WTC Attack September 11, 2001 from New York Police Helicopter.
Video: New 9/11 Helicopter Footage Shows WTC Towers Up Close.
In response to criticism of the role of the NYPD helicopters that day and to charges that at least one person was visible on the roof of the North Tower, the above material appeared at Notwithstanding any other facts or evidence, S remains culpable for refusing to deploy the trained rooftop rescue team that day directly after the first strike at 8:47 am, the North Tower went down at 10:28 am he had plenty of time .. sod him!
Richard Wright of the Helicopter Association International, who rescued men from the North Sea around burning oil rig Piper Alpha in 1988, said a rescue would have been possible, Wright said helicopter rescues from fires had been carried out in much worse conditions, including at night and in storms, than was the case at the World Trade Center. A helicopter plucked survivors from the roof of Bangladesh's biggest shopping mall, as fire raced through the upper levels of the high rise complex.
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