Russia's USS Liberty - The submarine Kursk disaster!
Anti-Globalist: The Fatherland Is in Danger! (Did the Americans sink the "Kursk"?)


Update: Quite clearly since the dent in the hull goes inwards the submarine was impacted by something from the outside, as well there is no evidence that the forward section has been sawed off at all, the vessel appears to have been hit by a nuclear M 48 torpedo fired from the American submarine USS Memphis.
The first explosion was when the micro nuke at the tip of the torpedo ignited on impact, vaporizing the skin leaving the perfectly round hole visible in the photographs, then after 135 seconds the secondary component detonated, setting off Kursk's own defensive nuclear arsenal, and vaporizing the forward section in an explosion that registered 3.5 on the Richter Scale!
Admiral Popov's sudden departure from the fleet, could have been in response to him advising the Kremlin that he was under nuclear attack, then being ordered not to retaliate!
Furthermore the story that Kursk was scheduled to carry out a practice attack on flagship Pyotr Velikiy, like the "front section sawed off" fiction, appears to be the product of a conspiracy involving Vladimir Putin, Russian Naval Intelligence and the Russian mainstream media, all intent of perpetuating the official "leaking torpedo fuel," lie!
Anti-Globalist: The Fatherland Is in Danger! (Did the Americans sink the "Kursk"?)

At the end of July, 2002, the governmental commission for investigation of the "Kursk" submarine accident finished its work, and its head, Ilya Klebanov, announced its findings, officially putting the "Kursk" incident to rest. So the official version has been stated: an exploding torpedo inside the sub is what caused the disaster.
Well, anyone who carefully followed the "Kursk" tragedy here in Russia knows that this official governmental story is a complete falsehood. Since the tragedy there have been many unofficial publications published in Russia shedding light on the matter, some of which we at the Orthodox Anti-Globalist Resource Center intend to translate and make available in English.
As you probably remember, the nose of the "Kursk", was sawn off before the sub was raised, allegedly to avoid the possibility of an explosion during transport. Skeptics claimed that the government was really trying to leave the evidence for the real cause of the disaster on the ocean floor. Their suspicions were increased by the fact that no pictures of the sub's nose were ever shown to the public. It's possible that the nose of the sub was completely undamaged, for example, which would destroy the government's official explanation of the disaster.
But the official cover-up went awry when the sub was finally raised, for there, for all to see, was a perfectly round hole on the sub's hull, just at the point where the nose had been sawn off. (Apparently they sawed in the wrong place.) This hole was bent in at the edges, and could only have been caused by impact of an external object traveling at an extremely high speed. This article, which appeared in Russky Vestnik last November, written by one of that publication's readers, will take up the story from here...
Well, anyone who carefully followed the "Kursk" tragedy here in Russia knows that this official governmental story is a complete falsehood. Since the tragedy there have been many unofficial publications published in Russia shedding light on the matter, some of which we at the Orthodox Anti-Globalist Resource Center intend to translate and make available in English.
As you probably remember, the nose of the "Kursk", was sawn off before the sub was raised, allegedly to avoid the possibility of an explosion during transport. Skeptics claimed that the government was really trying to leave the evidence for the real cause of the disaster on the ocean floor. Their suspicions were increased by the fact that no pictures of the sub's nose were ever shown to the public. It's possible that the nose of the sub was completely undamaged, for example, which would destroy the government's official explanation of the disaster.
But the official cover-up went awry when the sub was finally raised, for there, for all to see, was a perfectly round hole on the sub's hull, just at the point where the nose had been sawn off. (Apparently they sawed in the wrong place.) This hole was bent in at the edges, and could only have been caused by impact of an external object traveling at an extremely high speed. This article, which appeared in Russky Vestnik last November, written by one of that publication's readers, will take up the story from here...

English Russia The Remains of Kursk Submarine
The mission began in earnest on the morning of August 12, 2000. As part of the exercise, Kursk was to fire two dummy torpedoes at a Kirov-class battlecruiser. At 11:28 local time (07:28 UTC), high test peroxide (HTP), a form of highly concentrated hydrogen peroxide used as propellant for the torpedo, seeped through rust in the torpedo casing. The HTP reacted with copper and brass in the tube from which the torpedo was fired, causing a chain reaction, leading to a chemical explosion.
The watertight door separating the torpedo room from the rest of the sub was left open prior to firing. This was apparently common practice, on account of excess compressed air being released into the torpedo room when a weapon was fired. The open door allowed the blast to rip back through the first two of nine compartments on the huge sub, probably killing the seven men in the first compartment, and at least injuring or disorienting the thirty-six men in the second compartment.
After the first explosion, due to the fact the air conditioning duct was quite light, the blast wave traveled to more compartments, including the command post filling them with smoke and flames. After the explosion, the captain was believed to be trying to order an ‘emergency blow’ which causes the sub to rapidly rise to the surface, but he was quickly overcome with smoke. An emergency buoy, designed to release from a submarine automatically when emergency conditions such as rapidly changing pressure or fire are detected and intended to help rescuers locate the stricken vessel, also failed to deploy. The previous summer, in a Mediterranean mission, fears of the buoy accidentally deploying, and thereby revealing the sub’s position to the US fleet, had led to the buoy being disabled.
Two minutes and fifteen seconds after the initial eruption, a much larger explosion ripped through the sub. Seismic data from stations across Northern Europe show that the explosion occurred at the same depth as the sea bed, suggesting that the sub had collided with the sea floor which, combined with rising temperatures due to the initial explosion, had caused further torpedoes to explode.
The second explosion was equivalent to 3–7 tons of TNT, or about a half-dozen torpedo warheads and measured 3.5 on the Richter scale. After the second explosion, the nuclear reactors were shut down to prevent a nuclear disaster, although the blast was almost enough to destroy the reactors.
The second explosion ripped a two-metre-square hole in the hull of the craft, which was designed to withstand depths of 1000 meters. The explosion also ripped open the third and fourth compartments. Water poured into these compartments at 90,000 litres per second – killing all those in the compartments, including five officers from 7th SSGN Division Headquarters. The fifth compartment contained the ship’s nuclear reactors, encased in a further five inches of steel.
The bulkheads of the fifth compartment withstood the explosion, causing the nuclear control rods to stay in place and prevent nuclear disaster. Western experts have expressed strong admiration for the Soviet/Russian engineering skill to create a submarine that withstood so much.
Twenty-three men working in the sixth through to ninth compartments survived the two blasts. They gathered in the ninth compartment, which contained the secondary escape tunnel (the primary tunnel was in the destroyed second compartment). Captain-lieutenant Dmitri Kolesnikov (one of three officers of that rank surviving) appears to have taken charge, writing down the names of those who were in the ninth compartment. The pressure in the compartment at the time of the explosion was the same as that of the surface.
Thus it would be possible from a physiological point of view to use the escape hatch to leave the submarine one man at a time, swimming up through 100 metres of Arctic water in a survival suit, to await help floating at the surface. It is not known if the escape hatch was workable from the inside – opinions still differ about how badly the hatch was damaged. However it is likely that the men rejected using the perilous escape hatch even if it were operable. They may have preferred instead to take their chances waiting for a rescue vessel to clamp itself onto the escape hatch.
It is not known with certainty how long the remaining men survived in the compartment. As the nuclear reactors had automatically shut down, emergency power soon ran out, plunging the crew into complete blackness and falling temperatures.
The mission began in earnest on the morning of August 12, 2000. As part of the exercise, Kursk was to fire two dummy torpedoes at a Kirov-class battlecruiser. At 11:28 local time (07:28 UTC), high test peroxide (HTP), a form of highly concentrated hydrogen peroxide used as propellant for the torpedo, seeped through rust in the torpedo casing. The HTP reacted with copper and brass in the tube from which the torpedo was fired, causing a chain reaction, leading to a chemical explosion.
The watertight door separating the torpedo room from the rest of the sub was left open prior to firing. This was apparently common practice, on account of excess compressed air being released into the torpedo room when a weapon was fired. The open door allowed the blast to rip back through the first two of nine compartments on the huge sub, probably killing the seven men in the first compartment, and at least injuring or disorienting the thirty-six men in the second compartment.
After the first explosion, due to the fact the air conditioning duct was quite light, the blast wave traveled to more compartments, including the command post filling them with smoke and flames. After the explosion, the captain was believed to be trying to order an ‘emergency blow’ which causes the sub to rapidly rise to the surface, but he was quickly overcome with smoke. An emergency buoy, designed to release from a submarine automatically when emergency conditions such as rapidly changing pressure or fire are detected and intended to help rescuers locate the stricken vessel, also failed to deploy. The previous summer, in a Mediterranean mission, fears of the buoy accidentally deploying, and thereby revealing the sub’s position to the US fleet, had led to the buoy being disabled.
Two minutes and fifteen seconds after the initial eruption, a much larger explosion ripped through the sub. Seismic data from stations across Northern Europe show that the explosion occurred at the same depth as the sea bed, suggesting that the sub had collided with the sea floor which, combined with rising temperatures due to the initial explosion, had caused further torpedoes to explode.
The second explosion was equivalent to 3–7 tons of TNT, or about a half-dozen torpedo warheads and measured 3.5 on the Richter scale. After the second explosion, the nuclear reactors were shut down to prevent a nuclear disaster, although the blast was almost enough to destroy the reactors.
The second explosion ripped a two-metre-square hole in the hull of the craft, which was designed to withstand depths of 1000 meters. The explosion also ripped open the third and fourth compartments. Water poured into these compartments at 90,000 litres per second – killing all those in the compartments, including five officers from 7th SSGN Division Headquarters. The fifth compartment contained the ship’s nuclear reactors, encased in a further five inches of steel.
The bulkheads of the fifth compartment withstood the explosion, causing the nuclear control rods to stay in place and prevent nuclear disaster. Western experts have expressed strong admiration for the Soviet/Russian engineering skill to create a submarine that withstood so much.
Twenty-three men working in the sixth through to ninth compartments survived the two blasts. They gathered in the ninth compartment, which contained the secondary escape tunnel (the primary tunnel was in the destroyed second compartment). Captain-lieutenant Dmitri Kolesnikov (one of three officers of that rank surviving) appears to have taken charge, writing down the names of those who were in the ninth compartment. The pressure in the compartment at the time of the explosion was the same as that of the surface.
Thus it would be possible from a physiological point of view to use the escape hatch to leave the submarine one man at a time, swimming up through 100 metres of Arctic water in a survival suit, to await help floating at the surface. It is not known if the escape hatch was workable from the inside – opinions still differ about how badly the hatch was damaged. However it is likely that the men rejected using the perilous escape hatch even if it were operable. They may have preferred instead to take their chances waiting for a rescue vessel to clamp itself onto the escape hatch.
It is not known with certainty how long the remaining men survived in the compartment. As the nuclear reactors had automatically shut down, emergency power soon ran out, plunging the crew into complete blackness and falling temperatures.

Update: Quite clearly since the dent in the hull goes inwards the submarine was impacted by something from the outside, as well there is no evidence that the forward section has been sawed off at all, the vessel appears to have been hit by a nuclear M 48 torpedo fired from the American submarine USS Memphis.
The first explosion was when the micro nuke at the tip of the torpedo ignited on impact, vaporizing the skin leaving the perfectly round hole visible in the photographs, then after 135 seconds the secondary component detonated, setting off Kursk's own defensive nuclear arsenal, and vaporizing the forward section in an explosion that registered 3.5 on the Richter Scale!
Admiral Popov's sudden departure from the fleet, could have been in response to him advising the Kremlin that he was under nuclear attack, then being ordered not to retaliate!
Furthermore the story that Kursk was scheduled to carry out a practice attack on flagship Pyotr Velikiy, like the "front section sawed off" fiction, appears to be the product of a conspiracy involving Vladimir Putin, Russian Naval Intelligence and the Russian mainstream media, all intent of perpetuating the official "leaking torpedo fuel," lie!