
Marinus van der Lubbe was blamed for torching the Reichstag Feb. 1933 on behalf of his alleged Communist ideals, where after Hitler was granted dictatorial powers - Marcus Tullius Cicero similarly achieved dictatorial powers in 63BC, by beating up charges against then executing a rival political push.
Suppose Jews were pulling Cicero's political strings during the Roman Republic, no less than they were pulling political strings in Germany during the Hitler era.
- Adolf Hitler was a Jew.
- All of the Top Nazis were Jews.
- Reichstag Fire Patsy Marinus Van der Lubbe Exonerated.
- 911 and the Reichstag Fire, we have seen this before.
- Marinus Van der Lubbe was Patsy for the Reichstag Fire.
- Marinus Van der Lubbe was a Patsy in a Nazi False Flag Op.
- Marinus Van der Lubbe, the Nazi's "Patsy" Domestic Terrorist.
- Marinus Van der Lubbe was a Visually & Mentally Impaired Patsy.

In the German National Elections held post the Reichstagbrand, the National Socialists cemented their hold on the German Government.