed.
As well as identifying the shooters on the GK, the Moorman shot reveals about twenty muzzle flashes including Smith's shot from the corner of the Rotunda Wall, and the "Oliver Stone" flash from further along the fence line.
Alex Jones admits CIA ties .. we know CIA brethren E Howard Hunt, William F Buckley and pilot WR "Tosh" Plumlee were there..
As well as the father and son team of George HW & George W Bush, another could have been David R Jones Alex Jones' Dallas resident sire, maybe former US Marine marksman Jim Lehrer fired also.
This post separates genuine truth seekers from ratbags .. spurn the truth and live under the yoke of Zion or break free by accepting the truth, we do 911 truth as well Jews did it.MartinTimothy 18 November 2024
At plus eighteen hrs around 9:30 pm on the evening of November 23, 1963 Australian radio played a tape recording of the JFK assassination, wherein Mrs Kennedy's voice was clearly heard calling "hello Coretta" followed by a volley of gunfire.
The presenter explained Coretta was the wife of one Reverend Martin Luther King, he played a slowed down version of the tape and asked listeners how many shots they could hear, he said he counted about nineteen his studio guest said she counted twenty two.
That was the only time the Luther Kings were associated with the crime, until whispers were heard at the time of the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago .. although he was feted and fabulized by the same ppl who propounded the LHO lone assassin scenario there was no money the black ---- was broke.
He went to the source had roped him into the conspiracy in the first place read George HW Bush, and asked for dough to be told there was none, so he chanced his arm at blackmail presumably assuring GHWB if he was not paid everyone would get to hear about what went on in Dallas .. he laughed him off.
Where after some short time later on April 4, 1968 Luther King was shot dead by sniper fire while standing talking on the telephone on a hotel balcony in Memphis, we will say GHW Bush shot him for attempted blackmail.
That in reprisal LK's antecedents took time out at the August 1968 DNCto drop the bombshell of his and Coretta's involvement, and that the ultra police violence blamed on Chicago Mayor Richard Daley that marred the event, was to smokescreen the Dallas material. The Assassination of John F Kennedy.MartinTimothy 18 November 2024
Ok as well as plumping for unrestricted abortion RFK Jr has climbed aboard the Covid hoax bandwagon, he has had nothing to say when evidence is presented re the murder of his kinsmen his brother, his father and his uncle.
US Senator Robert Kennedy was shot dead June 6, 1968 in Los Angeles, video evidence proves alleged assassin Sirhan Sirhan innocent, and implicates Security Guard Thane Eugene Cesar as the murderer.
John F Kennedy Jr's fatal air accident July 16, 1999 that also took the lives of his wife and her sister, was allegedly arranged to ensure Hillary Clinton's election as US Senator for New York.
This undated montage shows JFK Jr and his wife Carolyn Jeanne Bessette-Kennedy both of whom allegedly perished in the crash alive & well, foreground figures are wearing MAGA hats which indicates the montage was assembled during the Trump Presidency in any case .. yeah the scope of the deception boggles the mind.
Murder on the Tracks, former pro wrestler Billy Jack Haynes says he was present at the murder of Kevin Ives & Don Henry near Mena Arkansas in August 1987, teenagers who appear to have stumbled onto a drugs drop, as well BJH admits trafficking cocaine he got from murdered CIA drugs pilot Barry Seal.
Haynes says Seal introduced him to a politician drug dealer from Arkansas - William Jefferson Clinton - who in 1984 asked him to kill David Kennedy, son and nephew of Senator Robert and President John Kennedy. DK was in Florida attending a family celebration and was staying at the Brazilian Court Hotel & Beach Club in Palm Beach.
He was found dead there April 25, 1984 allegedly from a drug overdose, after staff checked his welfare allegedly at the insistence of family members, another Kennedy brother had been staying in the same hotel and had checked out prior to the body being found .. we know most often ppl get murdered either by friends or by family members.
That being said a diligent investigator would immediately assume DK's family wanted him dead for whatever reason, to which end the other brother introduced him to BJH who had accepted the contract to kill him, that it was he who had requested hotel staff to check his welfare.
The same prosecutor would suppose Clinton must be the man the upper classes got in touch with if they wanted someone dead, that he could arrange it all upon payment of a suitable fee. David Kennedy's Death.HISS, You Were Made to Feed Me - Official Meowsic Video
RoxannaHardbutt 18 November 2024
You say you love me but you close the door,
Meow meow meow meow what you doin' it for?
I'm scratchin' at your heart, so let me in,
I was made to love you through thick and thin!
Because every true kitty knows that you were, indeed, made to FEED us! HISS.If police can be trusted then why did they hide this body camera footage? Re open the investigation into the Mandalay Bay Route 91 Las Vegas shooting of 2017
MartinTimothy 16 November 2024
The alleged Oct. 1, 2017 Las Vegas, Mandalay Bay massacre was as fake as a 3 dollar bill .. read on.
Las Vegas False Flag.
Las Vegas Massacre Hoax @ Facebook.
The Mandalay Bay Las Vegas False Flag.
Las Vegas Shooting Another False Flag.
Evidence of Las Vegas Hoax & Covert Op.
Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Staged Shooting.
Robert David Steele: Las Vegas False Flag.
Ole Dammegard - Las Vegas Shooting False Flag.
Irrefutable Las Vegas Shooting False Flag Analysis.
Proof Las Vegas Shooting Was a False Flag Attack.
Alex Jones, "Las Vegas Shooting Was a False Flag".
Las Vegas Mass Shooting False Flag & Black PsyOp.
YouTube Videos Claim Las Vegas Massacre Was Faked.
The Las Vegas Massacre Story Strains the Limits of Gullibility.
Sandy Hook & Las Vegas Shootings - False Flags Scripted by AI.
Miles Mathis Exposes Fake Personas in the Las Vegas Shooting.
Las Vegas False Flag Operation Shooting Hoax, Hospital Reports "No Blood".
The latest says the sound of gunfire was broadcast thru loudspeakers, while crisis actors who had been seeded into the crowd were prepped to act as though a real shooting were taking place.Montage: Lee Harvey Oswald Was Blamed for Shooting President John Kennedy & Dallas Cop JD Tippit a Couple Miles Away Some Forty Minutes Later - He was at the doorway of the TSBD when the shots were fired and still there hours later, similarly exculpating him for the murder of Officer Tippit
MartinTimothy 16 November 2024
In other news The Moorman Shot has Martin Luther and Coretta King in company with black Secret Serviceman Abraham Bolden and Andy Warhol, standing with shooters including Dallas cop Joe Smith & E Howard Hunt on the Grassy Knoll. The Assassination of John F Kennedy.MartinTimothy 16 November 2024
Whaddya mean "whether he did it or not," when I post photos and a video screenshot that both show him in the doorway.. if you want to be part of the coverup I will remind you that disseminating falsity in a capital case is a capital offense.A short radio conversation in UK about "Anne Frank" ... it seems someone is going to get fired
MartinTimothy 16 November 2024
Anne Frank Hoax.
Anne Frank Hoax Exposed.
Anne Frank's Diary a Hoax pdf.
Anne Frank's Diary is a Fraud.
Anne Frank Diary Hoax Exposed.
Anne Frank Diaries, Fraud by Otto Frank.
There was no Anne Frank if there had been the Zionists who took out the rest of the non Z Jews would have gassed her too.Life hack: An empty toilet paper roll is made of thin layers glued together. Peel it and use that paper.
MartinTimothy 15 November 2024
Yes that'd probably work, however the most economical usage for toilet tissue per se is to use both sides of the paper .. a system that does have it's drawbacks however economically it is the way to go, just don't forget to wash yr hands.Turf Laden With Fire Ants Delivered to Byron Property From Infested Zone in South East Qld, Where Fire Ants Are Known to Infest More Than 800,000 Hectares
MartinTimothy 15 November 2024
The National Fire Ant Eradication Program will investigate why fire ants were in the turf despite the certification. It has the capacity to impose fines of $1.1 million for an individual or $2.2million for a corporation found to be breaching the regulations designed to stop the spread of the notorious invasive pest.MartinTimothy 15 November 2024
Plenty of ppl say the ants are gonna win in the end. Fire Ants - The Most Successful Creature That Has Ever Lived.Is it OK to violently and ruthlessly torture and kill a white child rapist? I say yes, but @dirtywhiteboy disagrees. Discuss.
MartinTimothy 15 November 2024
The most incidence of child sexual abuse and rape occurs in the family home, whereas in my case the perpetrators were both parents, my sister & brother as well as grandparents, cousins & uncles, as if their attention wasn't enough my mum & dad sold me into prostitution at age six yrs, while one of the "clients" was a famous Australian sportsman .. MT Meets The Don - Child Prostitution and the Police.Archbishop of Canterbury Resigns Over Church Abuse Scandal - 68 yo Justin Welby will step down from his role following a damning report identifying John Smyth who is associated with the Church of England as a prolific abuser of boys & young men .. maybe he had his finger in the same pie, just sayin'
RoxannaHardbutt 13 November 2024
Justin Welby presided over several high profile ceremonies during his 11 years as archbishop, including the King's coronation in May 2023.
Archbishop Justin Welby's Statement in Full.
John Jackson Smyth QC was a Canadian-born British barrister and child abuser who was actively involved in Christian ministry for children within the Anglican Church, as chairman of the Iwerne Trust which raised funds for, and in practice ran, the influential evangelical Iwerne camps. He died in Cape Town, South Africa Aug. 11, 2018. Wikipedia).Eric Clapton on How Drug & Alcohol Addiction Ruined His Life - YT closes out the vid with the disclaimer "our videos are for entertainment and may include speculation, rumors and fiction, thus viewers should not interpret any part of the content as factual or definitive information
MartinTimothy 12 November 2024
They admit unashamedly publishing bs, which in the words of the YT mods is "something we've always suspected..
RFK Jr promises to save health in US
MartinTimothy 11 November 2024
The last I heard RFK Jr had given his support to unrestricted abortion at any stage of pregnancy. Link.
Lee Harvey Oswald was blamed for shooting President John Kennedy from a 6th floor window of the Texas School Book Depository in Dallas TX., at around 12:30 pm Nov. 22, 1963, and Dallas Police Officer JD Tippit a couple miles away around forty minutes later.
Despite photographs and film show him at the doorway of the TSBD when the shots were fired at the President in the first instance, and show he was still in the doorway when "The Three Tramps" were marched by hours later, similarly exculpating him for the murder of Officer Tippit.
Moorman Large.
The Moorman shot has Martin Luther and Coretta King in company with black Secret Serviceman Abraham Bolden and Andy Warhol, standing with shooters including Dallas cop Joe Smith & E Howard Hunt on the Grassy Knoll. The Assassination of John F Kennedy.
RFK Jr will not touch the innocence of Lee Harvey Oswald, the presence of the Luther Kings and Warhol among shooters on the GK at the murder of President John F Kennedy, nor information re the murder of his sire Senator Robert Kennedy.
Robert Kennedy Moments Before the Shooting.
Evidence of Revision Part 4, compiled from thousands of television news tapes detailing neglected or ignored evidence re the death of United States Senator Robert Kennedy, shot dead shortly after midnight June 5, 1968, in the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel Los Angeles, while on the campaign trail in his bid to become President.
Senator Kennedy After the Shooting.
The film has evidence from the Los Angeles Coroner, that the shots that killed Robert Kennedy were fired into his head from a distance of between one and three inches from behind and below his right ear, Sirhan Sirhan who was convicted for the killing was several feet to his front, it shows the LA DA simply brushing that aside .. Security Guard Thane Eugene Cesar is thought to have fired the fatal shots.
As far as I can see RFK Jr is about as close to being a total asshole as it is possible to be.Retro: The Boy George Case - George O'Dowd got 15 months in jail for in company with an unnamed man handcuffing a male escort to a wall fixture & beating him with leather straps, sex toys and a metal chain .. so was he to be set free, or were the handcuffing and beatings to be a prelude to murder
TankTinker 9 November 2024
During their first meeting where Carlsen claimed O'Dowd had briefly given him oral sex – O'Dowd accused Carlsen of tampering with his computer. Carlsen said the singer appeared "wired" from cocaine. O'Dowd did not give evidence during the trial, but the jury was told he admitted to police that in April 2007 he handcuffed Carlsen to his bed at his flat, while he investigated alleged tampering with his computer.
He accused Carlsen of obtaining naked photos of himself, taken by O'Dowd when the pair met three months earlier, from his laptop, and denied assaulting the escort. But the prosecution said that over the next few weeks O'Dowd bombarded the escort with "bizarre" and menacing emails accusing him of hacking into the computer, but later apologised, saying he wanted to spank Carlsen and asking for a second meeting.
O'Dowd told police: "I asked him to come back to the flat because I wanted to find out if this guy had borrowed my stuff. I got a friend there because I wanted to make sure he didn't leave so I could check the computer and his phone. The friend was just there in case he tried to stab me or take a hammer to me." He denied punching Carlsen or swinging a chain at him as he escaped the flat, claiming that red welts on Carlsen's body could have been there because he was HIV positive. faces after they lost
RoxannaHardbutt 9 November 2024
The irony is ppl all over started warming toward Biden .. sure he is a Zogbot and sure he was not legitimately elected but he was winning ppl over nevertheless, all finished now of course he said he was thru with politics I wonder if he will get an aircraft carrier named after him.Alex Jones Formally Accepts the Offer to be Trump's Press Secretary
RoxannaHardbutt 8 November 2024
Alex Jones - Investigate 911.
"Rambling his ass off about conspiracies every day!
Cruise Missile at the Pentagon on 911.
It has been a long time since Alex Jones opened up about conspiracies, recall he once led 911 truth ever avoiding evidence Jews were behind the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center in NYC and the Pentagon .. that went until he dropped the ball in 2006, which is when he had a headline on Infowars' Front Page reiterating the official OBL and 19 hijackers line.
Adam Lanza Never Existed.
Sandy Hook Was Just a Drill.
Sandy Hook was a DHS Exercise.
Adam Lanza Two Different Stories.
Sandy Hook Shooting Lies Exposed.
Adam Lanza and the Sandy Hook Hoax.
Sandy Hook False Flag - Robbie Parker.
The Lanza Family Has CIA Connections.
Epic Fail, Adam Lanza Photoshop Falls Apart.
The Sandy Hook School Shooting Was Staged.
Adam Lanza Died the Day Before the Shooting.
Adam Lanza / Sandy Hook Shooting Was Fake.
Staged Murder Scene at the Nancy Lanza House.
DHS Drills Underway During Sandy Hook Shooting.
Adam Lanza Was Reported Dead Before Sandy Hook.
Adam Lanza & James Holmes, the MK Ultra Connection.
The Same Crisis Actor at Sandy Hook & Six Other FF / Hoax Events.
Adam Lanza & Parkland Anti Gunner David Hogg Are the Same Person.
Since then he has gotten into all kinds of trouble for firstly declaring the alleged Dec. 14, 2012 Sandy Hook school massacre "pretty much didn't happen," then reversing that position saying that statement was made "under the duress of psychosis." - Sure SH was a hoax so why didn't Jones stick to his guns, the late Robert David Steele said Jones "threw" the SH defamation case by failing to call witnesses, and speculated he was "bribed or blackmailed."Stone Axe on Planet Mars - Imaged by the NASA Curiosity Mars Rover, Sol 308 Returned June 18, 2013
MartinTimothy 7 November 2024
Colorized Image.
There is plenty more, read on ..
Boats on Mars.
The Venus File.
Martian Bestiary.
More Mars Trash.
Masonry & Constructions on Mars.
Hominid & Human Skulls on Planet Mars.
Stone & Steel Weapons & Tools on Planet Mars.
Human & Alien Life on Mars & Venus - The Evolution of Man.
Bodies, Bones & Human Remains on Planet Mars - Flash Gordon.
Solar Flares Caused the Permian & Cretaceous Mass Extinctions - Mars.
NASA has been sitting on volumes of evidence returned by the Mars Rovers that prove advanced human life once flourished on that planet, hit the links and study the shots you will arrive at the same conclusion, that NASA is playing dumb and that the files not only prove intelligent life they suggest time travel.
Else explain how Curiosity Mars Rover Image Sol 1035 returned July 5, 2015 - Has cliplock iron roofing that was first made in Australia in 1960, protruding from under about a meter of mudstone itself buried under three miles of volcanic ash.Shetland man’s bond with otter becomes subject of award-winning film
RoxannaHardbutt 6 November 2024
Yeah otters are cutie-pie critters alright however they have some nasty habits, in that sea otters are known to rape seals to death as well they commit necrophilia on their bodies day after day .. just be careful with them is my advice. The Case Against Otters: Necrophiliac, Serial-killing Fur Monsters of the Sea.Sometimes I wonder if David Bowie is still alive
TankTinker 6 November 2024
There was a rumour goin' around he was living in Cuba .. for myself he never "felt" dead, while his release of the song Lazarus not long before the death announcement seemed too dam cute, so I have been suspicious since that time and wondered if he was going to at some future date do as L himself did and rise from the dead.Breaking Story: Facebook Building Subsea Cable That Will Encompass the World
MartinTimothy 4 November 2024
META is planning a new 16 fibre pair cable that will encompass the world going from the US East Coast to the US West Coast via the Atlantic, Indian Ocean, and the Pacific. The most ambitious subsea project ever undertaken. SubseaBlogspot.Tucker Carlson claims deadly hurricanes hitting US are 'probably because of abortion'
RoxannaHardbutt 5 November 2024
Tucker Carlson: "People are like, 'oh, well, we had another hurricane, it must be global warming.' No! It's probably abortion, actually. Just being honest. You can't kill children on purpose. You can't participate in human sacrifice without consequences." Link.Jews pursued Jewish Nationalism constantly for centuries and that's why they were able to conquer the White race. That's why Whites should not shy away from pursuing White Nationalism constantly
MartinTimothy 4 November 2024
I am a whiteye and do at no time feel like I have been conkered .. I maintain a stance, whereby I call for the prosecution of millions of Jews as 911 felons under US law.@C***y 1 points 17 hours ago (+1/-0) "F***ing liar, you don't have any friends!". The irony is that today an old mate from over 30 years ago contacted me. I-have-a-friend! Yay. [James Taylor & Carole King - You've Got A Friend]
RoxannaHardbutt 4 November 2024
The Buddhist concept of One Hand Clapping, means the proponent is playing a lone hand despite he wants ppl to believe he has interlocutors .. in this case it means Neri is playing both sides against the center .. dv'd.Ok We Have Been Hearing a Lot About a Renewed Burst of Internet Censorship as the Trump Re-election Fiasco Rolls On - We got razed at YouTube on a Steve Vai / Frank Zappa vid where we suggested the incredible chain of events that ultimately led to Zappa's death were Randy Quaid style "starwhacking!"
RoxannaHardbutt 4 November 2024
YT Video: How Much Frank Zappa Paid Steve Vai.
I always thought Steve could "name his price" if a band wanted him to lay down a few tracks on their behalf .. I thought the consecutive attacks on Frank Zappa within one week in 1971, firstly at the Montreux Casino in Geneva, Switzerland Dec. 4 that year, when Zappa and his band "The Mothers of Invention" were on stage, and a deranged concert attendee fired a flare onto the stage causing a fire that turned the casino and all of the band's gear to ash.
Then six days later on Dec 10, 1971 at the Rainbow Theatre in London, while the band was on stage using hired gear, a fan got onto the stage and punched Zappa then pushed him over, whereas he fell meters into the orchestra pit and sustained serious injuries .. it seems unbelievable that audience members would do such a thing, which brings Randy Quaid's "starwhacking" thesis to mind.
It all goes back to predictive programming that turned up in the 1978 satirical book and movie "Who is Killing the Great Chefs of Europe," that dealt with the murder of any talent that turns up that does not adhere to the ziocontrived status quo, that we say brought about the untimely deaths of Richard Burton, multi talented British author Mervyn Peake, and caused the debilitating illness that ended the career of great American guitarist Jason Becker.A compilation of #GOP & #MAGA senior officials discussing the most critical issue of our time - the demographic destruction of the west aka #WhiteGenocide
MartinTimothy 4 November 2024
"White genocide" starts with abortion..
Jews Rally for Abortion Justice.
1,000 Rabbis Work For Abortion Rights.
Jews Rally at the US Capitol for Abortion Rights.
Jews Say Abortion Bans Are Against Their Religion.
National Council of Jewish Women Demand Abortion Rights.
Abortion devastated Australia - the US and Europe no less - immigrants whose allegiance is not to the host nation but to the foreign culture whence they came, have been brought in to make up the numbers.
S 224 - Attempts to procure an abortion.
S 225 - The like by woman with child.
S 226 - Supplying drugs or instruments for abortion.
S 294 - Death by acts done at childbirth.
S 313 - Killing unborn child, Penalty life Imprisonment.
S 577 - Charge of homicide of child.
Queensland Criminal Code.
To wilfully kill an unborn child is a crime against the law of man and a crime against the law of God - Witness numerous injunctions against unlawful killing generally and abortion / infanticide specifically In the Koran, which also describes circumstances when deliberate homicide is lawful, being just retaliation for unlawful killing which is what abortion is, following a fair trial.
Since 1970 Abortion has probly taken around fifty million Australian lives, this document calls Australia to Islam to wage war in defense of human life, and warns the guilty their lives are forfeit in accordance with AL-ISLAM, on which basis it is expected executions will be numbered in hundreds of thousands, anticipating the demise of virtually the entire medical, political and law enforcement establishments in this country.
Anticipate the fulfillment of the prophesy of Jesus Christ, that "children shall rise up against their parents and shall put them to death," and herald a new age of human history.He’s with Harambe now
MartinTimothy 4 November 2024
Harambe Lives.
Proof Harambe is still alive.
100% Proof Harambe is Still Alive.
Gorilla Harambe Still Alive - Hoax Exposed, Race War Psyop.
Hoax: Harambe the Gorilla Still Alive ~ Race War Propaganda Exposed.
You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time, however you can not fool all of the people all of the time. Abe Lincoln.
Harambe.The Jews demand you stop accurately describing what they are doing in Palestine.
MartinTimothy 3 November 2024
If the Palestinians themselves are happy to remain silent, here we mean expatriate Palestinians who are spread all over the world, they all have iPhones with which they remain in constant touch with their ppl in the Palestinian homeland, yet none of them ever arrive on places like Voat fr instance, to relay first hand accounts of what is going on in the way of Israeli atrocity .. so if the P'stinians themselves don't feel up to it what are we others to do??Vince Gill's Former Bandmates Have a Lot to Say About Him, "He's Terrible" - More bs & shadowbanning @ YT .. despite Joe Walsh looks like he is confronting someone whose dog fouled his flower bed, I never heard anyone in the vid say a single bad word about Vince let alone describe him as "terrible..
TankTinker 2 November 2024
He's Terrible.
As well If anyone wants to do a "click bait" at least do it right, everything I have ever seen or heard Vince do has been as right as can be - This is a summation of the reply I appended onto the video that was instantly shadowbanned at YT.Put on your tinfoil hat, join me as I go down the deep, deep rabbit hole
MartinTimothy 1 November 2024
"Our Sun is special because it's not part of a binary system..
"Mars used to have civilizations and an atmosphere..
Martian Hyroelectric Power Scheme, Curiosity Mastcam Sol 953.
Pipe Flanges With Bolt Holes, Opportunity Sol 4689.
NASA has been sitting on volumes of evidence returned by the Mars Rovers, that prove advanced human life once flourished on that planet.
Boats on Mars.
The Venus File.
Martian Bestiary.
More Mars Trash.
Masonry & Constructions on Mars.
Hominid & Human Skulls on Planet Mars.
Stone & Steel Weapons & Tools on Planet Mars.
Human & Alien Life on Mars & Venus - The Evolution of Man.
Bodies, Bones & Human Remains on Planet Mars - Flash Gordon.
Solar Flares Caused the Permian & Cretaceous Mass Extinctions - Mars.
Hit the links and study the shots, you will arrive at the same conclusion, that NASA is playing dumb and that the files not only prove intelligent life they suggest time travel.
Else explain how Curiosity Mars Rover Image Sol 1035 returned July 5, 2015 - Has cliplock iron roofing that was first made in Australia in 1960, protruding from under about a meter of mudstone itself buried under three miles of volcanic ash.They Say Sex Sells - Is it just me, or does the lower part of the Cool Ridge Australian Spring Water banner ad actually resemble a woman's whatsit
TankTinker 1 November 2024
Anticipating replies..
It's just yr dirty mind ..I can't see it, just looks normal to me ..It takes a pedo perv to suggest something like that ..I know it seems like Trump is winning but Kamala and the establishment are working hard to make sure the election is rigged in her favor! Trust the plan, Kamala sisters!
RoxannaHardbutt 31 October 2024
Sounds feasible considering the last election that put Biden into the White House was similarly "rigged" ..The Taliban has banned women in Afghanistan from hearing each other’s voices
MartinTimothy 30 October 2024
The Taliban could be on the right track, I have misogyny so bad that if I hear a woman's voice more particularly in a YouTube ad it can send me spare .. it does not go right across the board, I don't call the female persons I do like "women" to me they stay girls.Think you know about top frauds? Take a guess
MartinTimothy 30 October 2024
"Imposter scams remained the top fraud category, with people pretending to be your bank’s fraud department. Consumer.ftc.Started weaning off of pot by skipping mornings and nights, and fellas I just had some really clear thoughts. It felt like i traded brains with the banker dad from mary poppins. I felt like a british constable. This is gonna be interesting. I could be mayor.
MartinTimothy 28 October 2024
Yeah I've gone off of it at times, I can go for a few days ok however after about ten days I start to get restless and decide I would be better off smoking .. I do about an oz of legal bud weed per week, I'm seventy something and have been a "weeder" since at age 6 yrs, I started chewing the weed sticking thru the fence of an Iraqi doctor who lived up the street, who had it growing in his front yard .. that source went bad when the doctor became one of the first persons in South Australia to be prosecuted for cultivation .. while he had it growing next to the fence I would go out in the middle of the night to pluck some .. the days I had it before school were the best days I had .. toke on.Cats are f***** gay
MartinTimothy 28 October 2024
The Phantom.
The truth is the more you see of cats the more you admire them .. they don't just think they are better than you they know they are better than you, but they are kind to you anyway.The porn kike and the electric kike
RoxannaHardbutt 28 October 2024
Lesbians used to be sexy but now it's all ugly girls.Scythian Horse
TankTinker 27 October 2024
Scythia. Link.
The Scythians were nomadic peoples who dominated the Pontic steppe between 700 and 300 BC, legend has it Hercules coupled with "the ultimate monster" to beget the Scythians, whie some say the Scythians were the ancestors of the Scottish. FerreBeeKeeper.Israel hits Iran with retaliatory air strikes
MartinTimothy 26 October 2024
"Retaliatory" my arse, these attacks are naked Israeli aggression and nothing more..The art of 'crossing the road' in Vietnam
MartinTimothy 26 October 2024
CreosoteHead says, "this level of unstupid is probably one of the reasons a couple dozen Vietnamese spanked the entire USA military's ass using a box of old guns and a few sticks.
Ho Chi Minh was a willing player in the near elimination of the VC infrastructure in the Southern provinces of Annam and Cochin in the 1968 Tet Offensive, while the Northerners from Tonkin - herinafter the NVA or North Vietnamese Army - refused to deploy the forces they had at their disposal.
Who later claimed to have won the war, who only used their main combat tank and infantry units at the end against the ARVN, the Army of the Republic of Vietnam conscripts who were left holding the kitty after the Yankees had Gone Home!
HMAS Sydney in Vung Tau Harbor.
If the NVA had deployed their forces when the Australian battalions were being changed over, and HMAS Sydney was anchored in Vung Tau Harbor like it was up to three times per year for seven yrs, they would have sunk the ship and inflicted thousands of casualties, which would have spelled the end of Australia's commitment to the war .. they never lifted a finger or fired a shot!
Nui Dinh.
The Australian base at Nui Dat was over looked by a jungle covered hill with a number of summits and saddles called Nui Dinh, it would have been small beer to locate mortar tubes and artillery to give the Australians the full Dien Ben Phu treatment, the year I was there from November 1969 not one enemy round came over the wire!
M16 Antipersonnel Mine.
Australia's Defense Minister had in 1967 spurned the advice of a Sandhurst trained Colonel with the Australian Engineers, and allowed some twenty thousand M16 Jumping Jack land mines to be laid across an eleven kilometer swathe, of some of the the best farming and grazing land in Phuoc Tuy province!
The mines were laid in daylight by the Australians, allegedly there after to be located and removed by the Viet Cong after nightfall, who allegedly relaid them to cause 57% of Australia's 521 fatalities in Vietnam. The Colonel was removed from his post in Vietnam, where after he took his case directly to the Australian Parliament, and was left standing alone in the rain outside of Parliament House in Canberra.
Edit: A soldier from the Australian Engineers who had been flown home from Vietnam under arrest in 1969, asserted Engineers from 1 Australian Task Force at Nui Dat were continuing to lay mines, even after the government had ordered the cessation of mine laying ops, he said those same mines that had been surreptitiously laid by Australians were blowing other Australians to pieces! MT in Vietnam - Vietnam War Diary, Me & Johnny Vann.
The ‘Caust
MartinTimothy 26 October 2024
Eisenhower's Rhine Meadows Death Camps.
11 Million Germans Were Murdered After WWII.
9-15 Million Germans Killed Post WW2 1945 – 1953.
Post WW2 Jews Murdered Poles & Took Power in Poland.
The Real Holocaust of WW2 – 15 Million Germans Slaughtered.
Genocide of the Ethnic Germans in Jugoslavia 1944 – 1948 pdf.
Other Losses - The Genocide of 7m Germans, by James Bacque.
The Masses of Corpses at Dachau & Buchenwald Were Dead German Soldiers.
Video: 1945, The Savage Peace by Peter Molloy - 12 Million Ethnic Germans Murdered Post WW2.
The Forgotten Soldier by Guy Sajer - Genocide of German POWs at the Rheinwiesenlager Camps pdf, Unz Review.
Jews perpetrated genocide upon the German ppl not the other way around.
Adolf Hitler and all of the top Nazis were Jews, the non Jewish Nazis Ernst Röhm and the SA were liquidated in the Night of the Long Knives massacres of June 1934, after H was sworn in as German Chancellor Jan. 30, 1933.
Jews infiltrated German politics then perped the Holocaust in the name of the German ppl, like they infiltrated US politics perped 911 then established the bogus War on Terror, like they infiltrated Turkish politics then perpetrated the Armenian Genocide .. there were No Japanese Planes at Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941.Only 2 More Weeks to Election Day
MartinTimothy 23 October 2024
Yeah .. everybody seems to have forgotten the last presidential election in 2020 was stolen, that Trump won by a landslide despite Biden was sworn in as President .. then lawyers 911 felon Rudolph Giuliani and Sidney Powell who were gonna put things to rights came on stage, whose cases were thrown out of court not because they had no merit, but because as lawyers they had not prepped things as they should have .. there have been no safeguards built into the system to prevent similar "steals" .. all of which means the election is already a farce .Porn sites blocked in France for lack of age control
MartinTimothy 18 October 2024
In my case since there is very little coherent debate anywhere and while AI runs riot .. I've done YouTube from top to bottom music, truckers, doccos .. despite true political content is non existent since the Alex Jones and David Icke bannings, so where do you go .. porn sites of course, I do 3D Hentai for boys and live pre teen Ukrainian models for girls .. problem is the Hentai download sites that had the best stuff have been closed down, the stuff they had was mostly soft core porn anyway .. in days of yore I did lesbian movies - Lola Myluv - however most of the best movies were unattainable after just a short time as well.. the same as the nudie girls, the top sets are seldom seen while the boards are filled with second rate - non nude - material.US forces “conducted a series of airstrikes against multiple known ISIS camps in Syria in the early morning of Oct. 11,” the US Central Command said in a statement on X, using an acronym for the Islamist militant group
RexYehudi 13 October 2024
"Islamist militant group" my arse.
George Soros funds ISIS.
ISIS is a US Israeli Creation.
ISIS Admits Getting US Funds.
ISIS is a Subdivision of Mossad.
George Soros Funds Islamophobia.
George Soros Funds BLM Protests.
ISIS Has Links to the US State Department.
British Intelligence, the CIA & Mossad Created ISIS.
It is well known ISIS which stands for Israel Secret Intelligence Service and its various offshoots ISIL, IS and Daesh, are funded by George Soros and armed by the US .. now all that is left to do is bring the Jews who are behind it all, who machinated the False Flag Hamas rocket attacks in the first place, who have imposed the i'net blackout in Gaza to just trial and lawful execution, that is not the end of it ..
Israel Created Hamas.
Hamas, Created by Mossad.
If these "US forces" ever wanted to take the battle up to the bad guys they would have been bombing the Jews.Forbes: Hackers Have Compromised the Wayback Machine, Stealing 31 Million Passwords & Simultaneously Launching a Massive Denial of Service Attack - The demise of the Wayback Machine means billions of internet pages have been removed from the public record .. yeah and it goes a lot deeper than that
RexYehudi 13 October 2024
Wayback Machine .. unresponsive!!
The entire image archive returned by the NASA Spirit & Opportunity Mars Rovers has been removed from the internet, whereas if you hit one of their links you are directed to a site with entry level Mars data .. in the face of that when you type the same link into the WM it goes to the same kindergarten site. Check - NASA Spirit Rover Sol 1359.
The whole internet is being tightened up in that there are very few places where anyone can post original material, while the destruction of the WM's purpose further constricts the knowledge base as that site's billions of pages are removed from view, as well the storm of censorship underway world wide appears to be part of the same enemy offensive.RexYehudi 13 October 2024
This is how the Wayback Machine worked .. say you wanted to link to a certain site and found it unresponsive, you would post the link url into the WM search panel and the original page would turn up never mind if it was years old, no more!Christopher Jon Bjerknes - The Manufacture & Sale of St Einstein
MartinTimothy 12 October 2024
Racist physicist Albert Einstein became internationally famous in 1919 when newspapers around the world reported that he had correctly predicted that the gravitational field of the sun would deflect rays of light. The press promoted the virulently racist and segregationist Zionist, Albert Einstein, as if he were the world’s greatest mind, a mind that had surpassed the genius of Copernicus, Galileo and Newton.
In April of 1921, Albert Einstein took advantage of his newly found fame and traveled to America. He promoted racist Zionism to the Jews of America, while raising money for the Eastern European Zionists who had made him famous.
Einstein championed the racist doctrine of Theodor Herzl, that Jews were a distinct race of human beings, who could not assimilate into any Gentile society and therefore ought to segregate themselves and form a nation in Palestine. Einstein also believed that there ought to be a world government. However, Einstein thought that Israel ought to be a distinct nation. Though he described himself as non-religious, Einstein’s racist views, and his concurrent call for a world government and a segregated “Jewish State” mirrored Jewish Messianic prophecies.
Einstein raised money in America for the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He also tried to popularize the racist Zionist cause. The news media enthusiastically covered his trip to the United States. Mainstream news media claimed that all of Einstein’s critics were anti-Semites, but did not criticize Einstein for his rabid racism or his segregationist politics. Prof. Arvid Reuterdahl of St. Thomas College, in St. Paul, Minnesota, responded to Einstein’s aggressive self-promotion. With reference to the notorious circus promoter P. T. Barnum, Prof. Reuterdahl dubbed Albert Einstein the “Barnum of the Scientific World”.
He publicly challenged Einstein to a debate over the merits of the theory of relativity and publicly accused Einstein of plagiarism. Einstein refused to debate Reuterdahl. Einstein stated that his sole purpose for coming to America was to raise money for the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and that he could not be bothered with issues related to “his” theories. Even before coming to America, Einstein had earned an international reputation for hiding from his critics. His favorite tactic to avoid debate was to accuse his critics of being “anti-Semites”, while refusing to address their legitimate accusations of his, Einstein’s, irrationality and plagiarism.
Like most bullies by bluff, Einstein was a coward, who hid behind the power of the racist Jews who attempted to shield him from criticism through well-orchestrated smear campaigns in the international press.Ein(((stein)))
MartinTimothy 12 October 2024
In the accepted historical account, Einstein is credited with having written the correct field equations for general relativity which is an enormous falsehood. It is an undisputed fact that David Hilbert sent Einstein a draft of his work (which had already been submitted for publication), containing precisely these equations.
Yet a few weeks later, Einstein delivered a public speech of Hilbert’s work, claiming full credit for the derivation of his equations. Similarly, E=mc², the famous equation relating mass, energy, and the speed of light, had been published several times by Italian physicist Olinto De Pretto, long before Einstein was suddenly given credit for it.
Einstein was almost certainly the greatest fraud and plagiarist in modern science, an unashamed intellectual thief but, according to sources like Wikipedia, this is all just a minor “priority dispute” about who said what first in the realm of relativity physics. 12 October 2024
The entire scientific community is weighed down by "Cognitive Bias," which means if something does not meet with their preconceived notions they totally disregard it, one famous example was an airline pilot who disregarded a warning there was a fuel leak aboard the aircraft, he never initiated the correct procedure on the grounds the warning was a "computer malfunction." Video.
Big Bang .. Big BS, Astronomical Redshift is an Artifact of Distance.
The bottom line is there is just as much bs in science as there is in politics or international terrorism, the Big Bang theory of cosmic evolution is just so much hot air, and until ppl come to terms with the truth the ones who operate the vast billion$ observatories who know the truth, and who deluge the Earth's educational resources with bs will continue to run the show.
The same with "Life on Mars" .. NASA has been sitting on volumes of evidence returned by the Mars Rovers, that prove advanced human life once flourished on that planet.
Boats on Mars.
The Venus File.
Martian Bestiary.
More Mars Trash.
Masonry & Constructions on Mars.
Hominid & Human Skulls on Planet Mars.
Stone & Steel Weapons & Tools on Planet Mars.
Human & Alien Life on Mars & Venus - The Evolution of Man.
Bodies, Bones & Human Remains on Planet Mars - Flash Gordon.
Solar Flares Caused the Permian & Cretaceous Mass Extinctions - Mars.
Hit the links and study the shots, you will arrive at the same conclusion, that NASA is playing dumb and that the files not only prove intelligent life they suggest time travel.
Else explain how Curiosity Mars Rover Image Sol 1035 returned July 5, 2015 - Has cliplock iron roofing that was first made in Australia in 1960, protruding from under about a meter of mudstone itself buried under three miles of volcanic ash.
Astronomer & Mathematician Sir Fred Hoyle - 24 June 1915 / 20 August 2001 - who similarly denied the Big Bang in favor of what he called the "Steady State Universe," arrived at the conclusion space faring, time travelling aliens living among us direct human affairs. May 10,1971 Hoyle called a news conference and made the following startling announcement ..
"Human beings are simply pawns in a great game being played by alien minds, which control mankind’s every move. “These alien minds come from another universe that has five dimensions, whose laws of chemistry and physics are completely different from ours.
They have learned to shatter the TIME/SPACE barriers that restrict us .. these super intelligent entities are so different from us that to apprehend them or to describe them in human terms is impossible .. they seem to be totally free from any such physical restrictions as bodies, and they are more like pure intelligence.
They seem to have the ability to be almost anywhere in the universe in a matter of seconds .. they are everywhere—in the sky, on the sea, on Earth, they have been here for countless eons and they have probably controlled the evolution of Homo sapiens. All of what man has built and become was accomplished because of the "tinkering" of these intelligent forces." Link.
Fred Hoyle is the one should be written up not AE at all.
We maintain these same 74 science ppl were done away with to preserve "their" status as the gurus of science, while the Indian ppl who have usurped their positions are tools of the bs artists no less .. good luck with it all.Who buys this nonsense? Why would a pro-Palestinian hack internet archives and take down thousands upon thousands of precious information, a big portion of it is also material that exposes jewish crimes. As they say, Que Bono? And the answer is certainly not the Palestinians
MartinTimothy 12 October 2024
They have gotten into the WayBack Machine as well .. ok the entire image archive returned by the NASA Spirit & Opportunity Mars Rovers has been removed from the internet, whereas if you hit one of their links you are directed to a site with entry level Mars data .. in the face of that when you type in the same link into the WM it goes to the same kindergarten site.
NASA Spirit Rover Sol 1359.
The Wayback Machine appears to be down in any case .. as well I believe the storm of censorship on this site is part of the same Israeli offensive.RoxannaHardbutt 12 October 2024
Can I just add a little more on the Wayback Machine..
Hackers have compromised the Wayback Machine, stealing 31 million passwords and launching a massive Distributed Denial of Service attack in the process. It is unclear if the two security incidents are related, however the evidence does seem to be pointing in the direction of this being a targeted attack by the same threat actor. Internet History Hacked, Wayback Machine Down.Comprehensive Evidence File Identifying Jews as the Progenitors of the 911 Attacks
MartinTimothy 12 October 2024
Ibid.Censorship Has Come to Voat - Post replies identifying Prince Albert Victor as Jack the Ripper as well as a comprehensive file identifying Jews as progenitors of the 911 attacks have been arbitrarily deleted, System has given no reason .. good thing we keep copies of everything
MartinTimothy 11 October 2024
Dockers Union Links Encompassing All Voat Submissions & Comments.MartinTimothy 11 October 2024
I do not know who has the power to cause deletions .. I have messaged System and have not until this time received a reply .. censorship in a forum like this is a very sinister development .. I want S to tell me he was not the deletor and advise where I can reliably post - if you want to join the party submit a suitable 911 link on the sub you moderate and I will post the same tract and see if it sticks.
Here's the 911 post in any case, read on..MartinTimothy 11 October 2024
Yeah as you can see the same 911 post was similarly deleted, it seems the site is rotten to the core.MartinTimothy 11 October 2024
Ok this is what I think .. since both the JTR and the 911 Jews posts were reposts, in that I have been posting the same material anywhere I could, that means not only on Voat but onto Reddit, Saidit, Poal, and maybe a couple hundred I'net forums as well for something like 18 yrs, and since System has never deleted anything before.
I am gonna suggest Mossad heavies got in touch and importuned him to remove harmful - to Zion - truths, such as the same comprehensive 911 file that has been deleted about six times in the last 24 hrs .. accompanied by threats, thus to save himself torture and murder he acceded to their demands .. I don't hold that against him.SOMEHOW MY POST DISSAPPEARED, THE NORTHERN LIGHT'S HERE IN NORTHERN ONTARIO ARE PHENOMENAL TONIGHT
MartinTimothy 11 October 2024
Happened to me yesterday on a 911 post, I immediately resubmitted the post and when I checked just a few minutes ago the resubmission was gone as well, I include the offending piece here..
I think i can can partially or completely solve 9/11.
This is a most sinister development, who except System can go about deleting posts .. I intend to resubmit the same comment back on the first 911 thread.Solved - Jack The Ripper confirmed via DNA evidence to be ((( Aaron Kosminski, ))) a Jewish immigrant from Poland
MartinTimothy 11 October 2024
Volumes of evidence assert the JTR killer was a member of the British Royal Family, read on..
Prince Albert Victor Was Jack The Ripper.
Casebook: Jack the Ripper - Prince Albert Victor. Prince Albert Victor Was Jack The Ripper.
Letters suggest Prince Albert Victor was Jack the Ripper.
Jack the Ripper Most Certainly Was Prince Albert Edward Victor.
According to the late British novelist and composer Anthony Burgess, Jack the Ripper was Prince Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence and Avondale, grandson of Queen Victoria and Heir to the British Crown.
Burgess says when authorities became aware he was the felon, he was lured to Sweden where he was murdered by the Queens equerry and interred with little ceremony in that country, that his body was exhumed at a later date and returned to England .. which flies in the face of assertion he died in Norfolk in the UK January 14, 1892.
Ripper Letter.
It is less well known the Ripper sent around one hundred and ten handwritten letters to the Metropolitan Police, all of which bore the postmark of the Royal Household, behavior forensic psychologists say meant he wanted to be apprehended, nor does the handwriting in any way resemble that of an immigrant Polish butcher.I think i can can partially or completely solve 9/11
MartinTimothy 10 & 11 October 2024
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Cast the true against the false so that it breaks its head and vanishes, and woe unto you for what you describe. The Koran - Sura 21, Verse 18.
XYZ: Israel Did 9/11.
FSTDT - Mossad Did 9/11.
Wikispooks: Israel Did 911. 9/11 Was an Israeli Job.
9/11 Inside Out - The Jews Did It.
How 9/11 was done - Mossad/Israel.
Israel Did 9/11, All the Proof in the World. Israel Did 9/11, Not Moslems.
Mossad and the US Govt. Masterminded 911.
LostScribeMedia: 9/11, Israel’s Masterpiece.
Israel Did 9/11 - 35 Years Documented Proof.
Laurent Guyénot - 9/11 Was by the CIA & Mossad.
The Neocon Zionist Report, 9/11 Israel’s Masterpiece.
Victor Thorn, Israel’s Central Role in the Sept. 11 Attacks.
800 Pound Gorilla: Israel Did 9/11, All the Proof You Need. Israel did 9/11, Islam Was Framed by Zionist Jews.
ChristopherBollyn: The 911 Attacks Were by the CIA & Mossad pdf.
Francesco Cossiga - "The CIA & Israel Planed and Executed the 9/11 Attacks.
GoonSquad: 9/11 Was by Israel & Traitors in the WH, Pentagon, CIA, FBI & NSA.
Israel assisted by corrupt elements in the US Government carried out the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, the push to blame Saudi Arabia is 911 bs of the third kind, after OBL did it and Bush & Cheney were responsible come in at one & two.
No Plane at Shanksville.
Guided Missile at the WTC.
Cruise Missile at the Pentagon on 911.
Celebrating Jews Filming as the Twin Towers Went Down.
Thousands of Jews Absent From the WTC on the Day.
Warnings to Stay Away Came Via Telephone Messages..
From the Pulpit of NY Synagogues the Friday Before..
And From the Odigo Hebrew Language Messaging Service.
PressTV: American Political Psychologist Walt Peretto says, "Mossad is trying to cover its tracks as the real 911 perpetrator by hyping a congressional report that allegedly implicates Saudi Arabia!"
Ken O'Keefe: "The Saudis are fall guys who provided the patsies, it's a diversion from the real culprits Mossad, Israeli Intelligence and traitors in the US Government & Military."
There were no hijackers the planes that struck the WTC Towers were piloted by remote control, using hardware developed by Rabbi Dov Zakheim, who with Zionists Jerome Hauer and Michael Chertoff engineered the whole project.
Whoever owing allegiance to the United States levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death. US Code § 2381.
Since Jews attacked the US on 911 AntiSemitism is a patriotic duty and a moral responsibility, thus true patriots insist the Jews who perpetrated the attacks with every member of the political, law enforcement and media lobbies that support the deception, be charged and brought to trial under US Law where after conviction they suffer lawful execution .. anticipate a death toll among Jews to rival Hitler's tally.#
This post reply has been deleted from this thread twice since yesterday .. I make posts like this in accordance with the instruction in the Koran to "cast truth."The Level of BS at YouTube Has Become Extreme - As well as bs reports of celebrity deaths .. Joe Walsh indeed .. they are posting stuff re jolly old Diddy Combs cracking up in the courtroom after receiving a life sentence, problem is he has neither been brought to trial nor sentenced..
RexYehudi 9 October 2024
YouTube: Diddy Collapses in Court After Hearing Life Sentence.
YouTube: Diddy Panics When Judge Sentence Him Whole Life In Prison.
YouTube: Diddy Breaks Down After Judge Sentences Him to Life in Prison.
YouTube: CNN Confirms Diddy is Sentenced to Life in Jail | New D!sturbing Footage.
There has been no trial nor sentencing so who comes along with this bs.
YouTube: Eagles Joe Walsh Announced Dead At 76.
YouTube: His Family Sadly Announces Joe Walsh's Passing. Farewell, Tears Flow.
Joe is in excellent health, he is currently on tour with The Eagles. Link.
Another church burned down in Canada
MartinTimothy 8 October 2024
Jews are the church burners.
Israeli Settlers Burn Church in Jerusalem.
Rabbi Says Christian Churches Must be Burnt.
Zionists Burn Palestinian Churches & Mosques.
Attempted Arson of Gethsemane Church in Jerusalem.
Sea of Galilee Church Where Jesus Fed 5,000 Torched.
The rush to blame "migrants" or "Native Americans" for the church fires, resembles the way arch conspirator Jerome Hauer had within minutes of the South Tower airstrike, asserted Osama bin Laden - who denied guilt - formulated the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the US, whereas in the fullness of time the attacks are proven to have been carried out by Jews.
Notre Dame, Predictive Programming & DEW.
Dec. 5, 2020, Fire Destroys 128 yo East Village Church.
2016, Historic Orthodox Church in Manhattan Gutted by Fire.
DEW Weaponry Used on the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.
Protestant & Catholic Churches Attacked in Northern Ireland., Soviets Razed Churches & Spared Synagogues.
Video: Destruction of the Christ the Savior Cathedral, Moscow 1931.
European Churches Vandalized, Defecated Upon & Torched Every Day.
The desecration and destruction of Christian edifices resonates with Russia post the Jew inspired sham 1917 Revolution, where the emptying of churches was accomplished by the simple expedient of burning thousands of them down and building synagogues. The Mass Murder of Russian Christians, by Lasha Darkmoon.
Israel Responsible For Sickening Bomb Massacres in Sri Lanka.
Furthermore attacks on places of worship whether they be Christian, Moslem or Jew are forbidden in the Koran, which means Moslems were not responsible for the Notre Dame Cathedral fire, other French church burnings or the Sri Lanka church bombings in any case.
DEW Laser Beam Seen at the Notre Dame Cathedral April 15, 2019.
DEW Strike in Russia Days After Notra Dame Cathedral Was [J]EW'd in France.
As well Jews are the principle suspects for the Christmas 2022 fire that gutted Nantes Cathedral.Trump says he's going to remove the "Jew haters"
RoxannaHardbutt 8 October 2024
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Cast the true against the false so that it breaks its head and vanishes, and woe unto you for what you describe. The Koran - Sura 21, Verse 18.
11 Million Germans Were Murdered After WWII.
BBC - Genocide of 12 Million Germans After WW2.
9-15 Million Germans Killed Post WW2 1945 – 1953.
Post WW2 Jews Murdered Poles & Took Power in Poland.
The Real Holocaust of WW2 – 15 Million Germans Slaughtered.
Genocide of the Ethnic Germans in Jugoslavia 1944 – 1948 pdf.
Other Losses - The Genocide of 7m Germans, by James Bacque.
The Masses of Corpses at Dachau & Buchenwald Were Dead German Soldiers.
Video: 1945, The Savage Peace by Peter Molloy - 12 Million Ethnic Germans Murdered Post WW2.
The Forgotten Soldier by Guy Sajer - Genocide of German POWs at the Rheinwiesenlager Camps pdf. Unz Review.
Jews perpetrated genocide upon the German ppl not the other way around .. get it well understood Adolf Hitler and all of the top Nazis were Jews, the non Jewish Nazis Ernst Röhm and the SA were slaughtered in the Night of the Long Knives massacres of June 1934, after H was sworn in as German Chancellor Jan. 30, 1933.
Second Plane.
And as for AntiSemitism .. thousands of Jews were absent from the WTC Towers on 911 after warnings were distributed via telephone messages, by the Odigo Hebrew language messaging service and from the pulpit of NY synagogues the Friday before, who watched the immolation of their co workers on live television, that is a good enough reason to hate Jews.
Cruise Missile at the Pentagon on 911.
Whoever owing allegiance to the United States levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death. US Code 2381 - Treason.
Since Jews attacked the US on 911 AntiSemitism is a patriotic duty and a moral responsibility, thus true patriots insist the Jews who perpetrated the attacks with every member of the political, law enforcement and media lobbies that support the deception, be charged and brought to trial under US Law, where after conviction they suffer lawful execution .. anticipate a death toll among Jews to rival Hitler's tally.
Sodd Trump ..Hillary Clinton warns ‘we lose total control’ if social media content isn't moderated
MartinTimothy 7 October 2024
Yeah .. the problem is the only place you can dump a load on Killary is in social media posts, yr pissin' into the wind if you think the MSM or the controlled oppositioners a la Alex Jones & David Icke fr instance, will ever take up on any of it, read on..
Arkancide is the unfortunate habit of potential witnesses to the Clintons' dirty dealings in Arkansas suddenly deciding to shoot themselves twice in the back of the head. Police and Coroners in Arkansas, notably Fahmv Malak who answered to Governor Bill Clinton, automatically described these shootings as "suicides."
After Bill Clinton became President the phenomenon spilled over to Washington D.C. when Hillary Clinton's ex-lover Vincent Foster was "Arkancided." The Arkancide website consists of a history of the Clintons and their misdeeds in Arkansas and the White House, a list of books about the Clintons.
A section on Hillarv Clinton , which is rapidly growing and becoming increasingly relevant to all of us, and a section on the press and their view of Hillary as "she who can do no wrong."If you're in a hurry and can't spare the week or two that it would take to follow all these links, at least read the three-part history of Hillarv Clinton by Cockburn and St. Clair and the 29 episodes of The Real Hillarv Clinton is run by someone who doesn't believe in UFO's or that the Moon landings were faked or that JFK was shot by a guy on the grassy knoll or that Elvis is alive (sorry!) or that Princess Diana was liquidated by MI6 or... well any of that type of nonsense.
Conspiracy theorists are idiots and I'm pleased not to be one of them. There was nothing "theoretical" about the Mena/ADFA conspiracy or the Whitewater conspiracy or the Cattle Futures conspiracy or Filegate or Travelgate or Bloodaate or... I'll finish the list when I get a moment!
Here's what to do if you disagree: Make a list of all the deceased. Google them. Verify that they were real people with real connections to the Clintons and who really died violently - and were not just imaginary people invented by anti-Clinton propagandists.
Find out how they were connected to the Clintons and what information they were going to divulge. Find out when the Clintons became aware of this. Find out how soon afterwards each potential witness was bumped off. Explain why so many of these murders had similar MO's (bullets fired into the back of the head, exploding planes etc.).
Explain why so many of these murders were described as suicides by the coroner. Find out who appointed the coroner. Here's what to do if you still disagree: Have a brain transplant or start eating more fish. Then the only remaining question will be: "was it Bill or Hillary?"
The Clinton Body Count There are several websites currently displaying the list of those who knew too much about the Clintons for their own good: Arkansas Sudden Death Syndrome A number of persons associated with WJ Clinton or Arkansas politics have died of unnatural causes or suddenly under circumstances that have raised questions. The Clinton Body Count, Full Text.
Moreover as far as I know Voat is the only SM site will take this kind of stuff, not Poal nor Reddit or X, hit the link there is plenty more on that site.
" is run by someone who doesn't believe .. that JFK was shot by a guy on the Grassy Knoll."
The Moorman pic has snipers nests on the Grassy Knoll with muzzle flashes behind the picket fence left screen, Watergate identity E Howard Hunt is firing, Martin Luther & Coretta King are standing to his right, Afro Secret Serviceman Abraham Bolden is behind and to Coretta’s left.
The "Badgeman" Pic.
Whereas the "Badgeman" enhancement has Dallas Cop Joe Smith firing from behind the Rotunda Wall, in company with Gordon H Arnold, deaf mute Ed Hoffman & Wife and Andy Warhol.
DockersUnion: The Assassination of John F Kennedy.
We say there were twenty one shooters on the GK, as well as one shot fired from the roof of the Dal-Tex building across Houston St from the TSBD, where from on the 6th floor LHO is alleged to have fired, as well William Greer the driver of the Presidential limo fired making 23 shots in all, a la the 23 wounds on the body of Julius Caesar.
LHO in the Doorway.
Photographs and film show Lee Harvey Oswald at the doorway of the TSBD when the shots were fired at the President in the first instance, and show he was still in the doorway when The Three Tramps were marched by hours later, similarly exculpating him for the murder of Dallas Police Officer JD Tippit.
I would like for the Arkancide bloke to get in behind our JFK file.For Those of You Who Don't Understand Watch Collecting/Enthusiasm, Realize It Is Similar To Appreciating Different Aspects of Fine Automobiles Throughout History
MartinTimothy 6 October 2024
Collections are a pain .. they send you broke in the first instance and weigh you down there after, since as you get old yr thoughts are filled with "what will happen to the collection when I die," it is actually hoarding .. that's how I see it anyway.MartinTimothy 6 October 2024
If you want to know what happens to collections you should watch a few bought storage unit vids, see punters ransacking dead ppl's possessions searching for valuables, or look at a few eBay vids for ppl whose collections they thought would "hold their value," go for pennies in the dollar, cars no less.Lord Lucan & the Murder of Nanny Sandra Rivett - Sounds like Lucan & Sandra Rivett were "having it off" that Lady Lucan found out about it & decided to kill them both, her story to the police was fabricated while her injuries were self inflicted to add credence to her story .. Arnold Schwarzenegger
TankTinker 6 October 2024
Countess Lady Veronica Lucan Inquest Regarding the 1974 Disappearance of Her Husband Richard John Bingham 7th Earl of Lucan, and the Murder of Sandra Rivett Her Children's Nanny.
Lord & Lady Veronica Lucan.
Material leaked from UK Police sources allege Arnold Schwarzenegger killed Nanny Sandra Rivett and Lord Lucan. Link.
Arnold Schwarzenegger Killed Lord Lucan.
Lord Lucan Linked to Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Lord Lucan Death Linked to Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Schwarzenegger "Involved" in Lord Lucan Murder Mystery.
Arnold Schwarzenegger Allegedly Involved in the Lord Lucan Murder.
Hollywood Hunk in Lord Lucan Murder Mystery, With Giovanni Di Stefano. - Giovanni claims it was actually Arnold Schwarzenegger who slew Sandra Rivett, that Arnie spent several years in London working on his physique as part of his body building training. To make a bit of extra cash while in town he worked as a goon for London debt collectors, who needed scary looking guys to intimidate gamblers into coughing up. Lucan's well documented debt problems meant they moved in the same circles.
Lucan - well connected with an unnamed US Senator - offered to help Schwarzenegger get the Green Card he needed to move to the States .. according to Giovanni's police source, Arnie was hired by Lucan to kill his wife so he could sell the house and get his kids back. Obviously the plan went awry, apparently Arnie mistook Sandra Rivett for Lady Lucan and bashed the nanny out of existence with the iron bar he used to scare gambling addicts.
Lucan realized the mistake and tried to finish the job, but his weaker frame meant his wife survived and escaped to the pub, after playing along with Lucan's escape plan Arnie killed Lucan and buried his corpse, creating a mystery that's stumped authorities for four decades.#
The Tiger Tale.
The tenor of the piece suggests Lucan and Sandra Rivett were "having it off," that Lady Lucan found out about it and decided to kill them both, to which end she brought Arnie in to fulfil the deed, that her story to the police was fabricated, while her injuries were self inflicted to add credence to her story.Fistful of Meth, a Traditional American Trucker Song Performed by Jonward C Nash, "pack up the pipe, pull off the brakes I've been awake now for eight days straight, smoke it to ashes & drive it to death when you got a big truck and a fistful of meth" .. this does in no way condone illicit drug use
RoxannaHardbutt 4 October 2024
V9incent says, "this song was in the original "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" during the hitchhiker scene, but because of the rights dispute it was later replaced with "Fool for a Blonde" by Roger Bartlett & Friends for the official VHS, DVD and BLU-RAY releases."RoxannaHardbutt 4 October 2024
Video: Killer Truckers.
Long haul truckers are suspect for a prodigious amount of murders of prostitutes, hitchhikers and stranded motorists whose bodies have been found dumped beside the interstates for decades, given the resources the FBI has available we say it requires massive collusion from them and from local police for this to go on. Reddit Link: The Truckers Are All In On It.
Every driver has an electronic logbook that says where he has been, how he got there and how long the journey took .. all the FBI has to do is identify what trucks were at which particular truck stops when disappearances took place, and when the same driver turns up at multiple locations..
He or she becomes a suspect and is brought in for questioning .. they don't do that and the killings go on. Whereas scuttlebutt says there is a communication web among killer truckers, where they talk about such matters as the best places to find victims.Truckers make ideal serial killers, they are out at night when there is little or no supervision, they pick up victims in one state murder them in another and dump the body in still another, which makes it tough for law enforcement when different police departments are working on each murder in different jurisdictions across the country. Video: Unsolved Highway Serial Killers.
Rest areas, truck stops and travel plazas have prostitutes and drug dealers wandering about looking for business, when you are on the highway or at a rest stop you don't know who the stranger in the next truck might be, the FBI Highway Serial Killers Initiative or HSK has identified more than four hundred suspects and seven hundred and fifty of their victims since the program began.Vale Fiona MacDonald Oct. 3, 2024 at Age 67 yrs After a Battle With Motor Neurone Disease [MND] - Fans will recall her and sister Jacki in a variety of Australian television roles since the 1970's, RIP
TankTinker 4 October 2024
Link. I was a shift worker in Brisbane, I would often see Jacki and Fiona with a couple of their girlfriends standing outside the Hacienda pub when I drove back thru the Valley after afternoon shift .Cause Of Maui Fire Revealed. Why the fuck is the ATF doing fire investigations?
MartinTimothy 4 October 2024
What I saw in California in 2017, and what I see today in Maui are one and the same, only microwave technology as in DEW–whether military lasers or HAARP–can explain how the structures not only burned down, but melted kitchen appliances, bathtubs, metal alloy wheel rims, and far more.
Video: Maui is under attack by DEW!!! This is not a natural fire!.
“The wildfires weren’t wild at all. The houses cooked from the inside out. They often burned from the top of the roofs, incinerating the walls, floors, and appliances, and cladding down to the foundation. Yet, 90 percent of the trees on the properties remained standing with leaves on the branches—not burnt, merely dried out. It was as if a neutron bomb had detonated burning everything manmade, but leaving the greenery alone.”
“If you put tinfoil in a microwave oven it will spark with flames shooting about, giving off an orange halo glow. It’s not the metal that catches fire, but the aluminum oxide coating. When superheated by microwave energy the coating releases oxygen on the surface engorging the material to burn even hotter.
This phenomenon is known as “field-activated combustion synthesis.” Like a Duraflame log, the self-sustaining oxygen fuels the flames as had been seen with the ceramics roof tiles and the metals used to build—materials that do not burn in a normal forest fire.”
Maui Burns from DEW Fires .. Understanding the truth nature of the firestorm will be key to exposing the enemy. We know from Directed Energy Weapons experts, such as Eric Hecker (video at the end) and James Martinez, the MK-Ultra survivor–a recent guest on “Unrestricted Truths” (Episode 390), “DEW Weapons Target Humans.
Not only are chemtrails spraying confirmed as fact, but also DEW weapons, such as HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program) that were suspected of causing the earthquake in Turkey at the start of this year confirmed as well. TBC.Ue o Muite Arukō / Sukiyaki, by Kyu Sakamoto - The song topped the US Billboard Hot 100 chart in 1963 and became one of the best selling singles of all time
RexYehudi 3 October 2024
It's all because of you,
I'm feeling sad and blue
You went away, now my life is just a rainy day
And I love you so, how much you'll never know
You've gone away and left me lonely
Untouchable memories,
Seem to keep haunting me
Another love so true
That once turned all my gray skies blue
But you disappeared
Now my eyes are filled with tears
And I'm wishing you were here with me
Soft with love are my thoughts of you
Now that you're gone
I just don't know what to do
If only you were here
You'd wash away my tears
The sun would shine once again
You'd be mine all mine
But in reality, you and I will never be
'Cause you took your love away from me
Girl, I don't know what I did
To make you leave me
But what I do know
Is that since you've been gone
There's such an emptiness inside
I'm wishing you'd come back to me
If only you were here
You'd wash away my tears
The sun would shine once again
You'd be mine all mine
But in reality, you and I will never be
'Cause you took your love away from me
Oh, baby, you took your love away from me. 4 P.M. - Sukiyaki, English Lyrics.RexYehudi 3 October 2024
Bit of a problem with yr semantics .. Kyu Sakamoto died in the August 12, 1985 crash of JAL Flight 123, a Boeing 747 on a scheduled passenger flight from Tokyo to Osaka, that suffered structural damage - the pilot had reported a problem with a rear door - and decompression shortly after take off, and which remains the deadliest single aircraft accident in aviation history. Link. So he was not "killed by Boeing" at all!RexYehudi 4 October 2024
Alt Sukiyaki English Language Lyrics - Cover by David Clement-Horton.
I look up when I walk so the tears won't fall
Remembering those happy spring days
But tonight I'm all alone
I look up when I walk, counting the stars with tearful eyes
Remembering those happy summer days
But tonight I'm all alone
Happiness lies beyond the clouds
Happiness lies above the sky
I look up when I walk so the tears won't fall
Though my heart is filled with sorrow
For tonight I'm all alone.
Remembering those happy autumn days
But tonight I'm all alone
Sadness hides in the shadow of the stars
Sadness lurks in the shadow of the moon
I look up when I walk so the tears won't fall
Though my heart is filled with sorrow
For tonight I'm all alone.
Jews did the REAL Holocaust in eastern Europe after World War 2.
RoxannaHardbutt 2 October 2024
fritz_maurentod "Can anyone recommend literature on this?"
Eisenhower's Rhine Meadows Death Camps.
11 Million Germans Were Murdered After WWII.
BBC - Genocide of 12 Million Germans After WW2.
9-15 Million Germans Killed Post WW2 1945 – 1953.
Post WW2 Jews Murdered Poles & Took Power in Poland.
The Real Holocaust of WW2 – 15 Million Germans Slaughtered.
Genocide of the Ethnic Germans in Jugoslavia 1944 – 1948 pdf.
Other Losses - The Genocide of 7m Germans, by James Bacque.
The Masses of Corpses at Dachau & Buchenwald Were Dead German Soldiers.
Video: 1945, The Savage Peace by Peter Molloy - 12 Million Ethnic Germans Murdered Post WW2.
The Forgotten Soldier by Guy Sajer - Genocide of German POWs at the Rheinwiesenlager Camps pdf. Unz Review.
Jews perpetrated genocide upon the German ppl not the other way around.
Adolf Hitler and all of the top Nazis were Jews, the non Jewish Nazis Ernst Röhm and the SA were slaughtered in the Night of the Long Knives massacres of June 1934, after H was sworn in as German Chancellor Jan. 30, 1933.
Jews infiltrated German politics then perped the Holocaust in the name of the German ppl, like they infiltrated US politics perped 911 pdf then established the bogus War on Terror, like they infiltrated Turkish politics then perpetrated the Armenian Genocide .. there were No Japanese Planes at Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941.
See how you go with this lot ..Video: Man Buys $4,000 Autographed Taylor Swift Guitar—His Reaction Is All of Us Right Now!
MartinTimothy 1 October 2024
Downvoated .. I do not approve of guitar vandalism at any time, which is the reason I could never come to terms with The Who who smashed thousands of dollars worth of great guitars after every show, and Pete Townshend in particular who went on smashing great instruments in studio performances .. ok I was a poor kid growing up in an Australian country town thru the early 1960's, things like Fender and Gibson guitars were in the stratosphere as far as I was concerned, and when these dudes did their destructive thing it made me spew .. no less than does this wukfit.I Say the Whole Sunita Williams & Butch Wilmore Trapped in Space Saga Smells Worse Than They Do After 8 Months in Orbit - I'm not gonna swallow any of it considering the vastness of space bs that has appeared, not limited to the 1969 fake Lunar landings
RoxannaHardbutt 1 October 2024
YT - Fake Lunar Landings.The Year 2000 Minus 25 by the Late Kris Kristofferson - "Power is 'n' power does 'n' power slips away so easy to a few, who'd a thought them Arabs woulda bought the USA just to give it to the Jews" .. seems Kris had a well developed social conscience and was not afraid to make his feelings known
RexYehudi 1 October 2024
0:34 - "Power Is 'N' Power Does..".Actor John Ashton dead at 76
MartinTimothy 30 September 2024
John Ashton was an actor I always had confidence in, RIP .This is pretty wild. Why would all these be in a line over water and land unless it was a flight line?
RoxannaHardbutt 30 September 2024
Upvoated for the fine photography .. however when I see these magnificent structures I wonder who was able to marshal the resources to draw up the plans, to quarry and shape the stones, to get them transported to the site and and put in place and for what purpose .. Christianity came to Europe as a branch of the Jewish religion, I have always thought of the church spires that dominate transplanted European architecture in the US and Australia..
No less than these massive structures, were erected by Jews as part of their plan to subvert all religious thought and to force ppl to accept the bs they preach, here we mean John 3:16, the Son of God, Trinitarianism, Virgin Birth, Transubstantiation & Papal Infallibility .. the same way they put Christian chapels on even the most remote Hebridean Islands, it costs a lot of money to get all of that done which in today's dough would add up to trillion$.Eric Clapton Taking Coffee September 2024, From the YT Clapton Single One Woman
TankTinker 30 September 2024
Eric Clapton - One Woman.TankTinker 30 September 2024
Yeah what with the King's birthday coming on I think it is high time Eric became Sir Eric .. considering the other time servers and apple polishers who have received knighthoods across the yrs.Muthafuka ded: Sunday morning coming down. Country music legend Kris Kristofferson went to the great beyond
RoxannaHardbutt 30 September 2024
Muthafu*a..Zoology Professor Dr Walter Veith Debunks Evolution Theory and Darwinism | LED Live [1.37.55]
MartinTimothy 30 September 2024
The Martian King - A carved bust photographed in Gusev Crater on Mars by NASA's Spirit Rover in 2008, shows a robed figure wearing a crown .. that he could pass for a modern man turns Charles Darwin's Descent of Man on its head, as well it refutes Adam and Eve and the notion men evolved from Ethiopian ape brutes.
Human & Alien Life on Mars & Venus - The Evolution of Man.Bill Cooper was shot by cops after warning about 9/11
MartinTimothy 29 September 2024
You are over simplifying things by blandly stating "William Cooper was shot by cops," read on ..
Milton William "Bill" Cooper predicts 9/11 June 28, 2001.
His exact words were "now we are being bombarded with messages that Osama bin Laden is planing to attack the United States of America and Israel, and I am telling you be prepared for a major attack but it won't be Osama bin Laden it will be those behind the New World Order."
Apache County Deputy Sheriff Robert Marinez Sues.
Wanted Arizona Militia Figure William Cooper Shot.
Despite Bill Cooper did good work in his pre 911 tract summarized above he was not murdered, a Former Naval Intelligence op and radio host he was shot dead by Sheriff's Deputies in Eagar, Arizona Nov. 6, 2001, after he had fired first critically wounding one of their number, while they were in the process of serving a late nite warrant, in response to his having pulled a gun in a supermarket parking lot, and having acted in a threatening manner toward a local doctor.
The bottom line is if you are gonna fire at police or in this case Sheriff's Deputies you should know what to expect, he went off of the rails and was shot down. Jews did 9/11.Found some Jews talking about Freemasonry, they consider it a Noahide training school
TankTinker 28 September 2024
It is all very well to blame Freemasons for the world's evils, despite some lodges do appear to have been a front for subversive activities, all it does is smokescreen the real villainy holed out in Mossad dominated Jewish enclaves world wide! Italy’s Secret Government - The P2 Lodge. - "Freemasonry is the oldest and largest world wide fraternity dedicated to the Brotherhood of Man under the sponsorship of a Supreme Being. Although of a religious nature Freemasonry is not a religion it urges its members however to be faithful and devoted to their own religious beliefs."
The lodges were franchised insofar as building funds and construction schedules were financed by members contributions, on the understanding that like the Pyramids in Egypt the buildings would stand forever. Thus in 1954 my uncle took me along when he went to pay his capitation fees at the local Freemason's Lodge in Adelaide, South Australia that had been slated for foreclosure, he showed me grandfather's name ascribed on a plaque bearing the names of past office holders.
The woman present declined to accept his coin and a bulldozer demolished the structure a short time later, the plaque with grandfather's name was splintered wreckage visible among piles of shattered masonry and broken marble tiles.
Masons have been employed since the construction of the pyramids and before, they are the skilled tradesmen who travel from worksite to worksite, in the old days they were journeyman carpenters and stonemasons. Add welders, riggers, mechanical engineers and architects, then substitute power stations for cathedrals and pipelines for aqueducts, and know the tradition is alive still.
Pyramid of Cheops.
These peoples trade skills enable the transformation of drawings on paper into real time three dimensional structures of steel and stone, they were paid in Cheops' time and still are, the edifice complex that drives the egos of kings, despots and popes fuels the journeyman worker’s lifestyle. They pay to keep skilled foreign tradesmen while indigenous populations are taxed into the ground to pay for it all.
Who then become envious then hostile that their country’s wealth is being squandered, the foreign oil workers employed in today’s Niger Delta regarded that way no less than King Mausolus of Caria’s stonemasons, for those reasons the skilled imported workforce kept to itself remaining similarly defensive of its own situation.
Steps of Freemasonry.
Entry into the guilds and trades that made up mason infrastructure was highly selective and involved lengthy apprenticeships and training schedules, reflected in the orders various degrees and levels of attainment in the freemasons lodges of today. Their comeback to criticism is that they are working for wages, if the pope the king or the oil companies want the job done and if the money is right they are up to the task, all involved the masons, the king and their clients know the local workforce lacks the skills.
The journeyman lifestyle brought them into lands with differing theological values, for that reason and so that they could remain aloof from local religious politics and squabbles, the Masons developed a charter of universal acceptance under the aegis of a divine creator who demanded good and who punished misdeeds.
They were on a good wicket paid well and living in comfortable well found accommodation, the job was going ahead while strict guild rules saw to it that accidental death and injury was rare, that food and accommodation was up to scratch, and that payment was received for money earned, else by guild rules they would stop work or "go on strike," as it is called today.
Trade unions have Masonic origins, the Freemasons Lodge evolved as people from outside the traditional mason infrastructure sought to emulate their success, so they adopted the camaraderie, the strictures and the mores that they had observed established thru the morale and character building work ethic of the traveling workmen.
No gain without pain though, the populace where the cathedral, palace or mausoleum gets built get the rough end of the pineapple most of the time, the workman reasons that local politics are not his affair and the job goes on provided guild requirements are met. Lingering resentment is still felt throughout some places re this state of affairs, reflected in the hate directed at Freemasons on internet forums for instance.
Some freemasons lodges appear to have been infiltrated by antisocial elements who have conducted subversive activities, using the traditional reticence of Masonry as a cover for their illegal agenda, these people are regarded as private citizens as far as their curricular activities outside of Freemasonry is concerned. Thus criminals are regarded as criminals no matter what, the Masonic response to a fellow Mason who is a criminal or who has been charged, must be that the matter should proceed under the law with truth as punctually as is practicable.Dragonfish Photographed in the Mid Pacific Ocean at Ufiata Seamount by a Deep Water Submersible Rover in 2017, Surely Resembles the Nitetime Profile of the Emirates A380 .. must be where the Airbus design engineers got their inspiration
TankTinker 28 September 2024
Flickr - Emirates A380 at Night.
YouTube - Deep Ocean Creatures Caught on Camera by ROV.The Hundreds of Spirit Talking & Ghost Hunting Aps on the I'net Seem to Rely on AI Checking Yr Location, Thence Yr Ip Number to Find Personal Details & Yr Social Credit Score .. then juxtaposes it all in creepy dialog that makes it sound like someone who knows all about you is metaphysically present
RoxannaHardbutt 27 September 2024
Spirits From Hell .. this one claims to be a voice from Hell carrying on about how wonderful it is in "Satan's Kingdom."Where's all the hate for video games on here?
MartinTimothy 26 September 2024
Yeah well I being a Boomer never had much to do with video games, until bare ass babes and big dik dudes galloping all over the place started turning up on my YouTube feed .. I don't particularly hate 'em however if the gamers can get away with it on YT, what's to stop anyone else doing their "thing" and posting their stuff wherever they like??Ron Paul: New World Order Began Their Coup of America With Murder of JFK
MartinTimothy 26 September 2024
Ron Paul r'soles ..
Former US Congressman Ron Paul and his wretched offspring US Senator Rand Paul, deliberately entered the 911 conspiracy on the side of the Zionist perpetrators, which has well and truly rendered them liable to prosecution thence execution as capital traitors against the United States.
The Pauls have wagered their lives that the Jews who perped 911, who carry out similar terrorist attacks world wide and the massive cover up that exists at every level of the US social order will never be brought to trial. They with the entire roll call at both houses of the US Congress, and all members of successive Presidential administrations, should be charged as capital traitors by way of the United States Justice Department.
Via summons to appear in a duly constituted court convened under existing US Law, where after they will be put to death by order of the court if guilt is proven. If they decry US Law as Texans and deploy weapons to prevent arrest, like Saddam Hussein’s kids did heroically following the illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003, there could be a similar bloody outcome.
Jews at Mossad HQ in Tel Aviv Israel, made hundred$ of million$ wagering on airline “Put Options,” at stock markets in Frankfurt Germany and in Canada on the day of the attacks, Jews were hoppin' about in glee filming as the WTC Towers turned to dust. Thousands of Jews never went to work at the WTC on the day, while warnings to stay away were distributed from NY synagogues the Friday before, via telephone, and from the Odigo Hebrew language messaging service.
Millions of Jews with their political mates and every member of the Ziomedia lobby that supports the deception, should go down the same hole of arrest, trial and execution as the Pauls.MartinTimothy 26 September 2024
"Whether Oswald shot JFK..
Lee Harvey Oswald was blamed for shooting President Kennedy at around 12:30 pm Nov. 22, 1963, and Dallas Police Officer JD Tippit a couple miles away around forty minutes later. Despite photographs and film show him standing in the doorway of the TSBD when the shots were fired at the President in the first instance, and show him still in the doorway when The Three Tramps were marched by hours later, similarly exculpating him for the murder of Officer Tippit. The Assassination of John F Kennedy.
We remember: Las Vegas shooting October 1 2017 7 years later.
MartinTimothy 26 September 2024
The alleged Oct. 1, 2017 Las Vegas, Mandalay Bay massacre was as fake as a 3 dollar bill .. read on.
Las Vegas False Flag.
Las Vegas Massacre Hoax @ Facebook.
The Mandalay Bay Las Vegas False Flag.
Las Vegas Shooting Another False Flag.
Evidence of Las Vegas Hoax & Covert Op.
Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Staged Shooting.
Robert David Steele: Las Vegas False Flag.
Ole Dammegard - Las Vegas Shooting False Flag.
Irrefutable Las Vegas Shooting False Flag Analysis.
Proof Las Vegas Shooting Was a False Flag Attack.
Alex Jones, "Las Vegas Shooting Was a False Flag".
Las Vegas Mass Shooting False Flag & Black PsyOp.
YouTube Videos Claim Las Vegas Massacre Was Faked.
The Las Vegas Massacre Story Strains the Limits of Gullibility.
Sandy Hook & Las Vegas Shootings - False Flags Scripted by AI.
Miles Mathis Exposes Fake Personas in the Las Vegas Shooting.
Las Vegas False Flag Operation Shooting Hoax, Hospital Reports "No Blood".
The latest says the sound of gunfire was broadcast thru loudspeakers, while crisis actors who had been seeded into the crowd were prepped to act as though a real shooting were taking place.Very interesting new info about missing flight MH-370
MartinTimothy 25 September 2024
RevolverNews - Bellingcat was pushing that Russia was behind the Malaysia flight that disappeared.
The Russians were indeed behind the crash of MA Flight 17, in that a satellite shot shows an air to air missile launched by a Russian MiG 29 closing in on the aircraft which duly crashed in Ukraine .. read on.
MA 370 & MA 17.
Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 was a scheduled international passenger flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, that disappeared in flight March 8, 2014, Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 was an identical Boeing 777-200ER which crashed near the Ukraine / Russia border, while on a regular flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur July 17, 2014 .. we say they were the same plane.
Image - Graphic.
Some bodies among the smouldering wreckage of MH17 were visibly in a state of rigor mortis, indicating death took place some short time prior, insofar as RM is a temporary condition that alleviates itself within hours. Link.
GlobalNews - While sources on the ground in Ukraine, say other bodies that rained down from the stricken aircraft were not fresh and reeked of decomposition. Which indicates the months old MH370 corpses were in the cargo hold of its alter ego MH17 when the passengers joined the flight in Amsterdam.
Postulate Flight MH370 was hijacked in mid flight March 8, 2014 that the cabin was depressurized causing the passengers to lose consciousness and die, before the plane was flown to the island of Diego Garcia and kept incommunicado in a secure hangar.
WTC Second Plane.
Using the same Rabbi Dov Zakheim pioneered tech which allowed remote controlled planes to be flown into the Twin Towers at the WTC Sept. 11, 2001, where after it assumed the identity of Flight MH17 and was flown into a waiting ambush before it crash landed in Ukraine.
The same remote control tech is thought to have been used to cause the July 16, 1999 plane crash that took the lives of John F Kennedy Jr his wife and her sister, which was allegedly to ensure Hillary Clinton's elevation to the US Senate.
Except JFK Jr and his wife Carolyn Jeanne Bessette-Kennedy both of whom are supposed to have perished July 16, 1999, are identified alive & well in an undated montage that has been doing the rounds for the last few yrs, foreground figures are wearing MAGA hats which indicates the montage was assembled during the Trump Presidency in any case .. yeah the scope of the deception boggles the mind.
DaijiWorld - Was MH17 Actually the Missing MH370.I had no idea the municipal cops were using this kind of technology so freely. Like Judge Dread or some other cybernetic dystopia thingie
RoxannaHardbutt 22 September 2024
J̶u̶d̶g̶e̶ ̶D̶r̶e̶a̶d̶ .. Judge Dredd.Timothy Lovecraft
MartinTimothy 22 September 2024
Sure the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was a False Flag, Timothy McVeigh who was executed for his alleged role in the affair was a patsy.
The CNN Reports of Additional Bombs.
The Official Oklahoma City Bombing Story is a Lie.
Multiple Bombs in Murrah Building Prove Inside Job.
Oklahoma Bombing Inside Job, Timothy McVeigh a CIA Patsy.
The Same [Nuclear] Bombs Used on 9/11 and Oklahoma City.
Documentary - A Nobel Lie, OKC was the original "Inside Job".
Micro Nuclear Devices Placed by FBI & ATF Used in OKC Bombing.
Proof the April 19, 1995 OKC Bombing Was an FBI / ATF Special Op.
Federal Murder Inc. Tied to OKC Terror Bombing - The terror loosed in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995, was created by criminals and murderers directed by and paid for by the Federal Government. This is the only conclusion that can be reached by a calm analysis of the facts.
It has been 29 years since Oklahoma City’s Murrah building was blown apart one quiet April morning. Contrary to news reports, the persons found guilty and sentenced for the Murrah bombing atrocity could not have been solely responsible.
After numerous private investigators produced evidence of multiple explosions, unexploded bombs being hauled away by the authorities, and the incapability of an ammonium nitrate fuel oil bomb to cause the kind of devastation seen in downtown Oklahoma City, a giant Government cover up became obvious. TruthSeeker.
Video: Ole Dammegard @, Oklahoma City Bombing - Former independent Black Ops Contractor Cody Snodgres, says in 1994 he was offered 1,000, 000 USD by the CIA to bomb the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City.
Reichstag 911 - Oklahoma City '95 .. Transcript, "here's now what we are starting to learn about the succession, or what someone obviously hoped would be a succession of explosions. The first bomb that was in the federal building did go off, the second explosive was found and defused. The third explosive that was found and they are working on it right now.
Both the second and third explosives if you can imagine this were larger than the first, it is just incredible to think that there was that much heavy artillery that was somehow moved into the downtown Oklahoma City federal building. This is the work of a sophisticated group, this is a very sophisticated device and it has to have been done by an explosives expert."
The Eglin Blast Effects Study .. "The government in trying to prove a single Ryder truck filled with explosives could cause the damage seen in the Murrah building, commissioned a study by the Armament Directorate, Wright Laboratory at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida, with which they intended to bolster the "lone bomber" case against Timothy McVeigh, the results were an embarrassment to the government. OKC Bombing: Forensic Evidence, Multiple Blasts: More Evidence by William F. Jasper.
WRH .. Tiffany Bible was a paramedic called to the Murrah Building following the bombing, her affidavit reports three important facts, that the ATF were not in the building, that the ATF was already putting out a story that the Murrah Building was bombed "because of Waco" only a few hours after the actual blast and before Tim McVeigh was even arrested. That an unexploded bomb was found attached to a gas line inside the building.
Oklahoma City: What the Investigation Missed .. Led by Brigadier General Benton K. Partin (USAF, ret.), former director of the Air Force Armament Technology Laboratory and one of the world’s premier explosives and ordnance authorities, critics have argued compellingly that the blast wave from the ANFO truck bomb was totally inadequate to cause the collapse of the massive, steel-reinforced concrete columns of the federal building in Oklahoma City.
This fact, together with much other forensic evidence from the crime scene, they contend, points inescapably to the conclusion that additional demolition charges had to have been placed on columns inside the building. Which means that this terror bombing was a much more sophisticated operation than the federal authorities admit, requiring more hands, brains, and brawn than any lone bomber could supply.
If all that is true, the real bombers are being let off the hook by the government’s insistence that Timothy McVeigh, "solely caused the deadliest terrorist attack on American soil.”Zion Don: "Bring back the death penalty for antisemites."
MartinTimothy 19 September 2024
Jews incensed by the license granted in the Talmud perpetrated the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks upon the United States.
WTC Second Plane.
Cruise Missile at the Pentagon on 911.
Thousands of Jews were absent from the WTC Towers on the day after warnings were distributed via telephone messages, by the Odigo Hebrew language messaging service and from the pulpit of New York synagogues the Friday before, who watched the immolation of their co workers on live television .. that is a good enough reason to hate Jews.
As for the death penalty..
Whoever owing allegiance to the United States levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death. US Code § 2381 - Treason.
Since Jews attacked the US on 911 AntiSemitism is a patriotic duty and a moral responsibility, see the current conflict as a struggle between US and Talmudic Law, thus true patriots will continue to demand millions of Jews with every member of the political, law enforcement and media lobbies - that means Donald Trump - that support the deception, be brought to arrest, trial and execution as 911 traitors under US Law, while they will carry on doing what they will under the aegis of the Talmud .. we are gonna see who wins out.9/11 Was an Israeli Masterminded False Flag With Help From Traitors in the WH, Pentagon, CIA, FBI & NSA - The bs about the Saudis being behind the 9/11 Israeli masterminded False Flag, is to divert attention from the body of evidence that Israel was the terrorist state that set off the attacks ..
RexYehudi 15 September 2024
While the WTC 'Twin's were being exploded on TV for shocked and awed Americans, the Jew MSM skilfully implanted into our collective mind that Muslims who liked to snort cocaine, drink copious amounts of booze and go to strip clubs where they would make a nuisance of themselves, and tell people that they were pilots and that something terrible is headed to America were too blame. In our shocked state, we fell for those lies and demanded vengeance for our loss. Now that the smoke has cleared, and we can truly see, we understand who the real enemy is and demand that justice, not just vengeance, descend upon Israel. GoonSquad.TIL In 1698, Russian Czar Peter the Great banned beards
RoxannaHardbutt 15 September 2024
PtG seems to have been a total r'sole, he had his own son tortured & executed for "conspiracy" and is said to have personally executed 200 other alleged conspirators ..
In 1719, Peter the Great of Russia ordered the execution by beheading of Mary Hamilton, his mistress. Once the execution was complete, Peter picked up Mary's head and kissed it on the lips. He then gave the crowd an impromptu lecture on human anatomy, kissed the head again, threw it away, and left. Reddit.The story about Peter the Great and his wife, Catherine I, involves a dramatic and violent incident. According to historical accounts, Peter discovered that Catherine had been unfaithful. In a fit of rage, he had the lover, a man named Afanasy Shestakov, executed. The account suggests that Peter then had Shestakov's head preserved in a jar of alcohol and placed in Catherine's room as a gruesome reminder of the betrayal. Quora.Peter from an early age acquired excessive cruelty. When he was 26 years old, while suppressing the uprising of the archers, Peter I personally tortured the archers - there is evidence of a large group of Danes who accidentally caught him doing this. Peter I was furious when he saw the Danes, and barely sent them themselves to the secret police for a “search” (Burovsky, p.404). Then, Peter personally had cut off the heads of the five archers.
In 1698, about 1,500 archers were executed, who in the overwhelming majority were not guilty of anything and did not confess to intending to “create a riot” even under cruel torture (Pavlenko, p. 124-127). Moreover, many archers were subjected to the most painful penalty - wheeling (Pokrovsky, vol. 3, p. 72a)
Peter I personally tortured his son, Tsarevich Alexei: this is the testimony of Andrei Rubtsov, a servant of Musin-Pushkin, who found the Tzar behind this occupation (Anisimov, p. 451-452)
The torture of Tsarevich Alexei from June 19 to June 26, 1718 (after which he died) was turned into nightly "performances" attended by almost all the Peter's close friends: Menshikov, Dolgorukov, Golovkin, Apraksin, Musin-Pushkin, Shafirov, Buturlin , Tolstoy and others (Pavlenko N.I., Around the Throne, M., 1998, p.337-338; Pokrovsky, vol. 3, p.200a)
Characteristic given to Peter I by Leo Tolstoy: “he was a rabid beast”, “a great bastard, a murderer” (Burovsky, p. 5) Quora.Ukraine is essentially a giant CIA base, posing as a sovereign nation.
MartinTimothy 14 September 2024
Yeah but you left out the Soros come Zionist connection .. the whole Ukraine / Russia situ has been machinated by Jews on behalf of the concept of "Greater Yisrael." Jews sponsored ethnic cleansing across the entire region, whence mercenary militias went door to door slaughtering non Jewish indigenous Ukraine citizens..
George Soros, Connoisseur of Chaos.
Soros Behind the "Orange Revolution" in Ukraine.
Obama & Soros Put Actual Nazis in Power in Ukraine pdf.
George Soros "Puppet Master" Behind Ukrainian Regime.
George Soros Destabilizes States in Order to Provoke Civil Wars.
This is not the first time the Ukrainian ppl have been put upon .. witness the Holodomor of the 1930's, which according to Alexander Solzhenitsyn took 66 million lives on both sides of the Russia / Ukraine border, under the aegis of Communism and the Jew inspired sham 1917 Russian Revolution.The Jews keep hiring pajeets as their CEO
MartinTimothy 12 September 2024
P̶a̶j̶e̶e̶t̶s̶ .. I just calls 'em wogs!Remember that time the fbi murdered 61 people in Las Vegas?
MartinTimothy 12 September 2024
Not withstanding the Stephen Paddock stuff similarly reeks of deception, the alleged Oct. 1, 2017 Las Vegas, Mandalay Bay massacre was as fake as a 3 dollar bill .. read on.
Las Vegas False Flag.
Las Vegas Massacre Hoax @ Facebook.
The Mandalay Bay Las Vegas False Flag.
Las Vegas Shooting Another False Flag.
Evidence of Las Vegas Hoax & Covert Op.
Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Staged Shooting.
Robert David Steele: Las Vegas False Flag.
Ole Dammegard - Las Vegas Shooting False Flag.
Irrefutable Las Vegas Shooting False Flag Analysis.
Proof Las Vegas Shooting Was a False Flag Attack.
Alex Jones, "Las Vegas Shooting Was a False Flag".
Las Vegas Mass Shooting False Flag & Black PsyOp.
YouTube Videos Claim Las Vegas Massacre Was Faked.
The Las Vegas Massacre Story Strains the Limits of Gullibility.
Sandy Hook & Las Vegas Shootings - False Flags Scripted by AI.
Miles Mathis Exposes Fake Personas in the Las Vegas Shooting.
Las Vegas False Flag Operation Shooting Hoax, Hospital Reports "No Blood".
The latest says the sound of gunfire was broadcast thru loudspeakers, while crisis actors who had been seeded into the crowd were prepped to act as though a real shooting were taking place.
Now since Mr Paddock the alleged shooter, is similarly alleged to have suicided in the same hotel room from where he is alleged to have shot over sixty ppl dead, we must consider the Macbeth Gambit which is blaming an innocent dead party for murder, like ol' MacB did after he himself had murdered King Duncan of Scotland to gain the crown. Wm Shakespeare, The Tragedy of Macbeth.UA Flight 93 on 911, No Boeing 757 Crashed Near Shanksville Penn. Sept. 11, 2001 - There was no trace of a large passenger jet at the alleged crash site, while Flight 93 was reported to have landed safely in Cleveland .. the claim Jew passenger Todd Beamer mounted a counter attack is still more bs
MartinTimothy 12 September 2024
Officially United Airlines Flight 93 was a domestic scheduled passenger flight that was hijacked by al-Qaeda on September 11, 2001, as part of the September 11 attacks. It crashed into a field near the Diamond T. Mine in Stonycreek Township, Somerset County, Pennsylvania, near Indian Lake and Shanksville, during an attempt by some of the passengers to regain control, killing all 44 people aboard including the four hijackers. No one on the ground was injured. The aircraft involved, a Boeing 757–222, was flying United Airlines' daily scheduled morning domestic flight from Newark International Airport in New Jersey to San Francisco International Airport in California.
UA Flight 93 Landed at Cleveland Hopkins Airport, per Mayor White.Nukes at the WTC on 911 - A Guided Missile Impacted the WTC Concourse Moments After the Air Strike on the South Tower, false evidence by Jack White & Chris Bollyn, a gif titled "The Japanese Object" & the lack of smoke or any plume of dust on the NY skyline at the appropriate time muddied the water
RexYehudi 12 September 2024
Nukes Everywhere.
Nukes have been going off all over the place for decades, as well as the April 2013 West, Texas, the Feb. 2008 Big Springs, Texas detonations, and the Lebanon, Bali, Manitoba and Fukushima events detailed in the image above. the Australian Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia was nuked in 2004. The US Embassies in Tanzania and Kenya were nuked August 7, 1998.
August 12, 2015 the Chinese Port of Tianjin was nuked, as well there have been nuclear detonations in Gaza, in Lebanon and in Hamburg Germany, nor should anyone forget nukes were deployed against US infrastructure in Oklahoma City in 1995, as well we know the WTC Twin Towers were nuked Sept. 11, 2001.A Cruise Missile Slammed Into the Pentagon on 911 Not a Boeing Jet Flown by a Mad Arab Hijacker - Nor was it launched by OBL but by Jews have infiltrated the US Chain of Command .. Jews never showed up at the WTC that day, Jews were jumpin' for joy filming, "Put Option" deals were traced to Mossad
TankTinker 12 September 2024
Cruise Missile gif.
Looks like the cruiser had a device that homed in on the laser spot.
Thousands of Jews Absent From the WTC on the Day.
Warnings to Stay Away Came Via Telephone Messages..
From the Pulpit of NY Synagogues the Friday Before..
And From the Odigo Hebrew Language Messaging Service.
The under 3000 dead line is one of the mainstay falsehoods of the entire conspiracy, 2:48 PM September 11, 2001 estimates of 50,000 dead in New York were bandied about. While NIST Engineer Sunder said, "on 911 there were between 8,500 and 9,000 occupants in each building."
ABC News Anchor Peter Jennings while the drama was still unfolding said, "the normal total of workers at the WTC Towers was around eighty thousand."
Sunder's total of between seventeen and eighteen thousand in the Towers, makes some sixty two thousand or so absent using Peter Jennings' figures. The official count of some under 3,000 dead was tailored to fit the four hundred dead Jews on the official list.
9/11 Insider Trading Revisited.
9/11 Terrorists Made Millions on the Stock Market.
Deutsche Bank, Alex Brown & 9/11 Insider Trading.
Insider Trader Profits on 9/11 Estimated at 15 Billion.
Lars Schall, Nov. 10, 2012 - 9/11 Financial Anomalies.
Detecting Informed Trading Activities in the Options Markets.
Insider Trading on 9/11 - CIA Director "Buzzy" Krongard Named.
Criminal Insider Trading Leads Directly to the CIA's Highest Ranks.
Abnormal Trading in the S&P 500 Index Options Prior to the 911 Attacks.
Unusual Option Market Activity and the 911 Terrorist Attacks - After September 11, 2001, there was a great deal of speculation that the terrorists or their associates had traded in the option market on advanced knowledge of the impending attacks. Examination of the option trading leading up to September 11 reveals an unusually high level of "Put" buying. This finding is consistent with informed investors having traded options in advance of the attacks.Never forget 9/11/2001
MartinTimothy 11 September 2024
The "Three Buildings" line is one of the Mainstay falsehoods of the entire 911 conspiracy.
WTC 1,
WTC 2,
WTC 3,
WTC 4,
WTC 5,
WTC 6,
WTC 7.
There were in fact seven major structures at the WTC complex in NY, all of which were totally destroyed Sept. 11, 2001. Nukes at the WTC on 911.The Most Shameful Act on a Day of Shame - Detective Greg Semendinger pilot of an NYPD Bell 412 helicopter with a 250 foot hoist & a three man crew trained in rooftop rescues, made no attempt to save those souls trapped behind locked fire doors in the upper levels of both WTC Towers on 911 .. Talmud
RexYehudi 11 September 2024
In 1993 after a bomb exploded in the WTC basement garage sending thick smoke up through the stairwells, Semendinger had lowered two men to the roof of the North Tower, who removed antennas to clear a landing area from which twenty eight workers were airlifted to safety.
The Talmud: "If you see a Christian in difficulty or drowning do not go to his help and if he is in danger of death do not save him," the lack of effort was Jews responding to the mores of Judah. Semendinger should be prosecuted as a capital offender for making no effort to save them, his arrest should be at the Precinct House where the rest of New York's foulest in situ will be required to disarm, while any that don't will be regarded as enemy combatants!Voat XPost: Jew Terrorists Find Refuge in Brisbane, Au - TerrorGrüppe Kurzberg the "Celebrating Jews of 911" the ones were kickin' up their heels as the WTC Towers turned to dust Sept. 11, 2001, granted safe haven by successive political dynasties at state & federal level since the day of the attack
MartinTimothy 11 September 2024
Whoever owing allegiance to the United States levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere is guilty of treason and shall suffer death. 18 USC Ch. 115, §2381.Troubled Casino Operator Star Seeks $300m in Short Term Funding Relief From Queensland Government to Keep the $3.6bn Queen's Wharf Project Running Just Days After Its Grand Opening - Premier Steven Miles Says Star Entertainment Closing the Newly Opened Casino in Brisbane is a "Worst Case Scenario!
MartinTimothy 10 September 2024
The Queensland Government has been spending like a drunken sailor for years, what with multi billion dollar new bridges and futuristic projects .. sodd the 2032 Olympic Games bid.MartinTimothy 11 September 2024
"They're making the Jews and Chinese who are the international bankers filthy rich with the interest payments..
Jew Terrorists Find Refuge in Brisbane, Au - TerrorGrüppe Kurzberg the "Celebrating Jews of 911" the ones were kickin' up their heels as the WTC Towers turned to dust Sept. 11, 2001, have been granted safe haven by successive political dynasties at state & federal level since the day of the outrage. Voat Link.
The staged opening of the 12-hectare project began with much fanfare just days ago on 29 August, employing 3,000 people with 1,400 new jobs. Guardian.
The concept that the bunches of hooligans the Jews find to front politics can take out multi billion $$ loans and expect tax payers to foot the perpetual repayments bill is no good ..Tucker Carlson dared explain the truth about Churchill so here's a hitpiece...
MartinTimothy 10 September 2024
Winston Churchill's mother was Jewish, as well we know that under Jewish law if yr mother is a Jew it makes you a Jew also, something that Tucker Carlson never made clear. While Churchill at no time "provoked Germany into WW II," as Carlson et al would have it.
Operation Himmler also called Operation Konserve or Operation Canned Goods, consisted of a group of 1939 false flag ops planned by Nazi Germany to give the appearance of Polish aggression against Germany, the Germans then used propaganda reports of the events to justify their invasion of Poland. Operation Himmler included the Nazis staging false attacks on themselves - directed at innocent people or at concentration camp inmates, the operation arguably became the first act of the Second World War in Europe which started on 1 September 1939.
The plan named after its originator Heinrich Himmler was supervised by Reinhard Heydrich and managed by Heinrich Müller, the goal of this false flag project was to create the appearance of Polish aggression against Germany, which could be used to justify the German invasion of Poland. In his September 1, 1939 speech to the Reichstag announcing war, Hitler cited the 21 border incidents as justification for Germany's "defensive action" against Poland.
The Hitlerites knew full well treaty obligations penned by Jews who had infiltrated the political establishments of both countries, would bring England and France into the fray in response to the German invasion of Poland.
Adolf Hitler Was a Jew.
Hitler Was Heir to the Rothschild Inheritance.
Adolf Hitler and all of the top Nazis were Jews, the non Jewish Nazis Ernst Röhm and the SA were liquidated in the Night of the Long Knives massacres of June 1934, after H was sworn in as German Chancellor Jan. 30, 1933. The Zionists put Hitler in place to lose the war, Jews were running things in all of the protagonist nations, WW2 was a Zionist sponsored exercise in white genocide.
Nor did Churchill "conspire with Jews to drag the United States into WW2."
Adolf Hitler who was already at war with Britain, France and Russia arbitrarily declared war on the United States Dec. 11, 1941, following President Roosevelt's Declaration of War on Japan three days earlier in response to the False Flag Pearl Harbor attacks. After having declared war on France & England June 10, 1940, Benito Mussolini declared war on America on behalf of Italy on the same day as Hitler. Thus between the two of them they provided the impetus for massive US and British bombing thence ground warfare, which guaranteed Germany and Italy would be the losers in WW2. US & British Forces Invade Italy 1943.
The similarities in text between Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf pdf and Winston Churchill's great four volume opus "History of the English Speaking People's, indicate much of Hitler's tome was ghost written by Churchill.Roman Polanski made anti-semitic Chinatown (1974)
MartinTimothy 9 September 2024
After this movie, he was called a pedophile and had to leave US..
That line stuck with me anyway .. as to the movie itself, the Polanski signature of ultra violence came early in the famous "nose cutting" scene, to my mind the film showed the downside of father / daughter incest .. Paris Texas is another Polanski movie I watched, the road brothel scenes were about as close to the bone as anything else I ever saw on the big screen .. the movie was just so-so however, Rosemary's Baby the same it was a bit too heavy for me.
Polanski's Macbeth that opened with a beheading had some very good characterizations, but it was all a bit dark and nasty I thought .. not unlike Shakespeare's original story for all that, I thought it could have been a bit neater.
Roman Polanski is said to have been present in the house, when the August 8, 1969 "Helter Skelter" killings of his pregnant wife actress Sharon Tate and four others by the alleged "Manson Family" took place, despite Charles Manson himself was not present .. reliable testimony states that film of the killings was shown in snuff porn houses in Las Vegas and Hawaii thru the 1970's and into the 80's, begging the conclusion Polanski let the killers into the house and filmed the attack himself. Link.
For All You Holohoax Deniers. Eye-Witness Testimony (Classic)
MartinTimothy 9 September 2024
"The Germans didn't like Jewish ppl.."
Eisenhower's Rhine Meadows Death Camps.
11 Million Germans Were Murdered After WWII.
BBC - Genocide of 12 Million Germans After WW2.
9-15 Million Germans Killed Post WW2 1945 – 1953.
Post WW2 Jews Murdered Poles & Took Power in Poland.
The Real Holocaust of WW2 – 15 Million Germans Slaughtered.
Genocide of the Ethnic Germans in Jugoslavia 1944 – 1948 pdf.
Other Losses - The Genocide of 7m Germans, by James Bacque.
The Masses of Corpses at Dachau & Buchenwald Were Dead German Soldiers.
Video: 1945, The Savage Peace by Peter Molloy - 12 Million Ethnic Germans Murdered Post WW2.
The Forgotten Soldier by Guy Sajer - Genocide of German POWs at the Rheinwiesenlager Camps pdf - Unz Review.
Jews perpetrated genocide upon the German ppl not the other way around.
Adolf Hitler and all of the top Nazis were Jews, the non Jewish Nazis Ernst Röhm and the SA were slaughtered in the Night of the Long Knives Massacres of June 1934, after H was sworn in as German Chancellor Jan. 30, 1933.
Jews infiltrated German politics then perped the Holocaust in the name of the German ppl, like they infiltrated US politics perped 911 pdf then established the bogus War on Terror, like they infiltrated Turkish politics then perpetrated the Armenian Genocide .. there were No Japanese Planes at Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941.
Why would the Germans like Jews after what they did to them under the banner of Nazism during WW2.Hulk Hogan Beats Donald Trump's Drum at the 2024 RNC in Milwaukee, WI Aug. 2024 - The Hulkster says, "with the power of Donald J Trump America is going to get back on track, America is going to be great again all the real Americans want DJ Trump as the next President of the United States
TankTinker 7 September 2024
Sure thing Hulk, however we must remember that Trump won the 2020 election and look what happened..HINDU KUSH...KILL THE HINDU
RoxannaHardbutt 5 September 2024
Yeah, I've had problems with the black ----- as well.
Tamil woman behind the counter in the supermarket deli breathed heavily into the bag of fish, a couple flecks of spittle landed in the bag she wrapped it up threw it onto the counter and stalked off, her ppl waged genocidal terror war against the indigenous inhabitants of Sri Lanka. Whose modus included suicide bombs in market places, with one particularly revolting attack on the Temple of the Tooth, wherein is housed the single relic of the Buddha's earthly existence Jan. 25, 1998 that killed eight civilians.
The Tamil terror operation relies on massive support from expat Tamil communities in this country for instance .. bring the ones financing terrorism to trial and hanging just the same. While the same terrorist infrastructure has been granted safe haven in Australia, where the same hostility they caused trouble with in Sri Lanka pervades their mindset .. thus following the spitting incident after which I had made a complaint to the supermarket manager, at the same counter the next time I went in another one of the black ----- took a knife off of a rack and plunged it into a stack of empty cardboard boxes. I interpreted his actions as a death threat .. that is as far as that race is ever gonna get with me.Video: Remote Hidden Weed Village in India, "we say "see 'y later bro" and he continues to follow us" .. these boys were lucky to stay alive, in the video they had only one tailing them suppose he was joined by a few more around the next bend in the track, then more after that and they start on with niggle and giggle and bumping and shoving, murder would soon follow.
Western style Europeans en route to a renowned hashish distribution center would be sure to have at least moderately large sums of money in their possession, the practiced Kali killers are in it for the dough and routinely choose well heeled victims. More than 20 foreigners have gone missing in the Parvati Valley where the weed villages of Grahan, Kasol & Malana are located between 2006 & 2016. Link.
The father of one Polish national who similarly went missing on the hash trail in the Parvati Valley who travelled to India in a bid to locate his son, said the Indian police had made no effort while the local consensus is the true death toll is "much higher."
It would be naive to think the Kali cult is inactive and doesn't still carry out killings, each month nearly 65,000 men, women & children go missing in India, which translates to some 2,100 disappearances every single day. SundayGuardian.
The Brits carried out a campaign against them in the 1800's and hanged somewhere around 460 which hardly dented their numbers .. the ones who were hanged were identified as killers by members of their group who subsequently "got off." While many of the killing groups were composed of members of the ruling class, thus the killing mindset crosses all lines and encompasses all social distinctions the Moslems and Sikhs no less.
One of the hanged men expressed remorse that his tally of somewhere over 700 kills, was to remain well short of his father's tally of over 900, while the British heard evidence that many mainstream Hindus take part in at least one Kali inspired massacre as part of their "coming of age" ceremony .. means you don't trust any of the black ----- anywhere or at any time.Once united in grief and pain, Parkland families and survivor prepare for clash over killer’s money
RoxannaHardbutt 5 September 2024
Florida Shooting was a Drill.
Florida Shooting False Flag.
Florida School Shooting Fake.
Parkland Florida - False Flag in America.
Parklanders Admit They Are Crisis Actors.
Parkland Shooting False Flag Hoax 100% Proof.
Parkland Shooting, Problems With the Narrative.
Parkland's David Hogg is Sandy Hook's Adam Lanza.
Parkland Florida School Shooting a Proven False Flag.
North Miami Officer Says Parkland School Shooting Was a Hoax.
Shocking Revelations on the False Flag Florida School Shooting.
Sandy Hook's Adam Lanza & Parkland Anti Gunner David Hogg Are the Same Person.
The alleged Parkland school massacre was still more bs .. Wolfgang Halbig who outed the alleged Sandy Hook School Massacre as a hoax says the whole thing was a psyop.Guy rips apart the Jew ayn Rand atlas shrugged. (When you're young you think it's about freedom. When you get older you realize she's a Jew trying to justify Jewish monopolist control of the world with ridiculous precepts like financiers become owners because they invented something
RoxannaHardbutt 4 September 2024
After reading the many reviews from mainstream publications on the back cover I picked up a free copy of Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged from the poor box at the local library, I had never heard of her before and should have left it where it was, to my mind the book was totally unreadable on a level with Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse .. which is as far as she or VW for that matter ever got or ever will get with me.New Yorkers, People Without Pity in a City Without Shame - Faces of Hundreds of NYC citizens sold out by the cops & firedogs at the FDNY & the NYPD, who allegedly received between 1.8 & 5 million dollar$ apiece to keep silent about anything they saw or heard that deviates from the official 911 line
RoxannaHardbutt 4 September 2024
Did firefighters abandon their fallen brothers to help Larry Silverstein demolish a skyscraper that had sustained minor damage and fires? 9/11 “Truth Movement” leaders accuse Silverstein of murder and the FDNY of a heinous crime and cover up. Bastion: WTC 7 and the Lies of the 9/11 “Truth Movement” pdf.
Fire in the Lower Levels of WTC 7.
In my case the rot had set in even while the drama was still unfolding, thus at about +6 hrs televised footage showed a fire burning in the lower levels of WTC 7, which as we know collapsed under its own steam some short time later, even as the BBC reported the collapse while the building was visible still standing in the background. At that time it occurred to me the FDNY had abandoned its role, else the fire would have been extinguished hours earlier.
7 WTC Collapse Erroneously Reported by the BBC World News.
Collapse of WTC 7.Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism Act - Signed into Law by Trump a week before leaving office
RexYehudi 3 September 2024
Second Plane.
Thousands of Jews were absent from the WTC Towers on 911 after warnings were distributed via telephone messages, by the Odigo Hebrew language messaging service and from the pulpit of NY synagogues the Friday before, who watched the immolation of their co workers on live television, that is a good enough reason to hate Jews.
Cruise Missile at the Pentagon on 911.
Whoever owing allegiance to the United States levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death. US Code 2381 - Treason.
Since Jews attacked the US on 911 AntiSemitism is a patriotic duty and a moral responsibility, thus true patriots insist the Jews who perpetrated the attacks with every member of the political, law enforcement and media lobbies that support the deception, be charged and brought to trial under US Law where after conviction they suffer lawful execution .. anticipate a death toll among Jews to rival Hitler's tally.
Donald Trump Blames CA Wildfires on Forest Mismanagement.
Trump Blames Poor Forest Management For Wildfires.
While Trump's response to the DEW wildfires that have plagued America for most of the past decade has been inconsequential, despite the firestorms are criminality and treason on par with 911, and part of the Agenda 21 / 30 depopulation push that includes 5G, the Covid-19 Hoax and genocide of the elderly that arrived in its wake.
Along with the wildfires Trump cares not one whit that Jews attacked the US Sept. 11, 2001 and blamed Arabs - no one else in politics cares either naturally enough, since the entire US political establishment is in the thrall of Jewry.Poland tries to start WWIII, like they did for WWII
MartinTimothy 3 September 2024
Poland tries to start WWIII, like it did WWII.."
Operation Himmler.
The Gleiwitz Incident was a false flag attack on a radio station in Gleiwitz Germany, staged by Nazi Germany on the night of 31 August 1939, just one of some two dozen similar incidents, which Adolf Hitler cited in his September 1, 1939 speech to the Reichstag announcing Germany's "defensive action" against Poland. The Gleiwitz assailants were not Polish, but were German SS officers wearing Polish uniforms. Wiki.
The Hitlerites knew full well treaty obligations penned by Jews who had infiltrated the political establishments of both countries, would bring England and France into the fray in response to the German invasion of Poland.
Adolf Hitler Was a Jew.
Hitler Was Heir to the Rothschild Inheritance.
Adolf Hitler and all of the top Nazis were Jews, the non Jewish Nazis Ernst Röhm and the SA were liquidated in the Night of the Long Knives massacres of June 1934, after H was sworn in as German Chancellor Jan. 30, 1933. The Zionists put Hitler in place to lose the war, Jews were running things in all of the protagonist nations, WW2 was a Zionist sponsored exercise in white genocide.
Adolf Hitler who was already at war with Britain, France and Russia arbitrarily declared war on the United States Dec. 11, 1941, following President Roosevelt's Declaration of War on Japan three days earlier in response to the False Flag Pearl Harbor attacks. After having declared war on France & England June 10, 1940, Benito Mussolini declared war on America on behalf of Italy on the same day as Hitler.
Thus between the two of them they provided the impetus for massive US and British bombing thence ground warfare, which guaranteed Germany and Italy would be the losers in WW2. US & British Forces Invade Italy 1943.New witness comes forward in the Kurt Cobain case. Joe Burns, drummer for band named Earth, says he was there when Kurt died and he's going to tell all very soon. IDK if its a heroin junkie looking for attention or a man about to die who wants to set the record straight. Guess we will see soon
MartinTimothy 3 September 2024
April 8th, 1994, Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain was found dead of a gunshot wound sustained three days earlier in his Seattle home, the Seattle Police Department believes the wound to have been self inflicted. CBSNews.
I do not believe the guitarist was murdered, he appears to have had a death wish as evidenced by the shots above, thus the SPD's assessment of suicide seems well founded.BREAKING: Multiple Reports and Videos Indicate Hell’s Angels Are Heading to Colorado Amid Migrant Gangs Taking Over Apartment Complexes
MartinTimothy 2 September 2024
My understanding is the biker groups - the Hell's Angels no less - are made up of mostly immigrant stock in any case, so I wouldn't expect too much .. maybe in a massive doublecross when they get there they will come out on side with the Venezuelans against the whites, think about it. Edit.Are Adam Sandler movies the brainrot for boomers like tiktok is for zoomers
anon 3930445 1 September 2024
Whatever "Boomers" are and wherever they come from, I was born in 1950 and have never watched an Adam Sandler movie .. I could just cope with Bob Hope, Red Skelton not at all .. I could not stand him anywhere at any time from the moment I saw him on television in 1956, the Bud Abbott and Lou Costello partnership brought me down as well, I could put up with Dean Martin but not Jerry Lewis .. Danny Thomas, George Burns and Joey Bishop the same.anon 3930445 1 September 2024
Yeah Steve just gets by he's a pretty good banjo player, that lifts him above the rabble most of the time anyways .. I've never been too sure about his comedy just the same.Anyone take cbd gumies ? are they safe? do they help?
anon 1531146 1 September 2024
I purchased 5 bottles of 30 CBD gummies over the i'net, I took five before turning in then ten more in the middle of the night and finished the first bottle off in the morning .. no effect .. after that I scoffed the next 120 gummies in the last four bottles over about an hour .. nothing .. no effect whatsoever.. save yr money and light up a joint of flower weed is my advice.Sinking of the Titanic
MartinTimothy 31 August 2024
April 14, 1912 RMS Titanic collided with an iceberg and sank 2hrs 40 minutes later, there were more than 2200 passengers and crew aboard for the ship's maiden voyage to the United States, only 705 survived.
Most of the Titanic survivors were allegedly Jews, while the ones in the lifeboats some of which were mostly empty are known to have fended swimmers away with boathooks.
Chief Officer William McMaster Murdoch was allegedly out cold from the wine he had consumed at a celebration for his captain, Catholine Butler related an account from a Victoria Farrell-Cofield, "the night Titanic hit the iceberg there was a big party going on, Captain Smith could not be aroused from sleep," the officer of the watch was asleep and quite possibly drunk at the rear of the pilothouse." Link 1, Link 2.
Charles Lightoller Titanic's 38yo Second Officer, is alleged to have let some of the lifeboats go nearly empty rather than allow men to occupy the seats, and to have in company with a passenger with US Military antecedents, fired upon those steerage passengers attempting to access the boat deck during the sinking to the tune of around twelve dead .. he survived. Shootings Aboard Titanic.
Chief Officer William McMaster Murdoch who is alleged to have ordered 3rd class access blocked, is said to have shot two dead on the boat deck then to have suicided with the same gun. Thus drunkenness, bravado and neglect of standing orders is what caused the sinking, not a Bomb, JP Morgan, nor the Mummy's Curse - The Wreck of the Titanic.He wasn't a criminal
anon 323911731 August 2024
Programmed to Kill, by David McGowan - McGowan argues that many of the infamous serial killers like Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, John Wayne Gacy & Gary Ridgway took the blame for dozens of murders they had not committed, that they were tools of a ring of pedophiles and satanists with ties to the military and the CIA/FBI intelligence complex.
Serial Killer Ted Bundy Describes the Dangers of Pornography - Bundy says he was first exposed to violent pornography when as a pre teen he came upon pulp murder magazines beside local roads. Link.
At about age ten I came upon exactly the same material beside the road in a country town in South Australia, the first ones I saw had been in situ a while and were weathered from Sun, wind and rain, I could see what they were and picked one up and opened it the text was still readable.
Days later my brother brought home a couple of mint condition mags, he said he had seen someone from the traveling sideshows which were then in town dump them beside the road, pretty soon every kid at school had them, then after that I saw a man from the sideshows throw a bunch of them onto the roadside from the window of his car.
His two prison escapes in Colorado were laughably inside jobs, he says he wriggled thru a hole in the cell wall or ceiling on one occasion, the next time he is alleged to have absconded from the court building where he was being tried for murder during the luncheon adjournment, assisted by his personal knowledge of the layout of the building .. we know Colorado lockups do not have holes ppl can "wriggle thru," while defendants are returned to cells during adjournments.
John stossel reverses the liberal teachings about American slavery
MartinTimothy 30 August 2024
Slavery my arse, the African populations in the Americas are ungrateful sods whose ancestors were granted refuge from cannibalism in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. All a ship had to do was anchor anywhere in the Congo delta and they would swarm aboard, a situation that continues to this day.
Blame Jews for the Slave Trade.
Jews Are the Secret Force Behind Slavery.
Dutch Jewish Complicity in the Slave Trade.
During the same era more than 300,000 white people were shipped to America as slaves, urchins were swept up from London’s streets to labor in the tobacco fields where life expectancy was no more than two years.
Hopeful migrants were duped into signing on as indentured servants, unaware they would become personal property who could be bought, sold or gambled away .. transported convicts were paraded for sale like livestock. White Cargo.
King Gezo.
"The slave trade is the ruling principle of my people, it is the source and the glory of their wealth…the mother lulls the child to sleep with notes of triumph over an enemy reduced to slavery." Gezo, King of Dahomey from 1818 until 1858.
Witness the testimony of King Adandozan who acceded to the throne upon his brother Gezo's death who similarly ruled much of the Congo, the only interview he ever granted was to Henry Morton Stanley in 1870, he assured Stanley every person over four years of age within the entire Congo Basin regularly ate human flesh.
Henry Morton Stanley.
Social infractions of any kind hooliganism or indeed casting one's eyes upon the King guaranteed a one way trip to the town butcher, the victims were auctioned in the market places a piece at a time, thus a customer would purchase a leg for instance, or a hand or the liver and would receive a token, then when the whole body was sold the victim would be dispatched and the tokens exchanged for his body parts.
When a fancy was to hit the block foreigners attended the auctions, for in an act of mercy the King had decreed should a foreign purchaser outbid everyone else, and guarantee the felon was definitely, under pain of immediate death going to be leaving the country permanently, those who wanted to could go to the butchers market and bid.
Jews ran the transatlantic slave trade as well they financed the invasion and settlement of the New World, and sponsored European immigration by way of white slavery during the period of colonial expansion. White slaves in the Americas.MartinTimothy 30 August 2024
New York probly had more Jews than all the south combined as well, read on ..
“DAHOMEY – His Majesty Badahung, King of Dahomey, is about to make the “grand custom” in honour of the late King Gezo. Determined to surpass all former monarchs in the magnitude of the ceremonies to be performed to this occasion, Badahung has made the most extensive preparations for the celebration of the grand custom.
A great pit has been dug which is to contain human blood enough to float a canoe.
2000 persons will be sacrificed on this occasion. The expedition to Abeahouta is postponed; but the King has sent his army to make some excursions at the expense of some weaker tribes, and has succeeded in the capturing many unfortunate creatures. The young people among these prisoners will be sold into slavery, and the old persons will be killed at the great custom. Would to God this might meet the eyes of some of the great philanthropic Englishman who have some feeling for Africa. Link.
Yeah it's the African way.African Journal of International & Comparative Law - 9/11 as a False Flag, Why International Law Must Dare to Care
MartinTimothy 29 August 2024
At the heart of contemporary international law lies a paradox: the attacks on the United States of September 11, 2001 have justified 16 years of international war, yet the official international community, embodied principally in the United Nations, has failed to question or even scrutinise the US government's account of those attacks. Despite the emergence of an impressive and serious body of literature that impugns the official account and even suggests that 9/11 may have been a classic (if unprecedentedly monstrous) false-flag attack, international statesmen, following the lead of scholars, have been reluctant to wade into what appears to be a very real controversy.
African nations are no strangers to the concept of the false flag tactic, and to its use historically in the pursuit of illegitimate geopolitical aims and interests. This article draws on recent African history in this regard, as well as on deeper twentieth-century European and American history, to lay a foundation for entertaining the possibility of 9/11-as-false-flag. This article then argues that the United Nations should seek to fulfil its core and incontrovertible ‘jury’ function of determining the existence of inter-state aggression in order to exercise a long-overdue oversight of the official 9/11 narrative. Edinburgh University Press.Based
MartinTimothy 29 August 2024
Muhammar Ghaddafi's alleged October 2011 death was as fake as a three dollar bill, look alike Ali Majid Al Andalus who suffered extreme torture at the hands of his Zionist assailants was murdered in his place. Link.
Ghaddafi is Alive Not Dead.
Proof Ghaddafi Death Was Faked.
Gaddafi "Look Alike" Killed in Libya.
Muammar Ghaddafi is Alive Not Dead.
Muhammar Ghaddafi's Death Was Faked.
Muammar Ghaddafi Death Reports a Hoax
Muammar Ghaddafi is Alive in Excellent Health.
The Man in the Videos Identified as Ali Majid Al Andalus.
The Ghadaffi death claim is more bs in the same vein as the Seymour Hersh Seal Team 6 Killed OBL fairy tale .. Osama Bin Laden died in 2001.
MI6 Helped Ghaddafi Escape From Libya.
Ghaddafi's Close Ties to Rothschild and the Jewish Oligarchy.
Ghaddafi's Mother Was Born Jewish, His Protocol Chief Says.
Ghaddafi Killed Anyone Who Discovered His Mother Was Jewish.
All of this exposes the Libyan ISIS ops and the US bombing campaign as more Zionist sponsored aggression.
Libya Pays Compensation to the Family of WPC Yvonne Fletcher.
Libya Paid $1.5 billion to Compensate Lockerbie Bombing Victims.
Ghaddafi accepting the blame for the 1984 Yvonne Fletcher murder and the 1988 downing of PanAm Flight 103, resonates with outlaw Palestinian double agent Yasser Arafat accepting the blame for terrorist incidents now known to have been the work of Mossad .. we know Ghadaffi is a Jew and that Arafat was in the pay of Arch Zionist Moshe Hirsch.
Maid of the Seas
Update: Miles Mathis pdf says there is something fishy about the crash of Pan Am Flight 103 in Lockerbie Scotland Dec. 21, 1988, for which Ghaddafi accepted the blame, he says Ghaddafi was an actor and a stooge. He speculates the whole episode was fake, and says the airplane nose seen lying on its side in a field got there after someone went around scattering airplane wreckage about to simulate a plane crash.
No Plane at Shanksville.
Mathis' speculation appears to have been borne out, as well the absence of identifiable airplane wreckage at the alleged crash site, resonates with official claims UA Flight 93 crashed near Shanksville Penn. on Sept. 11, 2001 where there are no identifiable airplane parts either.
Australian Jew and Mossad spy Ari ben Menashi aka Joe Vialls aka Alfred Lambremont Webre shot WPC Yvonne Fletcher in London in 1984, and is thought responsible for downing PanAm Flight 103 at Lockerbie Scotland in 1988, in crimes for which Muammar Ghaddafi accepted the blame on behalf of Libya.
Ben Menashi allegedly brought down Arrow Air Flight 1285 in Gander Newfoundland December 12, 1985, and planted the Israeli micro nukes that killed around two hundred in Bali in October 2002, and the ones that totaled the Australian Embassy in Jakarta in 2004.
OKC April 19, 1995.
He is believed to have placed the nuclear charges that wrecked the US Embassies in Tanzania & Kenya August 7, 1998, the bombs that shattered the Alfred P Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City April 19, 1995, and the Israeli micro nukes that took down both Towers at the WTC Sept. 11, 2001.
Whoever owing allegiance to the United States levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death. 18 USC Ch. 115, §2381.
We are all about bringing the Jews who perpetrated the 911 attacks with their co conspirators in politics and news dissemination, to arrest and trial under the above statute. Where after as soon the jury in a duly appointed capital court convened under the auspices of the US Justice Dept. returns a verdict of guilty, they will go to lawful execution.Lara Trump looks like a thorough bred race horse and has the arms of a flyweight boxer!
TankTinker 27 August 2024
That's no way to talk about a lady, she and the young person look ok to me.Im confused, when did Hitler ever declare war on the US?
MartinTimothy 27 August 2024
Despite Germany was already at war with Britain, France & Russia, Adolf Hitler as German Chancellor arbitrarily declared war on the United States Dec. 11, 1941, following President Roosevelt's Declaration of War on Japan three days earlier in response to the False Flag Pearl Harbor attacks.Chem trails killing plant life north east
RoxannaHardbutt 26 August 2024
"Between 3 and 7 million Americans actually did starve to death during the Great Depression .." GeoEngineeringWatch.
EnglishPravda: Famine Killed 7 Million People in USA - Boris Borisov, in his article titled “The American Famine” estimated the victims of the financial crisis in the US at over seven million people, he compared the US events of 1932-1933 with Holodomor or famine in the USSR during the same period.I've never seen this before. Check out Randy Weaver's t-shirt. "Just say NO to ZOG"
MartinTimothy 25 August 2024
Just stick with the facts, the Ridgers fired first what did they expect .. US Marshals who wanted to serve papers re the failure of Randy Weaver to attend court for the unlawful manufacture and sale of a sawed off shotgun, arrived at the Weaver household on Ruby Ridge near Naples, Idaho on August 21, 1992.
Deputy US Marshal 42 yo William Francis Degan shot the Weaver's dog where upon 14 yo Samuel Weaver shot him dead, where after he was himself shot dead when the other Marshals returned fire. The next day on August 22, 1992 FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi fired two shots from 200 yards away, conflicting accounts say Randy Weaver was hit in the arm and that family friend Kevin Harris was wounded.
That Horiuchi's next bullet killed Vicki Weaver and her infant daughter precipitating an 11 day standoff, Harris and Randy Weaver later surrendered both were acquitted of murder, conspiracy and other Federal charges .. Weaver was convicted of failing to appear for trial on the firearms charge, the Federal Government declined to prosecute Horiuchi. ArsTechnica. Wiki.
My own gut feeling is the whole issue was contrived, and that there has been a hoax / False Flag element at play since day 1.
Weaver should have been anticipating a visit from lawmen for failing to appear, and when he became aware they were on his doorstep he should have had the dog chained up, and made sure his son was not gonna fire which is what he did .. Sammy Weaver started it all, it is well known officers of the law shoot aggressive dogs.MartinTimothy 26 August 2024
Changed dates for court appearances are a fact of US life, they are not grounds for murder ..MartinTimothy 26 August 2024
Randy Weaver, patriarch of a family that was involved in an 11-day Idaho standoff with federal agents 30 years ago, that left three members of his family and one Federal Marshal dead, died at the age of 74 yrs, May 11, 2022. NPR.Whispers in the Wind - Mike Baker
TankTinker 25 August 2024
Mike Baker.
Whispers in the Wind is a dark, acoustic journey that weaves country guitar with haunting jazz and blues influences. The instrumental intro draws you in with a catchy, melancholic melody that sets the mood for a track rich with depth and emotion. Every note carries its own weight, drifting like a lonely breeze on a cold night. This song is perfect for those moments when you want to reflect or let the music speak what words can’t express. For the times when silence says it all, let Whispers in the Wind be your soundtrack. YouTube.More people than ever before are identifying as “abrosexual” as they discover the term on social media
RoxannaHardbutt 24 August 2024
As far as sex goes and considering the epidemic of STD's not limited to syphilis and AIDS currently underway world wide, it seems practised celibates are gonna have the last laugh ..Larry Silverstein made billions of 9/11
TankTinker 24 August 2024
Lucky Larry.
WTC owner Larry Silverstein his 2 children and 196 of his employees, all skipped work on 9/11.
Hey there honey get rid of them blues,
Daddy’s getting money you’ll be wearin’ new shoes,
Turn on the telly it’ll be on the news,
Stay at home today like the rest of the Jews,
'Coz today were gonna blow, Woo Woo,
Down the freakin buildings go, Woo Woo,
We collect the dough, Woo Woo,
Stay at home and watch the show, Woo Woo Woo Woodledoodledoo .. rip it up Frank,
Hey Man you say that four thou were away,
That’s a lotta bodies at the end of the day,
This is the way I see it don’t wanna be crass,
There’s a whole lotta Jews thatta gotta get put on trial.