Unconfirmed videos showing Islamic State terror group supporters have separately surfaced online following the bombing, with some presenting themselves as jihadists warning that the Manchester attack is "only the beginning" of more terror against the West. christianpost.com.

The blond babe in the photograph is the same crisis actor who appeared at the hoax Colorado Aurora Theater, Sandy Hook, Boston Bombing, Paris Friday 13 Bataclan Theater attacks & the False Flag shooting in San Bernardino, Dec. 2, 2015.
1 - Accept that Bataclan (13-11) and Manchester (22-5) are hoaxed too, having the same crisis actress present
2 - Believe in the impossibly tiny coincidence that a US American girl would be both a fan of Heavy Metal bands and shallow pop as Ariana Grande and travels all the way to Europe to see the American bands just at the dates where major "tewwowist attacks" "happened"