Officially United Airlines Flight 93 was a domestic scheduled passenger flight that was hijacked by al-Qaeda on September 11, 2001, as part of the September 11 attacks. It crashed into a field near the Diamond T. Mine in Stonycreek Township, Somerset County, Pennsylvania, near Indian Lake and Shanksville, during an attempt by some of the passengers to regain control, killing all 44 people aboard including the four hijackers. No one on the ground was injured. The aircraft involved, a Boeing 757–222, was flying United Airlines' daily scheduled morning domestic flight from Newark International Airport in New Jersey to San Francisco International Airport in California.

YouTube - Proof that 9/11 flight 93 did not crash at Shanksville.

Sick Joke or Real Thing - Did Virginia Tech Campus Shooter Post Threat Before Massacre?

Boeing 757-222 N591UA United Airlines Flight 93, the plane "they" say crashed near Shanksville Penn.

There was no trace of a plane at the alleged crash site, despite continuing assertion that the Happy Schmooligans blasted Flight 93 out of the sky, plenty of paper strewn across the landscape and burn marks in the trees but no plane.

A major passenger carrying jet does not fit into a hole like the one in the picture where "they" say one crashed, and that the absence of wreckage is because the plane burnt up, evaporated or buried itself.

The photo of the crash of Flight 587 an A-300 Airbus airliner very similar to the Flight 93 Boeing 757, shows the huge fires where it went down in highly suspicious crash at Queens NY soon after take off November 12, 2001, at Shanksville a small short lived puff of smoke marks the place "they" say Flight 93 crashed on 911.

YouTube - Proof that 9/11 flight 93 did not crash at Shanksville.

Sick Joke or Real Thing - Did Virginia Tech Campus Shooter Post Threat Before Massacre?
"They" reckon some dood in Afghanistan caused a plane to go off course and eventually crash, cos a Jew passenger rallied the rest of the passengers and hollerin "lets roll" attacked the hijackers. Resonates with the alleged Jew professor at VA Tech when Cho was said to have killed thirty two people, he was a hero figure as well so they say, seems the same firm that cooked up 911 did the job at VA Tech.

Alex Jones says the story of Todd Beamer & heroic passengers aboard Flight 93 is a lie, that "there was no "let’s roll" they nerve gassed the people on board those aircraft and flew them in by remote control!"

"Video: What Happened to the Planes & Passengers on 911 - Has a graphic from 911 hit piece Loose Change that shows Flight 93 landed safely in Cleveland, Ohio at 10:45 am, where after the passengers were spirited into the NASA Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field near the western end of the airport."
"Mark Bingham's Obituary Was Ready Days Before 9/11, he was sold as one of the heroes of the drama who with others from Flight 93 stormed the cockpit and retook the plane - Problem is it never happened.
"Flight 93 Mark Bingham 9/11 "Lets Roll" Hero, a Proven Fraud."
"Flight 93 Crash Site Analysis Verdict .. Complete Fabrication - Tail number N591UA is still registered with the FAA, there is no evidence a Boeing 757 crashed where they say it did in rural Pennsylvania, the claim a Jew passenger hollerin' "let's roll" mounted a charge to retake the plane is fiction. "
